parse basic markdown for sending images

This commit is contained in:
HF 2022-03-16 20:51:26 +01:00
parent 91a71c79b2
commit f110d03fdc
8 changed files with 390 additions and 32 deletions

avatars/ca.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

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@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ app_service_config_files:
Edit ecosystem.yml and set the path to the `ppfun-registration.yml` as REGISTRATION_YAML.
Set the pixelplanet APISOCKET_KEY and APISOCKET_URL (like ``) and PPFUN_UID to a user-id from pixelplanet that the bridge sends messages as (can be any number, but its better if its an existing user made for the bridge).
Set the pixelplanet APISOCKET_KEY and APISOCKET_URL (like ``).
HOMESERVER_URL should be the local url to matrix-synapse like `http://localhost:8008` and HOMESERVER_DOMAIN its base_url / server_name like ``
MEDIA_URL is the http[s] url from which the matrix server is reachable from the outside, which is usually the base_url, it is needed to send links
Now you can start the brige with pm2:

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@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ apps:
REGISTRATION_YAML: "/etc/matrix-synapse/ppfun-registration.yaml"
HOMESERVER_URL: "http://localhost:8008"

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@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ import PPfunMatrixBridge from './src/ppfunMatrixBridge.js';
const PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 8009;
const APISOCKET_KEY = process.env.APISOCKET_KEY || '';
const APISOCKET_URL = process.env.APISOCKET_URL || 'wss://';
const PPFUN_UID = parseInt(process.env.PPFUN_UID, 10) || 1;
const REGISTRATION_YAML = process.env.REGISTRATION_YAML || '/etc/matrix-synapse/ppfun-registration.yaml';
const HOMESERVER_URL = process.env.HOMESERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:8008';
const MEDIA_URL = process.env.MEDIA_URL || `https://${HOMESERVER_DOMAIN}`;
const lmao = new PPfunMatrixBridge({
apiSocketKey: APISOCKET_KEY,
apiSocketUrl: APISOCKET_URL,
ppfunId: PPFUN_UID,
homeserverUrl: HOMESERVER_URL,
registration: REGISTRATION_YAML,
port: PORT,
mediaUrl: MEDIA_URL

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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
* class for string iterations
* that is used by MarkdownParser.js
export default class MString {
constructor(text, start) {
this.txt = text;
this.iter = start || 0;
done() {
return (this.iter >= this.txt.length);
moveForward() {
this.iter += 1;
return (this.iter < this.txt.length);
setIter(iter) {
this.iter = iter;
getChar() {
return this.txt[this.iter];
slice(start, end) {
return this.txt.slice(start, end || this.iter);
has(str) {
return this.txt.startsWith(str, this.iter);
move(cnt) {
this.iter += cnt;
return (this.iter < this.txt.length);
static isWhiteSpace(chr) {
return (chr === ' ' || chr === '\t' || chr === '\n');
* check if the current '[' is part of a [y](z) enclosure
* returns [y, z] if it is enclosure, null otherwise
* moves iter to last closing braked if it is enclosure
checkIfEnclosure(zIsLink) {
const yStart = this.iter + 1;
let yEnd = yStart;
while (this.txt[yEnd] !== ']') {
const chr = this.txt[yEnd];
if (yEnd >= this.txt.length
|| chr === '\n'
|| chr === '['
|| chr === '('
) {
return null;
yEnd += 1;
let zStart = yEnd + 1;
if (this.txt[zStart] !== '(') {
return null;
zStart += 1;
let zEnd = zStart;
let z = null;
while (this.txt[zEnd] !== ')') {
const chr = this.txt[zEnd];
if (zEnd >= this.txt.length
|| chr === '\n'
|| chr === '['
|| chr === '('
) {
return null;
if (zIsLink && chr === ':') {
// set this.iter temporarily to be able to use thischeckIfLink
const oldIter = this.iter;
this.iter = zEnd;
z = this.checkIfLink();
zEnd = this.iter;
this.iter = oldIter;
if (z === null) {
return null;
zEnd += 1;
if (zEnd < zStart + 1 || (!z && zIsLink)) {
return null;
if (!zIsLink) {
z = this.txt.slice(zStart, zEnd);
const y = this.txt.slice(yStart, yEnd);
this.iter = zEnd;
return [y, z];
* Convoluted way to check if the current ':' is part of a link
* we do not check for a 'http' because we might support application links
* like tg://... or discord://..
* returns the link or false if there is none
* moves iter forward to after the link, if there's one
checkIfLink() {
let cIter = this.iter;
if (!this.txt.startsWith('://', cIter) || cIter < 3) {
return null;
let linkStart = cIter - 1;
for (; linkStart >= 0
&& !MString.isWhiteSpace(this.txt[linkStart])
&& this.txt[linkStart] !== '('; linkStart -= 1);
linkStart += 1;
cIter += 3;
for (; cIter < this.txt.length
&& !MString.isWhiteSpace(this.txt[cIter])
&& this.txt[cIter] !== ')'; cIter += 1
if (cIter < this.iter + 4) {
return null;
/* special case where someone pasted a http link after a text
* without space in between
let link = this.txt.slice(linkStart, cIter);
const httpOc = link.indexOf('http');
if (httpOc !== -1 && httpOc !== 0) {
linkStart += httpOc;
link = this.txt.slice(linkStart, cIter);
this.iter = cIter;
return link;
* Check if current '#' is part of ppfun coordinates (example: #d,23,11,-10)
* @return null if not coords, otherwise the coords string
checkIfCoords() {
let cIter = this.iter + 1;
while (cIter < this.txt.length) {
const chr = this.txt[cIter];
if (chr === ',') {
if (MString.isWhiteSpace(chr)
|| !Number.isNaN(Number(chr))
) {
return null;
cIter += 1;
if (cIter >= this.txt.length
|| cIter - this.iter > 12
|| cIter === this.iter
) {
return null;
cIter += 1;
const curChr = this.txt[cIter];
if (curChr !== '-' && Number.isNaN(curChr)) {
return null;
cIter += 1;
let sectCount = 1;
while (cIter < this.txt.length && !MString.isWhiteSpace(this.txt[cIter])) {
const chr = this.txt[cIter];
if (chr === ',') {
sectCount += 1;
} else if (chr !== '-' && Number.isNaN(Number(chr))) {
return null;
cIter += 1;
if (sectCount < 2
|| sectCount > 3
|| this.txt[cIter - 1] === ','
) {
return null;
const coords = this.txt.slice(this.iter, cIter);
this.iter = cIter;
return coords;

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
* Markdown parsing
* Parses the very basics that are needed for the bridge
import MString from './MString.js';
function parseMParagraph(text) {
const pArray = [];
let pStart = text.iter;
let chr = null;
while (!text.done()) {
chr = text.getChar();
if (chr === '\n') {
if (chr === '\\') {
* escape character
if (pStart !== text.iter) {
pStart = text.iter + 1;
} else if (chr === '#') {
* ppfun coords #d,34,23,-10
const oldPos = text.iter;
const coords = text.checkIfCoords();
if (coords) {
if (pStart !== oldPos) {
pArray.push(text.slice(pStart, oldPos));
pArray.push(['l', null, `${coords}`]);
pStart = text.iter;
} else if (chr === ':') {
* pure link
const link = text.checkIfLink();
if (link !== null) {
const startLink = text.iter - link.length;
if (pStart < startLink) {
pArray.push(text.slice(pStart, startLink));
pArray.push(['l', null, link]);
pStart = text.iter;
} else if (chr === '[') {
* x[y](z) enclosure
let oldPos = text.iter;
let x = null;
if (text.iter > 0) {
x = text.getChar();
* x decides what element it is
* defaults to ordinary link
let tag = 'l';
let zIsLink = true;
if (x === '!') {
tag = 'img';
oldPos -= 1;
} else if (x === '@') {
zIsLink = false;
tag = '@';
oldPos -= 1;
const encArr = text.checkIfEnclosure(zIsLink);
if (encArr !== null) {
if (pStart < oldPos) {
pArray.push(text.slice(pStart, oldPos));
pArray.push([tag, encArr[0], encArr[1]]);
pStart = text.iter + 1;
if (pStart !== text.iter) {
return pArray;
export function parseParagraph(text,) {
const mText = new MString(text);
return parseMParagraph(mText);

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import { parseParagraph } from './MarkdownParserLight.js';
export default function parseMsg(msg) {
const pArray = parseParagraph(msg);
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < pArray.length; i += 1) {
const part = pArray[i];
if (!Array.isArray(part)) {
output += part;
} else {
const type = part[0];
switch (type) {
case '@': {
output += `@${part[1]}`;
case 'img':
case 'l': {
output += part[2];
output += type;
return output;

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import { Bridge } from 'matrix-appservice-bridge';
import parseMsg from './markdown/parse.js'
import PPfunSocket from './ppfunsocket.js';
import { parseCanvasLinks } from './pixelplanet/index.js';
@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ class PPfunMatrixBridge {
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ class PPfunMatrixBridge {
this.port = port;
this.domain = domain;
this.mediaUrl = mediaUrl;
this.prefix = 'pp';
this.ppfunSocket.on('chanList', this.connectRooms.bind(this));
@ -69,12 +72,13 @@ class PPfunMatrixBridge {
console.warn(`Dropping a message because channels aren't synced yet`);
const parsedMsg = parseMsg(msg);
console.log(`PPFUN ${name}: ${msg}`);
console.log(`PPFUN ${name}: ${parsedMsg}`);
@ -112,16 +116,43 @@ class PPfunMatrixBridge {
async recMatrix(request, context) {
const event = request.getData();
if (event.type === ""
// user joined or set displayname
if (event.type === ""
&& event.user_id
&& event.content
&& event.content.msgtype === "m.text"
&& event.content.displayname
) {
const name = event.content.displayname;
const userId = event.user_id;
console.log(`User ${userId} joined or set displayname to ${name}`);
this.idToNameMap.set(userId, name);
// Only room messages from bridged rooms past this point
if (event.type !== "" || !event.content) {
const cid = this.mToProomMap.get(event.room_id);
if (!cid) {
const msg = event.content.body;
let msg;
// Media: send url as markdown
if ((event.content.msgtype === "m.image"
|| event.content.msgtype === "")
&& event.content.url
) {
// adding a query parameter so that client can guess what it is
const url = `${this.mediaUrl}/_matrix/media/r0/download/${event.content.url.substring("mxc://".length)}?type=${event.content.msgtype.substring(2)}`
msg = `[${event.content.body}](${url})`;
// Text
} else if (event.content.msgtype === "m.text") {
msg = event.content.body;
this.sendCanvasSnapshotIfNeccessary(event.room_id, msg);
if (!msg) {
const userId = event.sender;
const uid = (userId.startsWith(`@${this.prefix}_`)
&& userId.endsWith(this.domain))
@ -139,17 +170,6 @@ class PPfunMatrixBridge {
this.sendPPfun(name, parseInt(uid, 10), msg, cid);
if (event.type === ""
&& event.user_id
&& event.content
&& event.content.displayname
) {
const name = event.content.displayname;
const userId = event.user_id;
console.log(`User ${userId} joined or set displayname to ${name}`);
this.idToNameMap.set(userId, name);
* get displayname of matrix user