/* * Functions for validation of user input * This gets used on server and on the client. * * On the server the return values will be again translated with gettext * which could be a bit questionable, but it is preferable to write this file * two times imho. * */ import { t } from 'ttag'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape, max-len const mailTester = /^[-!#$%&'*+\/0-9=?A-Z^_a-z{|}~](\.?[-!#$%&'*+\/0-9=?A-Z^_a-z`{|}~])*@[a-zA-Z0-9](-*\.?[a-zA-Z0-9])*\.[a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])+$/; export function validateEMail(email) { if (!email) return t`Email can't be empty.`; if (email.length < 5) return t`Email should be at least 5 characters long.`; if (email.length > 40) return t`Email can't be longer than 40 characters.`; if (email.indexOf('.') === -1) return t`Email should at least contain a dot`; if (email.split('').filter((x) => x === '@').length !== 1) { return t`Email should contain a @`; } if (!mailTester.test(email)) return 'Your Email looks shady'; return false; } export function validateName(name) { if (!name) return t`Name can't be empty.`; if (name.length < 2) return t`Name must be at least 2 characters long`; if (name.length > 26) return t`Name must be shorter than 26 characters`; if (name.indexOf('@') !== -1 || name.indexOf('/') !== -1 || name.indexOf('\\') !== -1 || name.indexOf('>') !== -1 || name.indexOf('<') !== -1 || name.indexOf('#') !== -1) { return t`Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #`; } return false; } export function sanitizeName(name) { name = name.substring(0, 25); // just sanitizes @ for now, other characters do not seem // problematic, even thought that we rule them out in validateName name = name.replace(/@/g, 'at'); return name; } export function validatePassword(password) { if (!password) { return t`No password given.`; } if (password.length < 6) { return t`Password must be at least 6 characters long.`; } if (password.length > 60) { return t`Password must be shorter than 60 characters.`; } return false; } /* * validate an area given by top-left and bottom-right corner coords * @param ulcoor coords in x_y format, top-left corner * @param brcoor coords in x_y format, bottom-right corner * @param canvasSize dimension of canvas, integer * @return [x, y, u, v] Corner coords if success, error string is failure */ export function validateCoorRange(ulcoor, brcoor, canvasSize) { if (!ulcoor || !brcoor) { return 'Not all coordinates defined'; } let splitCoords = ulcoor.trim().split('_'); if (splitCoords.length !== 2) { return 'Invalid Coordinate Format for top-left corner'; } const [x, y] = splitCoords.map((z) => Math.floor(Number(z))); splitCoords = brcoor.trim().split('_'); if (splitCoords.length !== 2) { return 'Invalid Coordinate Format for bottom-right corner'; } const [u, v] = splitCoords.map((z) => Math.floor(Number(z))); let error = null; if (Number.isNaN(x)) { error = 'x of top-left corner is not a valid number'; } else if (Number.isNaN(y)) { error = 'y of top-left corner is not a valid number'; } else if (Number.isNaN(u)) { error = 'x of bottom-right corner is not a valid number'; } else if (Number.isNaN(v)) { error = 'y of bottom-right corner is not a valid number'; } else if (u < x || v < y) { error = 'Corner coordinates are alligned wrong'; } if (error !== null) { return error; } const canvasMaxXY = canvasSize / 2; const canvasMinXY = -canvasMaxXY; if (x < canvasMinXY || y < canvasMinXY || x >= canvasMaxXY || y >= canvasMaxXY) { return 'Coordinates of top-left corner are outside of canvas'; } if (u < canvasMinXY || v < canvasMinXY || u >= canvasMaxXY || v >= canvasMaxXY) { return 'Coordinates of bottom-right corner are outside of canvas'; } return [x, y, u, v]; }