import { MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES } from '../../core/constants'; const initialState = { /* * { * cid: [ * name, * type, * lastTs, * ], * cid2: [ * name, * type, * lastTs, * dmUserId, * ], * ... * } */ channels: {}, // [[uId, userName], [userId2, userName2],...] blocked: [], // { cid: [message1,message2,message3,...]} messages: {}, }; // used to give every message a unique incrementing key let msgId = 0; export default function chat( state = initialState, action, ) { switch (action.type) { case 's/REC_ME': case 's/LOGIN': { // making sure object keys are numbers const channels = {}; const channelsJson = action.channels; const cids = Object.keys(channelsJson); for (let i = 0; i < cids.length; i += 1) { const cid = cids[i]; channels[Number(cid)] = channelsJson[cid]; } return { ...state, channels, blocked: action.blocked, }; } case 's/LOGOUT': { const channels = { ...state.channels }; const messages = { ...state.messages }; const keys = Object.keys(channels); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) { const cid = keys[i]; if (channels[cid][1] !== 0) { delete messages[cid]; delete channels[cid]; } } return { ...state, channels, blocked: [], messages, }; } case 's/BLOCK_USER': { const { userId, userName } = action; const blocked = [ ...state.blocked, [userId, userName], ]; /* * remove DM channel if exists */ const channels = { ...state.channels }; const chanKeys = Object.keys(channels); for (let i = 0; i < chanKeys.length; i += 1) { const cid = chanKeys[i]; if (channels[cid][1] === 1 && channels[cid][3] === userId) { delete channels[cid]; return { ...state, channels, blocked, }; } } return { ...state, blocked, }; } case 's/UNBLOCK_USER': { const { userId } = action; const blocked = state.blocked.filter((bl) => (bl[0] !== userId)); return { ...state, blocked, }; } case 's/ADD_CHAT_CHANNEL': { const { channel } = action; const cid = Number(Object.keys(channel)[0]); if (state.channels[cid]) { return state; } return { ...state, channels: { ...state.channels,, }, }; } case 's/REMOVE_CHAT_CHANNEL': { const { cid } = action; if (!state.channels[cid]) { return state; } const channels = { ...state.channels }; const messages = { ...state.messages }; delete messages[cid]; delete channels[cid]; return { ...state, channels, messages, }; } case 's/REC_CHAT_MESSAGE': { const { name, text, country, channel, user, } = action; if (!state.messages[channel] || !state.channels[channel]) { return state; } const ts = Math.round( / 1000); msgId += 1; const messages = { ...state.messages, [channel]: [ ...state.messages[channel], [name, text, country, user, ts, msgId], ], }; if (messages[channel].length > MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES) { messages[channel].splice(0, 2); } /* * update timestamp of last message */ const channelArray = [...state.channels[channel]]; channelArray[2] =; return { ...state, channels: { ...state.channels, [channel]: channelArray, }, messages, }; } case 's/REC_CHAT_HISTORY': { const { cid, history } = action; for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i += 1) { msgId += 1; history[i].push(msgId); } return { ...state, messages: { ...state.messages, [cid]: history, }, }; } default: return state; } }