/* * functions for mail verify */ /* eslint-disable max-len */ import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; import logger from './logger'; import { getTTag } from './ttag'; import { codeExists, checkCode, setCode } from '../data/redis/mailCodes'; import socketEvents from '../socket/socketEvents'; import { USE_MAILER, MAIL_ADDRESS } from './config'; import { RegUser } from '../data/sql'; export class MailProvider { constructor() { this.enabled = !!USE_MAILER; if (this.enabled) { this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ sendmail: true, newline: 'unix', path: '/usr/sbin/sendmail', }); } /* * mail requests make it through SocketEvents when sharding */ socketEvents.on('mail', (type, args) => { switch (type) { case 'verify': this.postVerifyMail(...args); break; case 'pwreset': this.postPasswdResetMail(...args); break; default: // nothing } }); } sendMail(to, subject, html) { if (!this.enabled) { return; } this.transporter.sendMail({ from: `PixelPlanet <${MAIL_ADDRESS}>`, to, replyTo: MAIL_ADDRESS, subject, html, }, (err) => { if (err) { logger.error(err); } }); } postVerifyMail(to, name, host, lang, code) { const { t } = getTTag(lang); logger.info(`Sending verification mail to ${to} / ${name}`); const verifyUrl = `${host}/api/auth/verify?token=${code}&email=${encodeURIComponent(to)}`; const subject = t`Welcome ${name} to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail`; const html = `${t`Hello ${name}`},
${t`welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you have to verify your mail. You can do that here: `} ${t`Click to Verify`}. ${t`Or by copying following url:`}
${t`Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)`}

`; this.sendMail(to, subject, html); } async sendVerifyMail(to, name, host, lang) { if (!this.enabled && !socketEvents.isCluster) { return null; } const { t } = getTTag(lang); const pastCodeAge = await codeExists(to); if (pastCodeAge && pastCodeAge < 180) { const minLeft = Math.ceil((180 - pastCodeAge) / 60); logger.info( `Verify mail for ${to} - already sent, ${minLeft} minutes left`, ); return t`We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in ${minLeft} minutes.`; } const code = setCode(to); if (this.enabled) { this.postVerifyMail(to, name, host, lang, code); } else { socketEvents.sendMail('verify', [to, name, host, lang, code]); } return null; } postPasswdResetMail(to, ip, host, lang, code) { const { t } = getTTag(lang); logger.info(`Sending Password reset mail to ${to}`); const restoreUrl = `${host}/reset_password?token=${code}`; const subject = t`You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here`; const html = `${t`Hello`},
${t`You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the next 30min here: `} ${t`Reset Password`}. ${t`Or by copying following url:`}
${t`If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that requested this mail was ${ip}).`}

\n`; this.sendMail(to, subject, html); } async sendPasswdResetMail(to, ip, host, lang) { const { t } = getTTag(lang); if (!this.enabled && !socketEvents.isCluster) { return t`Mail is not configured on the server`; } const pastCodeAge = await codeExists(to); if (pastCodeAge && pastCodeAge < 180) { logger.info( `Password reset mail for ${to} requested by ${ip} - already sent`, ); return t`We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting another mail.`; } const reguser = await RegUser.findOne({ where: { email: to } }); if (!reguser) { logger.info( `Password reset mail for ${to} requested by ${ip} - mail not found`, ); return t`Couldn't find this mail in our database`; } /* * not sure if this is needed yet * does it matter if spaming password reset mails or verifications mails? * if(!reguser.verified) { logger.info(`Password reset mail for ${to} requested by ${ip} - mail not verified`); return "Can't reset password of unverified account."; } */ const code = setCode(to); if (this.enabled) { this.postPasswdResetMail(to, ip, host, lang, code); } else { socketEvents.sendMail('pwreset', [to, ip, host, lang, code]); } return null; } static async verify(email, code) { const ret = await checkCode(email, code); if (!ret) { return false; } const reguser = await RegUser.findOne({ where: { email } }); if (!reguser) { logger.error(`${email} does not exist in database`); return false; } await reguser.update({ mailVerified: true, verificationReqAt: null, }); return reguser.name; } /* * we do not use this right now static cleanUsers() { // delete users that requier verification for more than 4 days RegUser.destroy({ where: { verificationReqAt: { [Sequelize.Op.lt]: Sequelize.literal('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 4 DAY'), }, verified: 0, }, }); } */ } const mailProvider = new MailProvider(); export default mailProvider;