2021-01-30 00:54:25 +01:00

54 lines
1.9 KiB

* @flow
/* eslint-disable max-len */
import React from 'react';
import { t } from 'ttag';
const imageStyle = {
maxWidth: '20%',
padding: 2,
display: 'inline-block',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
const ArchiveModal = () => (
<p style={{ textAlign: 'center', paddingLeft: '5%', paddingRight: '5%' }}>
<p className="modaltext">
{t`While we tend to not delete canvases, some canvases are started for fun or as a request by users who currently like a meme. \
Those canvases can get boring after a while and after weeks of no major change and if they really aren&apos;t worth being kept active, we decide to remove them.`}<br />
{t`Here we collect those canvases to archive them in a proper way (which is currently just one).`}
<p className="modaltitle">{t`Political Compass Canvas`}</p>
<p className="modaltext">
{t`This canvas got requested during a time of political conflicts on the main Earth canvas. It was a 1024x1024 representation of the political compass with a 5s coolodwn and 60s stacking. It got launched on May 11th and remained active for months till it got shut down on November 30th.`}<br />
{t`We decided to archive it as a timelapse with lossless encoded webm. Taking a screenshot from the timelapse results in a perfect 1:1 representation of how the canvas was at that time.`}
<a href="https://storage.pixelplanet.fun/compass-timelapse.webm">
style={{ padding: 2, maxWidth: '80%', verticalAlign: 'middle' }}
const data = {
content: ArchiveModal,
title: t`Canvas Archive`,
export default data;