"use strict"; // Usage: // node index.js -r -u "http://localhost:9000" # remember to add the registration! // node index.js -p 9000 import PPfunMatrixBridge from './src/ppfunMatrixBridge.js'; const PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 8009; const APISOCKET_KEY = process.env.APISOCKET_KEY || ''; const APISOCKET_URL = process.env.APISOCKET_URL || 'wss://dev.pixelplanet.fun/mcws'; const PPFUN_UID = parseInt(process.env.PPFUN_UID, 10) || 1; const REGISTRATION_YAML = process.env.REGISTRATION_YAML || '/etc/matrix-synapse/ppfun-registration.yaml'; const HOMESERVER_URL = process.env.HOMESERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:8008'; const HOMESERVER_DOMAIN = process.env.HOMESERVER_DOMAIN || 'pixelplanet.fun'; const lmao = new PPfunMatrixBridge({ apiSocketKey: APISOCKET_KEY, apiSocketUrl: APISOCKET_URL, ppfunId: PPFUN_UID, homeserverUrl: HOMESERVER_URL, domain: HOMESERVER_DOMAIN, registration: REGISTRATION_YAML, port: PORT, }); lmao.run();