/* * keypress actions */ import { t } from 'ttag'; import copy from '../utils/clipboard'; import { toggleGrid, toggleHistoricalView, toggleHiddenCanvases, togglePixelNotify, toggleMute, selectCanvas, selectHoverColor, selectHoldPaint, setMoveU, setMoveV, setMoveW, } from '../store/actions'; import { HOLD_PAINT, } from '../core/constants'; import { notify, } from '../store/actions/thunks'; const charKeys = ['g', 'h', 'x', 'm', 'r', 'p', '+', '-']; export function createKeyUpHandler(store) { return (event) => { /* * key locations */ switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowUp': case 'KeyW': store.dispatch(setMoveV(0)); return; case 'ArrowLeft': case 'KeyA': store.dispatch(setMoveU(0)); return; case 'ArrowDown': case 'KeyS': store.dispatch(setMoveV(0)); return; case 'ArrowRight': case 'KeyD': store.dispatch(setMoveU(0)); return; case 'KeyE': store.dispatch(setMoveW(0)); return; case 'KeyQ': store.dispatch(setMoveW(0)); return; default: } /* * key char */ switch (event.key) { case '+': store.dispatch(setMoveW(0)); return; case '-': store.dispatch(setMoveW(0)); return; case 'Shift': case 'CapsLock': store.dispatch(selectHoldPaint(HOLD_PAINT.OFF)); break; default: } }; } export function createKeyDownHandler(store) { return (event) => { // ignore key presses if modal is open or chat is used if (event.target.nodeName === 'INPUT' || event.target.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' ) { return; } let { key } = event; const num = Number(key); if (!Number.isNaN(num) && num > 0) { // switch to canvas on num keys const { canvases, canvasId: curCanvasId } = store.getState().canvas; const canvasIds = Object.keys(canvases).filter((id) => !canvases[id].hid); if (num <= canvasIds.length) { const canvasId = canvasIds[num - 1]; if (canvasId !== curCanvasId) { store.dispatch(selectCanvas(canvasId)); const canvasName = canvases[canvasId].title; store.dispatch(notify(t`Switched to ${canvasName}`)); } } return; } /* * key locations */ switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowUp': case 'KeyW': store.dispatch(setMoveV(-1)); return; case 'ArrowLeft': case 'KeyA': store.dispatch(setMoveU(-1)); return; case 'ArrowDown': case 'KeyS': store.dispatch(setMoveV(1)); return; case 'ArrowRight': case 'KeyD': store.dispatch(setMoveU(1)); return; case 'KeyE': store.dispatch(setMoveW(1)); return; case 'KeyQ': store.dispatch(setMoveW(-1)); return; default: } /* * key char */ switch (event.key) { case '+': store.dispatch(setMoveW(1)); return; case '-': store.dispatch(setMoveW(-1)); return; case 'Control': store.dispatch(selectHoverColor(-1)); return; case 'Shift': { if (event.location === KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT) { // left shift store.dispatch(selectHoldPaint(HOLD_PAINT.PENCIL), true); return; } if (event.location === KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT) { // right shift store.dispatch(selectHoldPaint(HOLD_PAINT.HISTORY), true); return; } return; } default: } /* * if char of key isn't used by a keybind, * we check if the key location is where a * key that is used would be on QWERTY */ if (!charKeys.includes(key)) { key = event.code; if (!key.startsWith('Key')) { return; } key = key.slice(-1).toLowerCase(); } switch (key) { case 'g': store.dispatch(toggleGrid()); store.dispatch(notify((store.getState().gui.showGrid) ? t`Grid ON` : t`Grid OFF`)); return; case 'h': if (window?.ssv.backupurl) { store.dispatch(toggleHistoricalView()); } return; case 'x': store.dispatch(togglePixelNotify()); store.dispatch(notify((store.getState().gui.showPixelNotify) ? t`Pixel Notify ON` : t`Pixel Notify OFF`)); return; case 'm': store.dispatch(toggleMute()); store.dispatch(notify((store.getState().gui.mute) ? t`Muted Sound` : t`Unmuted Sound`)); return; case 'r': { const { hover } = store.getState().canvas; const text = hover.join('_'); copy(text); store.dispatch(notify(t`Copied!`)); return; } case 'p': store.dispatch(toggleHiddenCanvases()); store.dispatch(notify((store.getState().canvas.showHiddenCanvases) ? t`Show Hidden Canvases` : t`Hide Hidden Canvases`)); break; default: } }; }