# Translations Two translation files for each language are needed, `ssr-[locale].po` and `[locale].pb` (i.e. `ssr-de.po` and `de.po`). Translation files can be created out of the templates [template.pot](https://github.com/pixelplanetdev/pixelplanet/raw/master/i18n/template.pot) and [template-ssr.pot](https://github.com/pixelplanetdev/pixelplanet/raw/master/i18n/template-ssr.pot). They are standard GNU gettext files and can be edited in any ordinary texteditor or po-Editor. All translated languages will get an own chat channel in the future that just people who use this language can access. ## With poedit ### Create new translation 1. Download poedit [here](https://poedit.net/) and [template.pot](https://github.com/pixelplanetdev/pixelplanet/raw/master/i18n/template.pot) 2. Open it and **Create new Translation** and open the `template.pot` ![start](../promotion/poedit/start.png) 3. Select the language you want to translate into ![langsel](../promotion/poedit/langsel.png) 4. Translate all the entries ![translate](../promotion/poedit/translate.png) 5. Save the translation as `[locale].po` (i.e. `es.po` for spanish) 6. Do the same again, but with [template-ssr.pot](https://github.com/pixelplanetdev/pixelplanet/raw/master/i18n/template-ssr.pot) and save it as `ssr-[locale].po` 7. Send us the two files on [guilded](https://pixelplanet.fun) or make a pull request ### Update old translation if change is needed 1. Open the .po file with poedit 2. Click on **Catalogue -> Update** from POT file 3. Select the corresponding template.pot file and the translations will update and new entries appear if needed