/* * @flow */ /* eslint-disable max-len */ import React from 'react'; const imageStyle = { maxWidth: '20%', padding: 2, display: 'inline-block', verticalAlign: 'middle', }; const ArchiveModal = () => (

While we tend to not delete canvases, some canvases are started for fun or as a request by users who currently like a meme. Those canvases can get boring after a while and after weeks of no major change and if they really aren't worth being kept active, we decide to remove them.
Here we collect those canvases to archive them in a proper way (which is currently just one).

Political Compass Canvas


This canvas got requested during a time of political conflicts on the main Earth canvas. It was a 1024x1024 representation of the political compass with a 5s coolodwn and 60s stacking. It got launched on May 11th and remained active for months till it got shut down on November 30th.
We decided to archive it as a timelapse with lossless encoded webm. Taking a screenshot from the timelapse results in a perfect 1:1 representation of how the canvas was at that time.

Timelapse: Download


); const data = { content: ArchiveModal, title: 'Canvas Archive', }; export default data;