// this script moves chunks of a canvas, i.e. to center it after changing size import redis from 'redis'; //ATTENTION Make suer to set the rdis URLs right!!! const url = "redis://localhost:6379"; const redisc = redis.createClient({ url, return_buffers: true }); const CANVAS_SIZE = 4096; const TILE_SIZE = 256; const offset = (16384 - 4096) / 2 / 256; const CHUNKS_XY = CANVAS_SIZE / TILE_SIZE; async function move() { for (let x = CHUNKS_XY - 1; x >= 0; x--) { for (let y = CHUNKS_XY - 1; y >= 0; y--) { const key = `ch:1:${x}:${y}`; const chunk = await redisc.get(key); if (chunk) { const buffer = new Uint8Array(chunk); const newKey = `ch:1:${x + offset}:${y + offset}` await redisc.set(newKey, Buffer.from(buffer.buffer)); await redisc.del(key); console.log('Moved Chunk ', key, ' to ', newKey); } } } console.log("done"); } redisc.connect() .then(() => move());