Hosted Weblate b5b735bf77
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Translated server (Kyrgyz)

Translated client (Kyrgyz)

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Added translation client (Kyrgyz)

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2024-06-14 22:57:47 +02:00

507 lines
15 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-29 11:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ahmed kurdish <nikogaming500@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kurdish (Northern) <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/"
"Language: kmr\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages while using a proxy"
msgstr "Dema ku hûn proxy bikar tînin hûn nikarin peyamên chatê bişînin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Welatê we ji vê kanala sohbetê re demkî ye"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr ""
"Hûn bi domdarî bêdeng in, beşdarî komeleya me bibin ku îtîraza lalbûnê bikin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Tu qedexe yî"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "Pêşkêşkara Înternetê ya we qedexe ye"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Hûn ji bo ${timeMin } deqîqeyên din têne bêdeng kirin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Tu ji bo ${ ttl } çirkeyên din bê deng bûyî"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Tu pir bi lez mesajan dişînî, divê tu li benda ${ waitTime } bimînî :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Tu bigihîjî vê kanalê"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Ji bo sohbetê divê nameya we were verast kirin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500
msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Tu nikarî evqas dirêj peyamekê bişînî :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504
msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Ji kerema xwe kanala int bikar bînin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512
msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "lehî rawestandin."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Te şîfreyek vala şand an daneya nederbasdar :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Ev lînka vesazkirina şîfreyê êdî ne derbasdar e :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Şîfreyên te hev nagirin :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Bikarhêner di databasa me de tune :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Şîfre bi serkeftî hate guhertin."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "url nederbasdar :( Ji kerema xwe dîsa mail xwe kontrol bikin."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlob"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Cîhaneke 3D a tevahiya nexşeya me"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Ji bo vegerê du caran li ser cîhanê bikirtînin."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Bar dike..."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Daxwazker"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:69
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr ""
"Pîkselên rengîn bi lîstikvanên din ên serhêl re li ser nexşeyek şêwazê "
"nexşeyê bi cîh bikin"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "E-peyam ne vala ye."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "E-name divê herî kêm 5 tîpan be."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "E-name nikare ji 40 tîpan dirêjtir be."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Divê e-mail bi kêmanî xalek hebe"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Divê e-mail navnîşek @ hebe"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Nav vala nabe."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Divê nav bi kêmanî 2 tîpan dirêj be"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Divê nav ji 26 tîpan kurttir be"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Navê tîpan nederbasdar e wek @, /, \\ an #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Tu şîfre nehat dayîn."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Divê şîfre herî kêm 6 tîpan be."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Divê şîfre ji 60 tîpan kurttir be."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid "PixelPlanet.fun Password Reset"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.fun Şîfre Vegere"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Şîfreya xwe li vir vegerîne"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Şîfreyê Vegerîne"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Li vir bitikîne"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "da ku vegerin ser pîkselplanetê"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Silav ${ name }, hûn dikarin şîfreya xwe ya nû li vir destnîşan bikin:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Şîfreya Nû"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Şîfreya Nû piştrast bikin"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Pêşkêş kirin"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Tu ne têketinê"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Destûr nayê dayîn ku hûn bigihîjin vê rûpelê"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:209
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Tenê admin dikarin wiya bikin"
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Hûn ne qedexe ne"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:27
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Kaptcha nayê dayîn"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:30
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-Mail jixwe tê bikar anîn."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:32
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Navê bikarhêner jixwe tê bikaranîn."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:55
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Te pir dirêj kir, careke din biceribîne."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:58
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Te captcha xwe bi ser neket"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Please refresh the website"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:64
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Çewtiya Captcha nenas"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:70
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Ev pêşkêşkarê e-mail nayê destûr kirin"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:92
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Nekarî bikarhênerek nû biafirîne :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:108
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Piştî qeydkirinê danişîn nehat damezrandin :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Rastandina nameyê"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Hûn niha hatine piştrast kirin :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Koda verastkirina e-mail we nederbasdar e an jixwe qediyaye :(, ji kerema "
"xwe yekî nû bixwaze."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Hûn ne têketinê jî ne."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Çewtiya serverê dema têketinê."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Hûn ne piştrastkirî ne."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Şîfreya çewt!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted Users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Bikarhênerên Bêdengî nikarin hesabê xwe jêbikin."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted Users can not do this."
msgstr "Bikarhênerên bêdeng nikarin vê yekê bikin."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid "PixelPlanet.fun Accounts"
msgstr "Hesabên PixelPlanet.fun"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Hûn ê piştî 15 hûrdeman bixweber werin verast kirin"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "An jî ${ clickHere } vegere pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Erd"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Heyv"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Pixelkanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr "lîstikvan10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr "2bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr "Nexşeya mînî"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place anywhere you like!"
msgstr ""
"Kulîlka meya sereke, nexşeyek mezin a cîhanê. Li cîhê ku hûn dixwazin bi cîh "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Kanvasê Heyv. Cihê ewle ji bo hunerê. No al an nivîsek mezin (heya ku beşek "
"hunerê nebe) an hunerek ji 1,5k x 1,5k piksel mezintir tune."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others."
msgstr "voxelên bi yên din re li ser kanvasek 3D bi cîh bikin."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2 (take the vax)."
msgstr "Kanvas taybetî ji bo belavkirina hişmendiya SARS-CoV2 (vax bigire)."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Neynika ji PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Neynika Pîkselkanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "kanvasê Reş û Spî"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
"Kanvasek ji bo lîstikvanên herî çalak ên roja berê. Rojane nûvekirinên rêzê "
"di 00:00 UTC de."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon!"
msgstr "Tenê çar reng. Heman qaîdeyên wekî heyvê!"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas!"
msgstr ""
"Erdê li ser erdek piçûktir bi okyanûsa parastî fetih bikin. Sersaxiyê bi "
"kanvasê erdê re parve dike!"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Bi xêr hatî ${ name } PixelPlanet, ji kerema xwe e-mail xwe verast bikin"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Silav ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"hûn bi xêr hatin civata meya piçûk a pixelplacers, ji bo ku hûn hesabê xwe "
"bikar bînin, divê hûn e-nameya xwe verast bikin. Hûn dikarin li vir bikin: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Ji bo erêkirinê bitikîne"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "An jî bi kopîkirina url-ya jêrîn:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Kêfxweş bin û heke pirsgirêkek we hebe dudilî nebin ku bi me re têkilî "
"daynin :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Spas"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Me berê ji we re e-nameyek verastkirinê şand, hûn dikarin di nav "
"${ minLeft } hûrdeman de nameyek din bixwazin."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "We şîfreya xwe ji bo PixelPlanet ji bîr kir? Li vir yekî nû bistînin"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Slav"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"We xwest ku şîfreyek nû bistînin. Hûn dikarin şîfreya xwe di nav 30 hûrdeman "
"de li vir biguhezînin: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Ger we ev mail daxwaz nekir, ji kerema xwe guh nede wê (IP-ya ku ev e-name "
"xwest ${ ip } bû)."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "Mail li ser serverê nehatiye mîheng kirin"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Me berê ji we re e-mail bi talîmatan şand. Ji kerema xwe berî ku e-mail din "
"daxwaz bikin bisekinin."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Di databasa me de ev e-mail nehat dîtin"