
224 lines
8.6 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

import PIL.Image
import sys, io, os
import datetime
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
# how many frames to skip
# 1 means none
# 2 means that every second frame gets captured
# 3 means every third
# [...]
frameskip = 1
canvases = [
"canvas_name": "earth",
"canvas_size": 256*256,
"canvas_id": 0,
"bkg": (202, 227, 255),
"canvas_name": "moon",
"canvas_size": 16384,
"canvas_id": 1,
"bkg": (49, 46, 47),
"historical_sizes" : [
["20210417", 4096],
"canvas_name": "corona",
"canvas_size": 256,
"canvas_id": 3,
"bkg": (33, 28, 15),
"canvas_name": "compass",
"canvas_size": 1024,
"canvas_id": 4,
"bkg": (196, 196, 196),
2021-03-24 11:39:57 +00:00
"canvas_name": "1bit",
"canvas_size": 256*256,
"canvas_id": 7,
"bkg": (0, 0, 0),
"canvas_name": "top10",
"canvas_size": 2048,
"canvas_id": 8,
"bkg": (197, 204, 184),
"historical_sizes" : [
["20220626", 1024],
async def fetch(session, url, offx, offy, image, bkg, needed = False):
attempts = 0
while True:
async with session.get(url) as resp:
if resp.status == 404:
if needed:
img = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (256, 256), color=bkg)
image.paste(img, (offx, offy))
if resp.status != 200:
if needed:
data = await resp.read()
img = PIL.Image.open(io.BytesIO(data)).convert('RGBA')
image.paste(img, (offx, offy), img)
if attempts > 3:
attempts += 1
async def get_area(canvas, x, y, w, h, start_date, end_date):
canvas_data = canvases[canvas]
canvas_id = canvas_data["canvas_id"]
canvas_size = canvas_data["canvas_size"]
bkg = canvas_data["bkg"]
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
end_date = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
iter_date = None
cnt = 0
#frames = []
previous_day = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (w, h), color=bkg)
while iter_date != end_date:
iter_date = start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
print('Getting frames for date %s' % (iter_date))
start_date = start_date + delta
fetch_canvas_size = canvas_size
if 'historical_sizes' in canvas_data:
for ts in canvas_data['historical_sizes']:
date = ts[0]
size = ts[1]
if iter_date <= date:
fetch_canvas_size = size
offset = int(-fetch_canvas_size / 2)
xc = (x - offset) // 256
wc = (x + w - offset) // 256
yc = (y - offset) // 256
hc = (y + h - offset) // 256
print("Load from %s / %s to %s / %s" % (xc, yc, wc + 1, hc + 1))
tasks = []
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
image = PIL.Image.new('RGBA', (w, h))
for iy in range(yc, hc + 1):
for ix in range(xc, wc + 1):
2021-05-31 20:51:10 +00:00
url = 'https://storage.pixelplanet.fun/%s/%s/%s/%s/tiles/%s/%s.png' % (iter_date[0:4], iter_date[4:6] , iter_date[6:], canvas_id, ix, iy)
offx = ix * 256 + offset - x
offy = iy * 256 + offset - y
tasks.append(fetch(session, url, offx, offy, image, bkg, True))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
print('Got start of day')
# check if image is all just one color to lazily detect if whole full backup was 404
clr = image.getcolors(1)
if clr is not None:
print("Got faulty full-backup frame, using last frame from previous day instead.")
image = previous_day.copy()
cnt += 1
image.save('./timelapse/t%s.png' % (cnt))
while True:
2022-01-14 02:28:11 +00:00
async with session.get('https://pixelplanet.fun/history?day=%s&id=%s' % (iter_date, canvas_id)) as resp:
time_list = json.loads(await resp.text())
print('Couldn\'t decode json for day %s, trying again' % (iter_date))
i = 0
for time in time_list:
i += 1
if (i % frameskip) != 0:
if time == '0000':
# 0000 incremential backups are faulty
tasks = []
image_rel = image.copy()
for iy in range(yc, hc + 1):
for ix in range(xc, wc + 1):
2021-05-31 20:51:10 +00:00
url = 'https://storage.pixelplanet.fun/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.png' % (iter_date[0:4], iter_date[4:6] , iter_date[6:], canvas_id, time, ix, iy)
offx = ix * 256 + offset - x
offy = iy * 256 + offset - y
tasks.append(fetch(session, url, offx, offy, image_rel, bkg))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
print('Got time %s' % (time))
cnt += 1
image_rel.save('./timelapse/t%s.png' % (cnt))
if time == time_list[-1]:
# if last element of day, copy it to previous_day to reuse it when needed
print("Remembering last frame of day.")
previous_day = image_rel.copy();
# this would save a gif right out of the script, but giffs are huge and not good
#frames[0].save('timelapse.png', save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], duration=100, loop=0, default_image=False, blend=1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 5 and len(sys.argv) != 6:
print("Download history of an area of pixelplanet - useful for timelapses")
print("Usage: historyDownload.py canvasId startX_startY endX_endY start_date [end_date]")
print("→start_date and end_date are in YYYY-MM-dd formate")
print("→user R key on pixelplanet to copy coordinates)")
print("→images will be saved into timelapse folder)")
print("You can create a timelapse from the resulting files with ffmpeg like that:")
print("ffmpeg -framerate 15 -f image2 -i timelapse/t%d.png -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuva420p output.webm")
print("or lossless example:")
print("ffmpeg -framerate 15 -f image2 -i timelapse/t%d.png -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuv444p -qmin 0 -qmax 0 -lossless 1 -an output.webm")
canvas = int(sys.argv[1])
start = sys.argv[2].split('_')
end = sys.argv[3].split('_')
start_date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(sys.argv[4])
if len(sys.argv) == 6:
end_date = datetime.date.fromisoformat(sys.argv[5])
end_date = datetime.date.today()
x = int(start[0])
y = int(start[1])
w = int(end[0]) - x + 1
h = int( end[1]) - y + 1
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
if not os.path.exists('./timelapse'):
loop.run_until_complete(get_area(canvas, x, y, w, h, start_date, end_date))
print("to create a timelapse from it:")
print("ffmpeg -framerate 15 -f image2 -i timelapse/t%d.png -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuva420p output.webm")
print("example with scaling *3 and audio track:")
print("ffmpeg -i ./audio.mp3 -framerate 8 -f image2 -i timelapse/t%d.png -map 0:a -map 1:v -vf scale=iw*3:-1 -shortest -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libvorbis -pix_fmt yuva420p output.webm")
print("lossless example:")
print("ffmpeg -framerate 15 -f image2 -i timelapse/t%d.png -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuv444p -qmin 0 -qmax 0 -lossless 1 -an output.webm")