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No commits in common. "ce1c4ca4a40b656b6d17515450cb61789a8c18ff" and "45fc4b4d9ce66a731ad27df11789ac369fdee4ca" have entirely different histories.

70 changed files with 21535 additions and 38448 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ timelapse
output.webm output.webm
utils/ocean-tiles/ocean utils/ocean-tiles/ocean
utils/osm-tiles/osm utils/osm-tiles/osm
i18n/*.mo i18n/*.mo
test*.js test*.js

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@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
Version 3, 19 November 2007 Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Preamble Preamble
The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure software and other kinds of works.
cooperation with the community in the case of network server software.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
@ -24,34 +26,44 @@ them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things. free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
and/or modify the software. you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
receive widespread use, become available for other developers to freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of know their rights.
software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
source code to the public.
The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
provide the source code of the modified version running there to the
users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
code of the modified version.
An older license, called the Affero General Public License and For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
this license. authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow. modification follow.
@ -60,7 +72,7 @@ modification follow.
0. Definitions. 0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License. "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks. works, such as semiconductor masks.
@ -537,45 +549,35 @@ to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License. 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the
Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users
interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version
supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding
Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source
from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary
means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source
shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3
of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the
following paragraph.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
3 of the GNU General Public License. section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License. 14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns. address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation. by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program. to choose that version for the Program.
@ -633,29 +635,41 @@ the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details. GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its
interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
specific requirements. under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
<>. <>.
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
pixelplanet - Collaborative online canvas to draw with multiple people pixelplanet - Collaborative online canvas to draw with multiple people
Copyright (C) 2020, 2024 hf Copyright (C) 2020 hf
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
License, or (at your option) any later version. (at your option) any later version.
The content of the file in this directory shall not The content of the file in this directory shall not
be modified by anyone but its initial author. This notice and the be modified by anyone but its initial author. This notice and the
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ modified versions of this software.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details. GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. See the 'COPYING' file in this directory. along with this program. See the 'COPYING' file in this directory.
If not, see <>. If not, see <>.

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
> **Currently pixelplanet is being developed in a another private repository. This development version diverted and is incompatible with the stable version here. Until it is ready, this public repository will be frozen.**
# #
@ -7,9 +9,7 @@ Official repository of [](
![videothumb](promotion/videothumb.gif) ![videothumb](promotion/videothumb.gif)
> Our translations are hosted [on Weblate](, information on how to contribute is available under [i18n](./i18n). We very much appreciate any help. > If you want to help us translate, look into [i18n](./i18n)
[![Translation status](](
To the 2nd anniversary of r/space, pixelplanet takes pixelgames to a new level. Place pixels, create pixelart and fight faction wars on To the 2nd anniversary of r/space, pixelplanet takes pixelgames to a new level. Place pixels, create pixelart and fight faction wars on
Pixelplanet is a 65k x 65k large canvas that is a map of the world and can also be seen as 3d globe, you can place pixels where ever you want, build an island, take over another country with a flag or just create pixelart. Pixelplanet is a 65k x 65k large canvas that is a map of the world and can also be seen as 3d globe, you can place pixels where ever you want, build an island, take over another country with a flag or just create pixelart.

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@ -1,41 +1,30 @@
# Translations # Translations
The easiets way to help translate the game is with weblate. Simply use []( Feel free to ask in the Translation section in [our Discord]( if you need help.
If a language code differs from the country code of a wanted flag, it can be defined in the `i18n/lccc.json` file. In example `{ "en": "gb" }` maps the english language to the flag of Great Britain.
All translated languages get an own chat channel that just people who use this language can access.
[![Translation status](](
# Translating Offline
Two translation files for each language are needed, `ssr-[locale].po` and `[locale].pb` (i.e. `ssr-de.po` and `de.po`). Two translation files for each language are needed, `ssr-[locale].po` and `[locale].pb` (i.e. `ssr-de.po` and `de.po`).
Translation files can be created out of the templates [template.pot]( and [template-ssr.pot]( They are standard GNU gettext files and can be edited in any ordinary texteditor or po-Editor. Translation files can be created out of the templates [template.pot]( and [template-ssr.pot]( They are standard GNU gettext files and can be edited in any ordinary texteditor or po-Editor.
All translated languages get an own chat channel that just people who use this language can access.
If a language code differs from the country code of a wanted flag, it can be defined in the ssr filename, like `ssr-en-gb.po` would be the english language, with the flag of Great Britain.
## With poedit ## With poedit
### Create new translation ### Create new translation
1. Download poedit [here]( and [template.pot]( 1. Download poedit [here]( and [template.pot](
2. Open it and **Create new Translation** and open the `template.pot` 2. Open it and **Create new Translation** and open the `template.pot`
![start](./images/start.png) ![start](../promotion/poedit/start.png)
3. Select the language you want to translate into 3. Select the language you want to translate into
![langsel](./images/langsel.png) ![langsel](../promotion/poedit/langsel.png)
4. Translate all the entries 4. Translate all the entries
![translate](./images/translate.png) ![translate](../promotion/poedit/translate.png)
5. Save the translation as `[locale].po` (i.e. `es.po` for spanish) 5. Save the translation as `[locale].po` (i.e. `es.po` for spanish)
6. Do the same again, but with [template-ssr.pot]( and save it as `ssr-[locale].po` 6. Do the same again, but with [template-ssr.pot]( and save it as `ssr-[locale].po`
7. Send us the two files on [discord]( or make a pull request 7. Send us the two files on [guilded]( or make a pull request
### Update old translation if change is needed ### Update old translation if change is needed
1. Open the .po file with poedit 1. Open the .po file with poedit
2. Click on **Catalogue -> Update** from POT file 2. Click on **Catalogue -> Update** from POT file
3. Select the corresponding template.pot file and the translations will update and new entries appear if needed 3. Select the corresponding template.pot file and the translations will update and new entries appear if needed
Translations are Licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3 license.


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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"be": "by",
"ca": "ct",
"da": "dk",
"fa": "ir",
"hy": "am",
"ka": "ge",
"kk": "kr",
"sl": "si",
"sr": "rs"


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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "${ timeMin } dəqiqəliyinə susturuldun" msgstr "${ timeMin } dəqiqəliyinə susturuldun"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "${ ttl } saniyəliyinə susturuldun" msgstr "${ ttl } saniyəliyinə susturuldun"
@ -51,19 +50,19 @@ msgstr "Çox tez mesaj göndərirsən, ${ waitTime } saniyə gözləmən lazımd
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Sənin bu kanala ərişimin yoxdur" msgstr "Sənin bu kanala ərişimin yoxdur"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Doğrulanan bir emailin olmadan söhbət eliyəbilməzsən" msgstr "Doğrulanan bir emailin olmadan söhbət eliyəbilməzsən"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Bu qədər uzun bir mesaj göndərəbilməzsən :(" msgstr "Bu qədər uzun bir mesaj göndərəbilməzsən :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Zəhmət olmasa int kanalından istifadə edin" msgstr "Zəhmət olmasa int kanalından istifadə edin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Floodlamayı burax." msgstr "Floodlamayı burax."
@ -91,35 +90,35 @@ msgstr "Parolunuz uğurla dəyişdirildi."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Keçərsiz bağlantı :( Zəhmət olmasa emailinizi yenidən yoxlayın." msgstr "Keçərsiz bağlantı :( Zəhmət olmasa emailinizi yenidən yoxlayın."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Bütün xəritəmizin 3D globusu" msgstr "Bütün xəritəmizin 3D globusu"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Globusa iki dəfə basaraq geri dön." msgstr "Globusa iki dəfə basaraq geri dön."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Yüklənir..." msgstr "Yüklənir..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Digər oyunçularla biryerdə fərqli lövhələrdə fərqli rənglərdə pixellər atın" "Digər oyunçularla biryerdə fərqli lövhələrdə fərqli rənglərdə pixellər atın"
@ -226,7 +225,7 @@ msgstr "Sadəcə adminlər bunu edəbilər"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Sən banlı deyilsən" msgstr "Sən banlı deyilsən"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Bu email provayderinə icazə verilmir" msgstr "Bu email provayderinə icazə verilmir"
@ -262,6 +261,26 @@ msgstr "Yeni istifadəçi yaradılamadı :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Hesab oluşdurulurkən bir xəta meydana gəldi :(" msgstr "Hesab oluşdurulurkən bir xəta meydana gəldi :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Siz heç daxil olmamasınız bilə."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Çıxış zamanı server xətası."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Kimliyiniz doğrulanamadı."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Səhv Parol!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Email doğrulaması" msgstr "Email doğrulaması"
@ -278,34 +297,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Doğrulama kodun keçərsiz vəya sürəsi dolub :(,Zəhmət olmasa yeni bir tələbdə " "Doğrulama kodun keçərsiz vəya sürəsi dolub :(,Zəhmət olmasa yeni bir tələbdə "
"bulun." "bulun."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Siz heç daxil olmamasınız bilə."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Çıxış zamanı server xətası."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Kimliyiniz doğrulanamadı."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Səhv Parol!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Hesabları" msgstr " Hesabları"
@ -319,53 +310,45 @@ msgstr "15 saniyə sonra avtomatik olaraq yönləndiriləcəksən"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Vəya Pixelplanetə qayıtmaq üçün bura basın ${ clickHere }" msgstr "Vəya Pixelplanetə qayıtmaq üçün bura basın ${ clickHere }"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Dünya" msgstr "Dünya"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Ay" msgstr "Ay"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Lövhə" msgstr "3D Lövhə"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirus" msgstr "Koronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Bizim əsas lövhəmiz,dünyanın böyük bir dünya xəritəsi.İstədiyiniz yerə pixel " "Bizim əsas lövhəmiz,dünyanın böyük bir dünya xəritəsi.İstədiyiniz yerə pixel "
"qoyun" "qoyun"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -374,27 +357,27 @@ msgstr ""
"yazılar(əsərin parçası deyilsə) vəya 1.5k x 1.5k pixeldən oluşan əsərlər " "yazılar(əsərin parçası deyilsə) vəya 1.5k x 1.5k pixeldən oluşan əsərlər "
"qadağandır." "qadağandır."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr " başqaları ilə birlikdə 3D lövhə üzərinə kub pixellər yerləşdirin" msgstr " başqaları ilə birlikdə 3D lövhə üzərinə kub pixellər yerləşdirin"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "SARS-CoV2 haqqında məlumatlılığı yaymaq üçün xüsusi lövhə" msgstr "SARS-CoV2 haqqında məlumatlılığı yaymaq üçün xüsusi lövhə"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone'nin aynası" msgstr "PixelZone'nin aynası"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas'ın aynası" msgstr "PixelCanvas'ın aynası"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Ağ-Qara Lövhə" msgstr "Ağ-Qara Lövhə"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -402,23 +385,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Əvvəlki günün ən aktiv oyunçuları üçün lövhə. Gündəlik reytinq yeniləmələri " "Əvvəlki günün ən aktiv oyunçuları üçün lövhə. Gündəlik reytinq yeniləmələri "
"00:00 UTC'də həyata keçirilir." "00:00 UTC'də həyata keçirilir."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "PixelPlanetə xoş gəldin ${ name },Zəhmət olmasa emailini doğrula" msgstr "PixelPlanetə xoş gəldin ${ name },Zəhmət olmasa emailini doğrula"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Salam ${ name }" msgstr "Salam ${ name }"

View File

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Вы прыглушаны яшчэ на ${ timeMin } хвілін" msgstr "Вы прыглушаны яшчэ на ${ timeMin } хвілін"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Вы прыглушаны яшчэ на ${ ttl } секунд" msgstr "Вы прыглушаны яшчэ на ${ ttl } секунд"
@ -56,19 +55,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Вы не маеце доступу да гэтага канала" msgstr "Вы не маеце доступу да гэтага канала"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Ваша пошта павінна быць верыфікаванай, каб вы маглі карыстацца чатам" msgstr "Ваша пошта павінна быць верыфікаванай, каб вы маглі карыстацца чатам"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Вы не можаце даслаць такое доўгае паведамленне :(" msgstr "Вы не можаце даслаць такое доўгае паведамленне :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Калі ласка, карыстайцеся інтэрнацыянальным чатам (int)" msgstr "Калі ласка, карыстайцеся інтэрнацыянальным чатам (int)"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Не флудзіце." msgstr "Не флудзіце."
@ -96,35 +95,35 @@ msgstr "Пароль паспяхова зменены."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Няправільны URL :( Калі ласка, праверце сваю пошту яшчэ раз." msgstr "Няправільны URL :( Калі ласка, праверце сваю пошту яшчэ раз."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ппфан"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "Усплывальнае акно PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D Глобус" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D Глобус"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D Глобус усёй нашай мапы" msgstr "3D Глобус усёй нашай мапы"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Каб вярнуцца, двойчы націсніце па глобусу." msgstr "Каб вярнуцца, двойчы націсніце па глобусу."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Загрузка..." msgstr "Загрузка..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ппфан"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "Усплывальнае акно PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Стаўце рознакаляровыя пікселі на палатне ў выглядзе мапы свету анлайн, разам " "Стаўце рознакаляровыя пікселі на палатне ў выглядзе мапы свету анлайн, разам "
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ msgstr "Толькі адміністратары могуць гэта рабі
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Вы не забанены" msgstr "Вы не забанены"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Гэты email-правайдэр забанены" msgstr "Гэты email-правайдэр забанены"
@ -268,6 +267,26 @@ msgstr "Не атрымалася стварыць новага карыстал
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Не атрымалася стварыць сэсію пасля рэгістрацыі :(" msgstr "Не атрымалася стварыць сэсію пасля рэгістрацыі :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Вы нават не ўвайшлі ў акаўнт."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Памылка сервера пры выхадзе з акаўнту."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Вы не аўтарызаваны."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Няправільны пароль!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Спраўджанне пошты" msgstr "Спраўджанне пошты"
@ -284,34 +303,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Ваш код спраўджання пошты няправільны або ужо не працуе :(, калі ласка, " "Ваш код спраўджання пошты няправільны або ужо не працуе :(, калі ласка, "
"запытайце новы." "запытайце новы."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Вы нават не ўвайшлі ў акаўнт."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Памылка сервера пры выхадзе з акаўнту."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Вы не аўтарызаваны."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Няправільны пароль!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Акаўнты" msgstr "Акаўнты"
@ -325,52 +316,44 @@ msgstr "Вы будзеце аўтаматычна перанакіраваны
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Альбо ${ clickHere } каб вярнуцца да pixelplanet" msgstr "Альбо ${ clickHere } каб вярнуцца да pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Зямля" msgstr "Зямля"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Луна" msgstr "Луна"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D палатно" msgstr "3D палатно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Каранавірус" msgstr "Каранавірус"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1-біт" msgstr "1-біт"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Топ 10" msgstr "Топ 10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Наша галоўнае палатно, вялізарная мапа свету. Стаўце пікселі дзе заўгодна" "Наша галоўнае палатно, вялізарная мапа свету. Стаўце пікселі дзе заўгодна"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -378,27 +361,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Палатно Луна. Бяспечнае месца для малюнкаў. Ніякіх сцягаў ці вялікага тэксту " "Палатно Луна. Бяспечнае месца для малюнкаў. Ніякіх сцягаў ці вялікага тэксту "
"(калі гэта ня частка малюнку), ці малюнкаў больш за 1.5k x 1.5k пікселяў." "(калі гэта ня частка малюнку), ці малюнкаў больш за 1.5k x 1.5k пікселяў."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Стаўце вокселі на 3D палатне разам з іншымі" msgstr "Стаўце вокселі на 3D палатне разам з іншымі"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Асаблівае палатно, прызванае распаўсюджваць дасведчанасць аб SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Асаблівае палатно, прызванае распаўсюджваць дасведчанасць аб SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Люстэрка PixelZone" msgstr "Люстэрка PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Люстэрка PixelCanvas" msgstr "Люстэрка PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Ч/Б палатно" msgstr "Ч/Б палатно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -406,23 +389,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Палатно для найбольш актыўных гульцоў апошняга дня. Спіс аднаўляецца кожны " "Палатно для найбольш актыўных гульцоў апошняга дня. Спіс аднаўляецца кожны "
"дзень у 00:00 UTC." "дзень у 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Вітаем у PixelPlanet, ${ name }, калі ласка, спраўдзіце сваю пошту" msgstr "Вітаем у PixelPlanet, ${ name }, калі ласка, спраўдзіце сваю пошту"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Вітаем, ${ name }" msgstr "Вітаем, ${ name }"

View File

@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: bg\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Не можете да пращате съобщения с proxy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Държавата Ви е временно заглушена от този текстови канал"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Заглушен сте завинаги, влезте в нашия guilded, за да обжалвате"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Баннат сте"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "Вашият интернет доставчик е забранен"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Заглушен сте за още ${ timeMin } минути"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Заглушен сте за още ${ ttl } секунди"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr ""
"Пращате съобщения прекалено бързо, трябва да изчакате още ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Нямате достъп до този канал"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Вашият имейл трябва да е потвърден, за да пишете"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500
msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Не можете да изпращате толкова дълги съобщения :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504
msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Моля използвайте int канала"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512
msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Не спамете."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Изпратихте празна парола или невалидни данни :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Връзката за нулиране на паролата е вече невалидна :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Паролите Ви не съвпадат :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Този потребител не съществува в нашите бази данни :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Паролата Ви е успешно променена."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Невалиден URL адрес :( Моля проверете си имейла отново."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun изкачащ прозорец"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DГлобус"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D глобус на цялата ни карта"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Кликнете два пъти на глобуса, за да се върнете."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Зарежда се..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Слагайте цветни пиксели на платно в стил карта с други играчи онлайн"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Имейлът не може да бъде празен."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Имейлът трябва да е с дължина поне 5 знака."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "Имейлът не може да бъде по-дълъг от 40 знака."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Имейлът трябва поне да съдържа точка"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Имейлът трябва да съдържа @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Името не може да бъде празно."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Името трябва да съдържа поне 2 знака"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Името трябва да е по-кратко от 26 знака"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Името съдържа невалидни знаци, като @, /, \\ или #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Не е зададена парола."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Паролата трябва да е с дължина поне 6 знака."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Паролата трябва да е по-къса от 60 знака."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun нулиране на парола"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Нулирайте Вашата парола от тук"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Нулиране на парола"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Натиснете тук"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "за да се върнете обратно в pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Здравейте, ${ name }, можете да зададете новата си парола от тук:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Нова парола"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Потвърждаване на новата парола"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Изпращане"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Не сте логнати"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Нямате достъп до тази страница"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Само администраторите имат право на това"
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Не сте баннати"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Този имейл доставчик не е разрешен"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Не е дадена Captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Имейлът вече се използва."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Потребителското име вече се използва."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Отне Ви прекалено много време, опитайте отново."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Сбъркахте Captcha-та"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Неизвестна грешка на Captcha-та"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Неуспешно създаване на нов потребител :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Неуспешно установяване на сесия след регистрация :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Потвърждение на имейла"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Вече сте потвърден :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Вашият код за потвърждение на имейла е невалиден или вече е изтекъл :(, "
"моля, заявете нов."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Дори не сте логнати."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Грешка в сървъра при излизане."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Не сте удостоверени."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Грешна парола!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Заглушени потребители не могат да изтрият техния профил."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "Заглушени потребители не могат да правят това."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " профили"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Ще бъдете автоматично пренасочени след 15 секунди"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Или ${ clickHere }, за да се върнете обратно в pixeplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Земя"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Луна"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D платно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Коронавирус"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "ПикселЗона"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "ПикселПлатно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Топ10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Нашето главно платно, огромна карта на света. Поставяйте навсякъде, където "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Лунно платно. Безопасно място за рисунки. Без знамена или огромен текст "
"(освен част от рисунка) или рисунка по-голяма от 1.5хил x 1.5хил пиксели."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Слагайте воксели на 3D платно с други"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Специално платно за разпространяване на информация за SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Огледало на ПикселЗона"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Огледало на ПикселПлатно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Черно-бяло платно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
"Платно за най-активните играчи от предишния ден. Ежедневни актуализации на "
"класирането в 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Добре дошли, ${ name } в PixelPlanet, моля потвърдете вашия имейл"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Здравейте, ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"добре дошли в нашето малко общество, за да използвате Вашия профил трябва да "
"си потвърдите имейла. Може да го направите от тук: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Кликнете, за да потвърдите"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Или като копирате следният URL адрес:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Забавлявайте се и не се колебайте да се свържете с нас, ако се сблъскате с "
"проблеми :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Благодарим"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Вече сме Ви пратили имейл за потвърждение, може да заявите отново след "
"${ minLeft } минути."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Забравили сте си паролата за PixelPlanet? Вземете нова от тук"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Здравейте"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Заявихте за нова парола. Може да си смените паролата в рамките на следващите "
"30 минути от тук: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Ако не сте заявили този имейл, моля игнорирайте го (IP-то заявило този имейл "
"беше ${ ip })"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "Имейлът не е конфигуриран на сървъра"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Вече сме Ви изпратили имейл с инструкции. Моля изчакайте преди да заявите "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Не можем да намерим този имейл в базата данни"
#~ msgid "Thoia"
#~ msgstr "Thoia"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Thoia World Canvas. Advanced fictional worldbuilding and arts. Abandon "
#~ "the old world and all it entails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Thoia световно платно. Напреднало въображаемо изграждане на свят и "
#~ "рисунки. Изоставете стария свят и всичко, което води след себе си."

View File

@ -12,455 +12,118 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:327
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "No pots enviar missatges al xat amb un proxy" msgstr "No pots enviar missatges al xat amb un proxy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:341
#, fuzzy #, javascript-format
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "El teu país està temporalment silenciat al xat" msgstr "Estàs enviant missatges massa ràpid, has d'esperar ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:345
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "No tens accés a aquest canal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:361
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "El teu correu electrònic ha de ser verificat per poder xatejar"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:366
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute" msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Estàs permanentment silenciat, uneix-te al nostre Guilded per apel·lar el " "Estàs permanentment silenciat, uneix-te al nostre Guilded per apel·lar el "
"mute" "mute"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:371
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "No has iniciat sessió"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes" msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Estàs silenciat ${ timeMin } minuts més" msgstr "Estàs silenciat ${ muted } minuts més"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:373
#, fuzzy, javascript-format msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgstr "Estàs silenciat ${ muted } segons més"
msgstr "Estàs silenciat ${ ttl } segons més"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:381
#, javascript-format msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgstr "Oh no! La protecció contra l'spam ha decidit silenciar-te"
msgstr "Estàs enviant missatges massa ràpid, has d'esperar ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:392
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "No tens accés a aquest canal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "El teu correu electrònic ha de ser verificat per poder xatejar"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "No pots enviar un missatge tan llarg :(" msgstr "No pots enviar un missatge tan llarg :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:396
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Si us plau, utilitza el canal \"int\"" msgstr "Si us plau, utilitza el canal \"int\""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:400
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "El teu país està temporalment silenciat al xat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:408
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Para de fer flood." msgstr "Para de fer flood."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:40
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :(" msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Has enviat una contrasenya buida o dades invàlides :(" msgstr "Has enviat una contrasenya buida o dades invàlides :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:52
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :(" msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Aquest enllaç per restablir la contrasenya ja no és vàlid :(" msgstr "Aquest enllaç per restablir la contrasenya ja no és vàlid :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:63
msgid "Your passwords do not match :(" msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Les contrasenyes són diferents :(" msgstr "Les contrasenyes són diferents :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:78
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :(" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "L'usuari no existeix a la nostra base de dades :(" msgstr "L'usuari no existeix a la nostra base de dades :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:90
msgid "Password successfully changed." msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "La contrasenya s'ha canviat exitosament." msgstr "La contrasenya s'ha canviat exitosament."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:109
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"URL invàlida :( Si us plau comprova el teu correu electrònic un altre cop." "URL invàlida :( Si us plau comprova el teu correu electrònic un altre cop."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:122
msgid "ppfun" msgid ""
"This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aquest enllaç de restabliment de la contrasenya és incorrecte o ja ha "
"caducat, si us plau sol·licita'n un de nou (nota: només pots utilitzar "
"aquests enllaços un cop)"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Món3D"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Una bola del món en 3D del nostre mapa sencer"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Doble clic a la bola del món per tornar enrere." msgstr "Doble clic a la bola del món per tornar enrere."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Carregant..." msgstr "Carregant..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
#, fuzzy msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Món3D"
#: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Una bola del món en 3D del nostre mapa sencer"
#: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:70
msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:72
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Col·loca píxels de colors en un gran llenç amb altres jugadors en línia" "Col·loca píxels de colors en un gran llenç amb altres jugadors en línia"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "El correu electrònic no pot estar buit."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "El correu electrònic ha de tenir com a mínim 5 caràcters."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "El correu electrònic no pot tenir més de 40 caràcters."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "El correu electrònic ha de contenir com a mínim un punt"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "El correu electrònic ha de contenir una @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "El nom no pot estar buit."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "El nom ha de tenir com a mínim 4 caràcters"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "El nom ha de tenir menys de 26 caràcters"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "El nom conté caràcters invalids com @ / \\ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "No s'ha escrit una contrasenya."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "La contrasenya ha de tenir 6 caràcters com a mínim."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "La contrasenya ha de tenir menys de 60 caràcters."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Restablir la contrasenya de"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Restableix la teva contrasenya aquí"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Restablir la contrasenya"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Clica aquí"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "per tornar a PixelPlanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }, pots configurar la teva nova contrasenya aquí:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya nova"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirma la contrasenya nova"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Envia"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "No has iniciat sessió"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "No tens permís per accedir a aquesta pàgina"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Només els administradors poden fer això"
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "No estàs verificat."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "No s'ha rebut el captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "El correu electrònic ja està en ús."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "El nom d'usuari ja està en ús."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Has trigat massa, prova-ho un altre cop."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Has fallat el captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Error de captcha desconegut"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear un nou usuari :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "No s'ha pogut establir la sessió després del registre :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificació del correu electrònic"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Ja estàs verificat :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"El codi de verificació del correu electrònic no és vàlid o ja ha caducat :"
"( si us plau sol·licita'n un de nou."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Ni tan sols has iniciat sessió."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "S'ha produït un error del servidor"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "No estàs verificat."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Contrasenya incorrecta!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Comptes de"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Seràs redirigit automàticament al cap de 15 segons"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "O ${ clickHere } per tornar a PixelPlanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Terra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Lluna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Llenç 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"El nostre llenç principal, un enorme mapa del món. Col·loca allà on vulguis"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Llenç de la Lluna. Espai segur per a l'art. No es poden fer banderes ni text "
"gran (tret que siguin part d'un art) ni imatges superiors a 1,5k x 1,5k "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Col·loca voxels en un llenç 3D amb altres jugadors"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Llenç especial per conscienciar sobre el SARS-CoV-2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Mirall de PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Mirall de PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Llenç en blanc i negre"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
"Un llenç per als jugadors més actius del dia anterior. La classificació "
"diària s'actualitza a les 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Benvingut ${ name } a PixelPlanet, si us plau verifica el teu correu "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"benvingut a la nostra petita comunitat de col·locadors de píxels. Per "
"utilizar el teu compte, has de verificar el teu correu electrònic. Pots fer-"
"ho aquí: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Clica per verificar"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "O copiant la següent URL:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Diverteix-te i no dubtis de contactar amb nosaltres si tens cap problema :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Gràcies"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -469,17 +132,67 @@ msgstr ""
"Ja t'hem enviat un correu electrònic de verificació abans. Pots sol·licitar-" "Ja t'hem enviat un correu electrònic de verificació abans. Pots sol·licitar-"
"ne un altre en ${ minLeft } minuts." "ne un altre en ${ minLeft } minuts."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Benvingut ${ name } a PixelPlanet, si us plau verifica el teu correu "
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"benvingut a la nostra petita comunitat de col·locadors de píxels. Per "
"utilizar el teu compte, has de verificar el teu correu electrònic. Pots fer-"
"ho aquí: "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Clica per verificar"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "O copiant la següent URL:"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Diverteix-te i no dubtis de contactar amb nosaltres si tens cap problema :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Gràcies"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Ja t'hem enviat un correu electrònic amb les instruccions. Si us plau, "
"espera abans de sol·licitar un altre correu."
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "No hem pogut trobar aquest correu electrònic a la nosta base de dades"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Has oblidat la teva contrasenya de PixelPlanet? Aconsegueix-ne una de nova " "Has oblidat la teva contrasenya de PixelPlanet? Aconsegueix-ne una de nova "
"aquí" "aquí"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hola" msgstr "Hola"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
@ -487,7 +200,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Has sol·licitat obtenir una nova contrasenya. Pots canviar la teva " "Has sol·licitat obtenir una nova contrasenya. Pots canviar la teva "
"contrasenya durant els propers 30 minuts aquí: " "contrasenya durant els propers 30 minuts aquí: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Restablir la contrasenya"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -496,35 +214,259 @@ msgstr ""
"Si no has sol·licitat aquest correu electrònic, si us plau ignora'l (la IP " "Si no has sol·licitat aquest correu electrònic, si us plau ignora'l (la IP "
"que va sol·licitar aquest correu era ${ ip })." "que va sol·licitar aquest correu era ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgstr "" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Clica aquí"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "per tornar a PixelPlanet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }, pots configurar la teva nova contrasenya aquí:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya nova"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirma la contrasenya nova"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Envia"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Restablir la contrasenya de"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Restableix la teva contrasenya aquí"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:22
msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "No has introduït el text pel captcha"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:27
msgid "No captcha id given"
msgstr "No s'ha rebut la id del captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61 src/routes/api/captcha.js:41
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Has trigat massa, prova-ho un altre cop."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:64 src/routes/api/captcha.js:47
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Has fallat el captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:67 src/routes/api/captcha.js:53
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Error de captcha desconegut"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:60
msgid "Server error occured"
msgstr "S'ha produït un error del servidor"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:50
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "No has iniciat sessió"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:62
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "No tens permís per accedir a aquesta pàgina"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:128
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Només els administradors poden fer això"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "El correu electrònic no pot estar buit."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "El correu electrònic ha de tenir com a mínim 5 caràcters."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "El correu electrònic no pot tenir més de 40 caràcters."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "El correu electrònic ha de contenir com a mínim un punt"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "El correu electrònic ha de contenir una @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "El nom no pot estar buit."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "El nom ha de tenir com a mínim 4 caràcters"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "El nom ha de tenir menys de 26 caràcters"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "El nom conté caràcters invalids com @ / \\ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "No s'ha escrit una contrasenya."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "La contrasenya ha de tenir 6 caràcters com a mínim."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "La contrasenya ha de tenir menys de 60 caràcters."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "No s'ha rebut el captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "El correu electrònic ja està en ús."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:38
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "El nom d'usuari ja està en ús."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:91
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear un nou usuari :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:106
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "No s'ha pogut establir la sessió després del registre :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificació del correu electrònic"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Ja estàs verificat :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ja t'hem enviat un correu electrònic amb les instruccions. Si us plau, " "El codi de verificació del correu electrònic no és vàlid o ja ha caducat :"
"espera abans de sol·licitar un altre correu." "( si us plau sol·licita'n un de nou."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "No hem pogut trobar aquest correu electrònic a la nosta base de dades" msgstr "Ni tan sols has iniciat sessió."
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
#~ msgstr "Oh no! La protecció contra l'spam ha decidit silenciar-te" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "No estàs verificat."
#~ msgid "" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
#~ msgstr "" msgid "Incorrect password!"
#~ "Aquest enllaç de restabliment de la contrasenya és incorrecte o ja ha " msgstr "Contrasenya incorrecta!"
#~ "caducat, si us plau sol·licita'n un de nou (nota: només pots utilitzar "
#~ "aquests enllaços un cop)"
#~ msgid "No captcha text given" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
#~ msgstr "No has introduït el text pel captcha" msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Seràs redirigit automàticament al cap de 15 segons"
#~ msgid "No captcha id given" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#~ msgstr "No s'ha rebut la id del captcha" #, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "O ${ clickHere } per tornar a PixelPlanet"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Comptes de"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:18
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Terra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Lluna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Llenç 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"El nostre llenç principal, un enorme mapa del món. Col·loca allà on vulguis"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Llenç de la Lluna. Espai segur per a l'art. No es poden fer banderes ni text "
"gran (tret que siguin part d'un art) ni imatges superiors a 1,5k x 1,5k "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Col·loca voxels en un llenç 3D amb altres jugadors"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Llenç especial per conscienciar sobre el SARS-CoV-2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Mirall de PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Mirall de PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Llenç en blanc i negre"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
"Un llenç per als jugadors més actius del dia anterior. La classificació "
"diària s'actualitza a les 00:00 UTC."

View File

@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: csb\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Të ni mòżesz sélac wiadów czej môsz proxy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Twòje państwò je na sztót wëcëszoné na tim karnôlu czatu"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr ""
"Të jes na stójno wëcëszony. Dołączë do najégò Guilded bë òdezwac sã òd "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Të jes zbanowóny"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "Twój dotëgòwôcz Jinternetu òstôł òbjãti zakôzã"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Twòje wëcëszenié mdze derało jesz ${ timeMin } minut"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Twòje wëcëszenié mdze derało jesz ${ ttl } sekùnd"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Të za chùtkò sélôsz te wiadë, pòżdżë le ${ waitTime } sekùnd :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Të ni môsz przistãpù do tegò karnôlu"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Twòja adrésa e-mail mùszi òstac sprôwdzonô żebë jes mógł czatowac"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500
msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Ni mòżesz sélac taczi dłudżi wiadë :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504
msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Proszã ùżiwac karnôla int"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512
msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Òprzestani floodowac."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Të wësłôł pùstą parólã abò jaczé lëché dóné :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Ten lënk do zresetowóniégò parólë ju nie je aktiwny :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Twòje parole nie są szlachòwne :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Taczégò brëkòwnika ni ma w naji baze dónëch :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Ùdało sã zmienic parolã."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Lëchi lënk :( Sprôwdzë le swòjégò e-maila jesz rôz."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D kùgla naji côłi kôrtë"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Przëcesni zemską kùglã dwakroc żebë copnąc."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Ładowanie..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr ""
"Stawiôj farwné piksele na kôrtowatëch płótnach z jinszima graczama online"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Pòle na e-mail ni mòże bëc pùsté."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "E-mail mùszi miec co nômni 5 merków."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "E-mail ni mòże miec wicy jak 40 merków."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "E-mail mùszi miec w sobie co nômni jeden póńkt."
#: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "E-mail mùszi miec w sobie merk @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Pòżwa nie mòże bëc pùstô."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Pòzwa mùszi miec co nômni 2 merczi"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Pòzwa ni mòże miec wicy jak 26 merków"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Pòzwa mô złé znaczi jak @, /, \\ or #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Të nie pòdôł parolë."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Parola mùszi miec bënômni 6 znaków."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Parola mùszi bëc krótsza niglë 60 lëtrów."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Reset parolë"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Tuwò zresetuj swòją parolã"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Zresetuj Parolã"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Cësnij tuwò"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "żebë warcëc na pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Mòjn ${ name }, Tuwò mòżesz ùstawic swòją nową parolã:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nowô Parola"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Pòcwierdzë Nową Parolã"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Przeslë"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Të nie jes zalogòwóny"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Të ni môsz ùdowierzeniô do przistãpù do ti starnë"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Leno sprôwnicë mògą to robic "
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Të nie jes zbanowóny"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Ten dotëgòwôcz adrésë e-mail nie je dozwòlony"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Captcha nie òsta pòdónô"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-mail ju w ùżëcym."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Pòzwa brëkòwnika ju w ùżëcym."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "To za wiele zeszło, spróbùj jesz rôz."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Nie weszło cë z Captchą"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Nieznónô fela Captchë"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Nie ùdało sã stwòrzëc nowégò brëkòwnika :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Nie ùdało sã ùsadzëc sesje pò registracje :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Sprôwdzenié adrésë e-mail"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Terô të jes ju sprôwdzony :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Twój sprôwdzënkòwi kòd z e-maila je lëchi abò ju nie je aktiwny :( wëslë "
"prosbã ò jesz jeden."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Të nawetka zalogòwóny nie jes."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Fela serwera w czasu wëlogòwiwóniégò"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Të nie przeszedł aùtentikacje"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Złô parola!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Wëcëszony brëkòwnicë ni mògą rëmnąc swòjégò kònta."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "Wëcëszony brëkòwnicë ni mògą tegò robic."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Kònta"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Òstóniesz aùtomaticzno przekôzóny dali pò 15 sekùndach"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Abò ${ clickHere } żebë warcëc do pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Zemia"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Miesądz"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Płótno 3d"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Kòronawirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr "2bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Najé przédné płótno, stolëmnô kôrta Swiata. Stawiôj gdze le cë sã widzy"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Miesądzowé płótno. Bezpiecznô rëmiô dlô malënków. Niżôdnëch fanów ani "
"wiôldżich nôpisów (chëba że jakno part malënkù) ani malënków wikszich jak "
"1.5 tës. x 1.5. tës. pikselów!"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Stawiôj wòksele na płótnie 3D z jinszima"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Òsoblëwé płótno do rozkòscérzaniégò swiądë ò SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Zdrzadłowi wëzdrzatk PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Zdrzadłowi wëzdrzatk PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Biôłe ë czôrne płótna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
"Płótno dlô nôaktiwniészich graczów z ùszłégò dnia. Codniowi ranking sã "
"òdnôwiô ò 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr "Leno czterë farwë. Taczé same regle jak na miesądzu."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Witôj na PixelPlanet, ${ name }! Proszã, dôj sprawdzëc swòjã adrésã e-mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Mòjn ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"Witôj w naji môłi spòleznie pikslostôwków. Żebë ùżëwac swòjégò kònta, "
"mùszisz dac adrésã e-mail do sprôwdzeniô. Mòżesz to zrobic tuwò:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Cësnij żebë zwerifikòwac sã"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Abò skòpiérowac henen lënk:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Mdzë rôd, a nie bòjôj sã z nama skòntaktowac jakbë jes pòtkôł jaczé tôkle :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Dzãka"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Më cë ju sélelë sprôwdzënkòwi e-mail, tak tej ò pòstãpny mòżesz pòprosëc za "
"${ minLeft } min."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Të zabôcził parólë do PixelPlanet? Krëgni nową tuwò"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Mòjn"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Të pòprosył ò ùdostónié nowi parólë. Mòżesz zmienic so parólã w pòstãpnëch "
"trzëdzescë minutach tuwò:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Żelë të nie prosył ò tegò maila, prosto ò nim zabôczë (IP jaczé prosëło ò "
"maila to ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "Pòczta nie je skònfigùrowónô na serwerze"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Më cë ju sélele e-maila ze wskôzama. Pòżdżë le nigle mdzes prosył ò drëdżégò"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Nie ùdało sã nalezc ti adrésë w naji baze dónëch"
#~ msgid "Thoia"
#~ msgstr "Thoia"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Thoia World Canvas. Advanced fictional worldbuilding and arts. Abandon "
#~ "the old world and all it entails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Płótno Swiata Thoia. Złożoné ùsadzywanié fikcjowégò swiata i kùńsztu. "
#~ "Òstawi stôri swiat ze wazëtczima jegòznama."

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Tvůj stát je prozatím mutelej z tohodle chat kanálů" msgstr "Tvůj stát je prozatím mutelej z tohodle chat kanálů"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Jseš permanentně mutelej, připoj se na náš guilded aby sis mohl appealnout " "Jseš permanentně mutelej, připoj se na náš guilded aby sis mohl appealnout "
"mute" "mute"
@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Jseš mutelej na dalších ${ timeMin } minut" msgstr "Jseš mutelej na dalších ${ timeMin } minut"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Jseš mutelej na dalších ${ ttl } sekund" msgstr "Jseš mutelej na dalších ${ ttl } sekund"
@ -54,19 +52,19 @@ msgstr "Posíláš zprávy příliš rychlo, musíš počkat ${ waitTime }s :("
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Nemáš přístup na tenhle kanál" msgstr "Nemáš přístup na tenhle kanál"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Tvůj email musí bejt ověřen aby ses mohl bavit" msgstr "Tvůj email musí bejt ověřen aby ses mohl bavit"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Nemůžeš posílat zprávy takhle dlouhý :(" msgstr "Nemůžeš posílat zprávy takhle dlouhý :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Prosím použíj int kanál" msgstr "Prosím použíj int kanál"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Přestaň spamovat." msgstr "Přestaň spamovat."
@ -87,43 +85,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno neexistuje v naší database :(" msgstr "Uživatelské jméno neexistuje v naší database :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Heslo úspěšně změněno." msgstr "Heslo úspěšně změněno."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Neplatný URL :( Prosím zkontroluj svůj mail zase." msgstr "Neplatný URL :( Prosím zkontroluj svůj mail zase."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D mapa naší celej mapy" msgstr "3D mapa naší celej mapy"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Dvakrát klikní na globus aby si šel zpátky" msgstr "Dvakrát klikní na globus aby si šel zpátky"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Načítaní..." msgstr "Načítaní..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Polož barevné pixely na mapově stylované plátno s ostatníma online hráčema" "Polož barevné pixely na mapově stylované plátno s ostatníma online hráčema"
@ -230,7 +227,30 @@ msgstr "Pouze admini to můžou dělat"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Nejste zabanován" msgstr "Nejste zabanován"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Nejste ani přihlášen"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Serverová chyba při odhlašování"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Ověřování mailu"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Od teď jste ověřen"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Váš mailovej ověřující kód je již neplatný :(, prosím poproste o novej."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Tenhle email dodavatel tu není povolen" msgstr "Tenhle email dodavatel tu není povolen"
@ -266,49 +286,18 @@ msgstr "Nepodařilo se udělat nového uživatele :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit schůzi hned po registraci :(" msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit schůzi hned po registraci :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Ověřování mailu"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Od teď jste ověřen"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Váš mailovej ověřující kód je již neplatný :(, prosím poproste o novej."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Nejste ani přihlášen"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Serverová chyba při odhlašování"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Nejste ověřený" msgstr "Nejste ověřený"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Nesprávné heslo!" msgstr "Nesprávné heslo!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " účty" msgstr " účty"
@ -322,51 +311,43 @@ msgstr "Budete automaticky přesměrováný po 15s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Nebo ${ clickHere } aby ses dostal zpátky na pixelplanet" msgstr "Nebo ${ clickHere } aby ses dostal zpátky na pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Zem" msgstr "Zem"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Měsíc" msgstr "Měsíc"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Plátno" msgstr "3D Plátno"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "Pixelzone" msgstr "Pixelzone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Naše hlavní plátno, velká mapa země. Pokládejte kde chcete" msgstr "Naše hlavní plátno, velká mapa země. Pokládejte kde chcete"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -374,27 +355,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Plátno měsíce. Bezpečný místo pro obrazy. Žádné vlajky nebo velký texty " "Plátno měsíce. Bezpečný místo pro obrazy. Žádné vlajky nebo velký texty "
"(pouze jestli to není část obrazu) nebo obrazy větší jak 1,5k x 1,5k pixelu." "(pouze jestli to není část obrazu) nebo obrazy větší jak 1,5k x 1,5k pixelu."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Polož Voxely na 3D plátno s ostatníma" msgstr "Polož Voxely na 3D plátno s ostatníma"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Speciální plátno pro zvýšení pozornosti o SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Speciální plátno pro zvýšení pozornosti o SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Zrcadlo PixelZone" msgstr "Zrcadlo PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Zrcadlo PixelCanvasu" msgstr "Zrcadlo PixelCanvasu"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Černo-Bíle plátno" msgstr "Černo-Bíle plátno"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -402,23 +383,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Plátno pro nejvíc aktivní hráče ze včerejška. Denní hodnocení se aktualizuje " "Plátno pro nejvíc aktivní hráče ze včerejška. Denní hodnocení se aktualizuje "
"v 00:00 UTC." "v 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "Vítej ${ name } na PixelPlanet, prosím ověř svůj mail" msgstr "Vítej ${ name } na PixelPlanet, prosím ověř svůj mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Ahoj ${ name }" msgstr "Ahoj ${ name }"
@ -439,9 +409,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Nebo zkopírůj tohle URL:" msgstr "Nebo zkopírůj tohle URL:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "Měj zábavů a neboj se nás kontaktovat jestli najdeš nějaký problémy :)" msgstr "Měj zábavů a neboj se nás kontaktovat jestli najdeš nějaký problémy :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Du er gjort stum for en anden ${ timeMin } minutes" msgstr "Du er gjort stum for en anden ${ timeMin } minutes"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Du er gjort stum for en anden ${ ttl } Sekunder" msgstr "Du er gjort stum for en anden ${ ttl } Sekunder"
@ -53,19 +52,19 @@ msgstr "Du sender beskeder for hurtigt, du skal vente ${ waitTime }s :("
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Du har ikke tilladelse til at se denne kanal" msgstr "Du har ikke tilladelse til at se denne kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Din mail skal være bekræftet for at chatte" msgstr "Din mail skal være bekræftet for at chatte"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Du kan ikke sende en besked så lang :(" msgstr "Du kan ikke sende en besked så lang :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Venligst brug int kanal" msgstr "Venligst brug int kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Lad være med at oversvømme chatten." msgstr "Lad være med at oversvømme chatten."
@ -93,35 +92,35 @@ msgstr "Adgangskode blev succesfuldt ændret."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Ugyldig url :( Venligst tjek din mail igen." msgstr "Ugyldig url :( Venligst tjek din mail igen."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "En 3D klode af hele vores kort" msgstr "En 3D klode af hele vores kort"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Dobbeltklik på kloden for at gå tilbage." msgstr "Dobbeltklik på kloden for at gå tilbage."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Indlæser..." msgstr "Indlæser..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Placer farvede pixels på et kort-stilet kanvas med andre spillere online" "Placer farvede pixels på et kort-stilet kanvas med andre spillere online"
@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ msgstr "Kun administratorer kan gøre det"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Du er ikke bannet" msgstr "Du er ikke bannet"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Denne email udbyder er ikke tilladt" msgstr "Denne email udbyder er ikke tilladt"
@ -264,6 +263,26 @@ msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette ny bruger :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette session efter registrering :(" msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette session efter registrering :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Du er engang logget in."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Server fejl ved log ud."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Du er ikke godkendt."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Forkerte adgangskode!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Mail Bekræftelse" msgstr "Mail Bekræftelse"
@ -280,34 +299,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Din mail bekræftelseskode er ugyldig eller allerede udløbet :(, venligst " "Din mail bekræftelseskode er ugyldig eller allerede udløbet :(, venligst "
"anmod om en ny en." "anmod om en ny en."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Du er engang logget in."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Server fejl ved log ud."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Du er ikke godkendt."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Forkerte adgangskode!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Kontoer" msgstr " Kontoer"
@ -321,51 +312,43 @@ msgstr "Du vil blive automatisk omdirigeret efter 15s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Eller ${ clickHere } for at gå tilbage til pixelplanet" msgstr "Eller ${ clickHere } for at gå tilbage til pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Jorden" msgstr "Jorden"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Måne" msgstr "Måne"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Kanvas" msgstr "3D Kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirus" msgstr "Koronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelKanvas" msgstr "PixelKanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Vores hovedkanvas, et kæmpe verdenskort. Placer hvor end du vil" msgstr "Vores hovedkanvas, et kæmpe verdenskort. Placer hvor end du vil"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -373,27 +356,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Måne kanvas. Sikkert sted for kunst. Ingen flager eller stor text (undtagen " "Måne kanvas. Sikkert sted for kunst. Ingen flager eller stor text (undtagen "
"hvis del af kunst) eller større end 1,5k x 1,5k pixels." "hvis del af kunst) eller større end 1,5k x 1,5k pixels."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Placer Voxels på et 3D kanvas med andre" msgstr "Placer Voxels på et 3D kanvas med andre"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Specielt kanvas for at sprede viden om SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Specielt kanvas for at sprede viden om SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Spejl af PixelZone" msgstr "Spejl af PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Spejl af Pixelcanvas" msgstr "Spejl af Pixelcanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Sort og hvid kanvas" msgstr "Sort og hvid kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -401,23 +384,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Et kanvas for de mest aktive spillere fra den tidligere dag. Daglig " "Et kanvas for de mest aktive spillere fra den tidligere dag. Daglig "
"rangering opdaterer kl. 00:00 UTC." "rangering opdaterer kl. 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Velkommen ${ name } til PixelPlanet, venligst bekræft din mail" msgstr "Velkommen ${ name } til PixelPlanet, venligst bekræft din mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hej ${ name }" msgstr "Hej ${ name }"

View File

@ -2,177 +2,229 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-09 14:00+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: HF <>\n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: German <" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: de\n" "Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals = 2; plural = (n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.1.1\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:390
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Du kannst keine Nachrichten senden wenn du ein Proxy benutzt" msgstr "Du kannst keine Nachrichten senden wenn du ein Proxy benutzt"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:392
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Dein Land ist temporär in diesem Kanal stummgeschaltet" msgstr "Du bist gebannt"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:394
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "Dein Internet Anbieter ist verbannt"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:396
msgid "You are not allowed to use chat"
msgstr "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf den Chat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:411
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Du sendest zu viele Nachrichten, du musst ${ waitTime }s warten :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:415
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Du hast keinen Zugriff zu diesen Kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:431
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "E-Mail muss verifiziert sein um Nachrichten zu senden"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute" msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Du bsit permanent stummgeschaltet, gehe zu unser guilded um dagegen " "Du bsit permanent stummgeschaltet, gehe zu unser guilded um dagegen "
"einzusprechen" "einzusprechen"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Du bist gebannt"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "Dein Internet Anbieter ist verbannt"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes" msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Du bist für ${ timeMin } Minuten stummgeschaltet" msgstr "Du bist für ${ timeMin } Minuten stummgeschaltet"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
#, javascript-format msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgstr "Du bist for ${ muted } Sekunden stummgeschaltet"
msgstr "Du bist für weiter ${ ttl } Sekunden stummgeschaltet"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:451
#, javascript-format msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgstr "Oh nein! Spam-Schutz hat dich stummgeschaltet"
msgstr "Du sendest zu viele Nachrichten, du musst ${ waitTime }s warten :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:462
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Du hast keinen Zugriff zu diesen Kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "E-Mail muss verifiziert sein um Nachrichten zu senden"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Do kannst keine so langen Nachrichten senden" msgstr "Do kannst keine so langen Nachrichten senden"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:466
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Bitte benutze int Kanal" msgstr "Bitte benutze int Kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:472
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Dein Land ist temporär in diesem Kanal stummgeschaltet"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:480
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Stoppe zu spamen." msgstr "Stoppe zu spamen."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:37
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :(" msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Du hast ein ungültiges Passwort oder Daten gesendet :(" msgstr "Du hast ein ungültiges Passwort oder Daten gesendet :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:49
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :(" msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Dieser Passwort-Wiederherstellungslink ist nichtmehr gültig :(" msgstr "Dieser Passwort-Wiederherstellungslink ist nichtmehr gültig :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:60
msgid "Your passwords do not match :(" msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein :(" msgstr "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:75
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :(" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Spieler existiert nicht in unserer Datenbank :(" msgstr "Spieler existiert nicht in unserer Datenbank :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:87
msgid "Password successfully changed." msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Passwort erfolgreich geändert." msgstr "Passwort erfolgreich geändert."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:106
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Ungültige Adresse :( Bitte kontrolliere die Mail nochmal." msgstr "Ungültige Adresse :( Bitte kontrolliere die Mail nochmal."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:119
msgid "ppfun" msgid ""
msgstr "ppfun" "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr ""
"Dieser Passwort Wiederherstellungslink ist falsch oder abgelaufen, bitte "
"beantrage einen neuen (Hinweis: Du kannst diese Links nur einmal verwenden)"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:34
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D Globus" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D Globus"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:35
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Ein interaktvier 3D Globus unserer gesamten Karte" msgstr "Ein interaktvier 3D Globus unserer gesamten Karte"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:48
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Doppelklick um zurück zu gehen." msgstr "Doppelklick um zurück zu gehen."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:49
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Lade..." msgstr "Lade..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:58
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:59
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Zeichne mit farbigen Pixel auf einer Weltkarte mit anderen Spielern" msgstr "Zeichne mit farbigen Pixel auf einer Weltkarte mit anderen Spielern"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/core/mail.js:71
msgid "Email can't be empty." #, javascript-format
msgstr "E-Mail Feld kann nicht leer sein." msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Wir sendeten dir bereits eine Wiederherstellung Mail, du kannst die nächste "
"in ${ minLeft } minuten anfordern."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "E-Mail sollte mindestens 5 Zeichen lang sein." msgstr ""
"Willkommen ${ name } auf PixelPlanet, bitte verifiziere deine Mail Adresse"
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." #, javascript-format
msgstr "E-Mail kann nicht länger als 40 Zeichen sein." msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hallo ${ name }"
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/core/mail.js:80
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid ""
msgstr "E-Mail sollte zumindest einen Punkt beinhalten" "welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"wilkommen in unserer kleinen Gemeinschaft aus Pixel schubser, um dein Konto "
"zu verwenden musst du deine E-Mail Adresse verifizieren. Du kannst das hier "
"erledigen: "
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/core/mail.js:80
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "E-Mail sollte ein @ beinhalten" msgstr "Klicke zum verifizieren"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Name kann nicht leer sein." msgstr "Oder kopiere den folgenden Link:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/core/mail.js:81
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long" msgid ""
msgstr "Name muss mindestens 2 Zeichen lang sein" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Viel Spaß und scheue dich nicht uns zu kontaktieren, falls du Probleme "
"hast :)"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31 #: src/core/mail.js:82 src/core/mail.js:129
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters" msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Name muss kleiner als 26 Zeichen sein" msgstr "Danke"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38 #: src/core/mail.js:92
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #" msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "Name beinhalted ungültige Zeichen wie @,/.\\ oder #" msgstr "Mail ist auf diesen Server nicht konfiguriert"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53 #: src/core/mail.js:101
msgid "No password given." msgid ""
msgstr "Kein Passwort angegeben." "We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Wir sendeten dir bereits eine E-Mail mit Instruktionen. Bitte warte bevor du "
"eine neue beantragts."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56 #: src/core/mail.js:109
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long." msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Passwort muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein." msgstr "Konnten diese E-Mail nicht in unserer Datenbank finden"
#: src/utils/validation.js:59 #: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters." msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Passwort muss kleiner als 60 Zeichen sein." msgstr ""
"Du hast dein Passwort für PixelPlanet vergessen? Bekomme ein neues hier"
#: src/core/mail.js:126
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hallo"
#: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Du hast ein neues Passwort beantragt. Du kannst es nun während der nächsten "
"30min hier ändern: "
#: src/core/mail.js:127 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen"
#: src/core/mail.js:128
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Falls du diese Mail nicht beantragt hast, bitte ignoriere sie (die IP welche "
"diese Nachricht beantragt hat war ${ ip })."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset" msgid " Password Reset"
@ -182,11 +234,6 @@ msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Passwort Wiederherstellung"
msgid "Reset your password here" msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Setze hier dein Passwort zurück" msgstr "Setze hier dein Passwort zurück"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Klicke hier" msgstr "Klicke hier"
@ -206,15 +253,87 @@ msgstr "Neues Passwort"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password" msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Neues Passwort bestätigen" msgstr "Bestätige neues Passwort"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:64
msgid "Submit" msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Absenden" msgstr "Absenden"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:20
msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "Keinen Captcha Text eingegeben"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:25
msgid "No captcha id given"
msgstr "Keine captcha id eingegeben"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:54 src/routes/api/captcha.js:44
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Do hast zu lange benötigt."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:57 src/routes/api/captcha.js:50
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Captcha Text ist falsch"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:60 src/routes/api/captcha.js:56
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Unbekannter Captcha Fehler"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:63
msgid "Server error occured"
msgstr "Server Fehler"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "E-Mail Feld kann nicht leer sein."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "E-Mail sollte mindestens 5 Zeichen lang sein."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "E-Mail kann nicht länger als 40 Zeichen sein."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "E-Mail sollte zumindest einen Punkt beinhalten"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "E-Mail sollte zumindest ein @ beinhalten"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Name kann nicht leer sein."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Name muss mindestens 2 Zeichen lang sein"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Name muss kürzer als 26 Zeichen sein"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Name beinhalted ungültige Zeichen wie @,/.\\ oder #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Kein Passwort angegeben."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Passwort muss mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Passwort muss kürzer als 60 Zeichen sein."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53 #: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
msgid "You are not logged in" msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Du bist nicht angemeldet" msgstr "Du bist nicht angemeldet."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65 #: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page" msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
@ -224,55 +343,39 @@ msgstr "Du hast keinen Zugriff zu diese Seite"
msgid "Just admins can do that" msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Nur Administratoren können dies tun" msgstr "Nur Administratoren können dies tun"
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32 #: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:24
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Du bist nicht verbannt" msgstr "Du bist nicht verbannt"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:26
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Dieser E-Mail Anbieter ist nicht erlaubt"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "No Captcha given" msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Kein Captcha angegeben" msgstr "Kein Captcha angegeben"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:29
msgid "E-Mail already in use." msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-Mail wird bereits verwendet." msgstr "E-Mail wird bereits verwendet."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "Username already in use." msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Name wird bereits verwendet." msgstr "Name wird bereits verwendet."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:84
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Du hast zu lange benötigt, versuche es noch einmal."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Captcha Text ist falsch"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Unbekannter Captcha-Fehler"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :(" msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Konnte keinen neuen Benutzer erstellen :(" msgstr "Konnte keinen neuen Benutzer erstellen :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:100
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Konnte keine Sitzung nach registrierung starten :(" msgstr "Konnte keine Sitzung nach registrierung starten :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:29
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "E-Mail verifizieren" msgstr "E-Mail verifizieren"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:23
msgid "You are now verified :)" msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Du bist nun verifiziert :)" msgstr "Du bist nun verifiziert :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:29
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one." "a new one."
@ -284,30 +387,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You are not even logged in." msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Du bist nichteinmal angemeldet." msgstr "Du bist nichteinmal angemeldet."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:54 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out." msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Server Fehler beim ausloggen." msgstr "Server Fehler beim ausloggen"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:38
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:34
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Du bist nicht auhtentifiziert." msgstr "Du bist nicht auhtentifiziert."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:47
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:44
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Falsches Passwort!" msgstr "Falsches Passwort!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Stumme Spieler sind nicht erlaubt, ihre Konto zu löschen."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "Stumme Spieler können das nicht tun."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Konten" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Konten"
@ -321,52 +416,44 @@ msgstr "Du wirst automatisch weitergeleitet nach 15s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Oder ${ clickHere } um zu pixelplanet zurückzukehren" msgstr "Oder ${ clickHere } um zu pixelplanet zurückzukehren"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:18
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Erde" msgstr "Erde"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Mond" msgstr "Mond"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Leinwand" msgstr "3D Leinwand"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr "2bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr "Kleine Karte"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Unsere Hauptleinwand, eine große Weltkarte. Zeichnen ist überall möglich" "Unsere Hauptleinwand, eine große Weltkarte. Zeichnen ist überall möglich"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -374,27 +461,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Mond Leinwand. Kunst erwünscht. Keine Flaggen oder großer Text außer als " "Mond Leinwand. Kunst erwünscht. Keine Flaggen oder großer Text außer als "
"Teil von Kunst und nicht größer als 1,5k x 1,5k pixels." "Teil von Kunst und nicht größer als 1,5k x 1,5k pixels."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Zeichne mit Voxeln in einer 3D Umgebung" msgstr "Zeichne mit Voxeln in einer 3D Umgebung"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Kleine Leinwand im SARS-CoV2 Thema" msgstr "Kleine Leinwand im SARS-CoV2 Thema"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Kopie von PixelZone" msgstr "Kopie von PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Kopie von PixelCanvas" msgstr "Kopie von PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Schwarz/Weiß Leinwand" msgstr "Schwarz/Weiß Leinwand"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -402,131 +489,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Eine Leinwand für die zehn aktivsten Spieler des Vortages. Tägliche Reihung " "Eine Leinwand für die zehn aktivsten Spieler des Vortages. Tägliche Reihung "
"wird um 00:00 UTC aktualisiert." "wird um 00:00 UTC aktualisiert."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr "Nur vier Farben. Gleiche Regeln wie auf Mond."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
"Erobere Land auf einer kleineren Erde mit beschützten Ozeanen. Teilt seine "
"Abklingzeit mit Erde."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Willkommen ${ name } auf PixelPlanet, bitte verifiziere deine Mail Adresse"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hallo ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"wilkommen in unserer kleinen Gemeinschaft aus Pixel schubser, um dein Konto "
"zu verwenden musst du deine E-Mail Adresse verifizieren. Du kannst das hier "
"erledigen: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Klicke zum verifizieren"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Oder kopiere den folgenden Link:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Viel Spaß und scheue dich nicht uns zu kontaktieren, falls du Probleme "
"hast :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Danke"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Wir sendeten dir bereits eine Wiederherstellung Mail, du kannst die nächste "
"in ${ minLeft } minuten anfordern."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr ""
"Du hast dein Passwort für PixelPlanet vergessen? Bekomme ein neues hier"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hallo"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Du hast ein neues Passwort beantragt. Du kannst es nun während der nächsten "
"30min hier ändern: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Falls du diese Mail nicht beantragt hast, bitte ignoriere sie (die IP welche "
"diese Nachricht beantragt hat war ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "Mail ist auf diesen Server nicht konfiguriert"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Wir sendeten dir bereits eine E-Mail mit Instruktionen. Bitte warte bevor du "
"eine neue beantragts."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Konnten diese E-Mail nicht in unserer Datenbank finden"
#~ msgid "You are not allowed to use chat"
#~ msgstr "Du hast keinen Zugriff auf den Chat"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
#~ msgstr "Oh nein! Spam-Schutz hat dich stummgeschaltet"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a "
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dieser Passwort Wiederherstellungslink ist falsch oder abgelaufen, bitte "
#~ "beantrage einen neuen (Hinweis: Du kannst diese Links nur einmal "
#~ "verwenden)"
#~ msgid "No captcha text given"
#~ msgstr "Keinen Captcha Text eingegeben"
#~ msgid "No captcha id given"
#~ msgstr "Keine captcha id eingegeben"
#~ msgid "Server error occured"
#~ msgstr "Server Fehler"
#~ msgid "Top10 Only Canvas" #~ msgid "Top10 Only Canvas"
#~ msgstr "Tip10 Exklusiv" #~ msgstr "Tip10 Exklusiv"

View File

@ -1,457 +1,128 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: eo\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Ne povas sendi babilmensaĵojn kun prokura servilo" msgstr "Ne povas sendi babilmensaĵojn kun prokura servilo"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, fuzzy msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgstr "Ne povus sendi vian mensaĝon, elsalutu kaj reensalutu de nove."
msgstr "Vian tutan landon estas silentata ĉe l' babilej'"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:306
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Vi estas silentata senfine, eniru je l' guilded por malfari ĝi"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Vi ne estas aŭtentigita."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Vi estas silentata por plua ${ timeMin } minutoj"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Vi estas silentata por plua ${ ttl } seconds"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Vi sendas mensaĝojn tro rapide, atendu ${ waitTime }s ŭwŭ" msgstr "Vi sendas mensaĝojn tro rapide, atendu ${ waitTime }s ŭwŭ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:310
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Malhavas l' permes' je l' kanal'" msgstr "Malhavas l' permes' je l' kanal'"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:326
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Vian retpostadreson devas esti verigita por babili" msgstr "Vian retpostadreson devas esti verigita por babili"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:331
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Vi estas silentata senfine, eniru je l' guilded por malfari ĝi"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:336
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Vi estas silentata por plua ${ timeMin } minutoj"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:338
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Vi estas silentata por plua ${ muted } seconds"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:346
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "FEK! L' Spam protektul' decidis silenti vin"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:357
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Ne sendus mensaĝon tiom longa ŭwŭ" msgstr "Ne sendus mensaĝon tiom longa ŭwŭ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:361
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Uzu /int/ strangulon" msgstr "Uzu /int/ strangulon"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:365
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Vian tutan landon estas silentata ĉe l' babilej'"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:373
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Ĉesu vian troan retpostojn." msgstr "Ĉesu vian troan retpostojn."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Vi sendis pasvorton malplenan aŭ nevalida datumo ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Ĉi tio renovigopasvortoligon malestas valido nun ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Viajn pasvortojn ne parigis ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Uzanto ne ekzistas ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Pasvorton Malerare Ŝanĝita."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Nevalida URL ŭwŭ. Relegu vian retpostmensaĝujon."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobo"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D globo de nia tuta mapo"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Duoble klaku je la globo por reiri." msgstr "Duoble klaku je la globo por reiri."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Ŝarĝadanta..." msgstr "Ŝarĝadanta..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
#, fuzzy msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobo"
#: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D globo de nia tuta mapo"
#: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:72
msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:74
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Metu kolorajn pikselojn en grandan kanvason kun alian ludantojn enrete" msgstr "Metu kolorajn pikselojn en grandan kanvason kun alian ludantojn enrete"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:58
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Retpostadreso ne povas malpleni." msgstr "Vi sendis pasvorton malplenan aŭ nevalida datumo ŭwŭ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:70
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' devus esti almenaŭ 5 karakterojn." msgstr "Ĉi tio renovigopasvortoligon malestas valido nun ŭwŭ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:81
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' ne povas esti >40 karakterojn." msgstr "Viajn pasvortojn ne parigis ŭwŭ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:96
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' devus almenaŭ enhavi pukton" msgstr "Uzanto ne ekzistas ŭwŭ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' devus enhavi @" msgstr "Pasvorton Malerare Ŝanĝita."
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:127
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Nom' ne povas esti malplena." msgstr "Nevalida URL ŭwŭ. Relegu vian retpostmensaĝujon."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Nom' devus enhavi almenaŭ 4 karakterojn"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Nom' devus esti pli mallonga ol 26 karakterojn"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Nom' enhavas nevalidan karakterojn kiel @, /, \\, aŭ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Pasvorton ne donita."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Pasvorton devus enhavi almenaŭ 6 karakterojn."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Pasvorton devus esti pli mallonga ol 60 karakterojn."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Pasvorton Renovigu"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Renovigu pasvorton vian ĉi tien"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Renovigu Pasvorton"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Klaku ĉi tien"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "reiri al pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Saluton ${ name }, vi povas alsendi vian novan pasvorton ĉi tien:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nova Pasvorto"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Verigu Novan Pasvorton"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Alsendu"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Vin eĉ ne ensalutita."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Malhavas l' permes' je l' kanal'"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Vi ne estas aŭtentigita."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Pasvorton ne donita."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Retpostadreso jam uzata."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Uzantnomo jam uzata."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Malsukcesis krei novan uzanton ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Malsukcesis krei novan ligon post reĝistro"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝa verigo"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Vi estas nun virigita ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"a new one." "one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Vian retpostmensaĝan verigan kodeton nevalidas aŭ jam posttempa ŭwŭ, bonvolu " "Ĉi tiu renovigopasvortoligon estas erara aŭ jam tro da malnovec', petu novan "
"peti novan." "(Rimarko: vi uzipovus tiujn nur unuan fojon)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Vin eĉ ne ensalutita."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Vi ne estas aŭtentigita."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Pasvorto erara!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Kontoj"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Aŭte redirektos vin post 15s"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Aŭ ${ clickHere } reeniri al pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "L' Mond'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "L' Lun'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Kanvas'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Kronvirus'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PikselZono"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PikselKanvaso"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Nia ĉefa kanvaso, granda mapo de l' mond'. Metus en ajn lokon"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Luna kanvaso. Sekuran spacon por arto. Malpermesita estas flagoj aŭ granda "
"texta (krom se parto da arto)"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Metu Vokselojn je 3D canvas kun aliaj fekuloj"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Aparta kanvaso por disvastigi konecon de SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Ŝutspegulo de PixelZono"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Ŝutspegulo de PixelKanvaso"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Nigra-Blanka kanvaso"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bonvenon ${ name } to PixelPlanet, bonvolu verigi vian retpostadreson"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Saluton ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"bonvenon al nia comunumeta de pixelmetistoj; por uzi vian konton, vi devus "
"verigi vian retpostadreson. Povus fari ĝin ĉi tie: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Klaki por Verigi"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Aŭ kopianta la URL:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Amuziĝu kaj ne heziti kontakti nin se renkontus ajna problemojn ŭwŭ"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "DANKon"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -460,15 +131,61 @@ msgstr ""
"Ni jam sendis vin unuan verigaĵan retpostmensaĝon, vi petipovus de nove alia " "Ni jam sendis vin unuan verigaĵan retpostmensaĝon, vi petipovus de nove alia "
"en ${ minLeft } minutoj." "en ${ minLeft } minutoj."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bonvenon ${ name } to PixelPlanet, bonvolu verigi vian retpostadreson"
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Saluton ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"bonvenon al nia comunumeta de pixelmetistoj; por uzi vian konton, vi devus "
"verigi vian retpostadreson. Povus fari ĝin ĉi tie: "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Klaki por Verigi"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Aŭ kopianta la URL:"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Amuziĝu kaj ne heziti kontakti nin se renkontus ajna problemojn ŭwŭ"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "DANKon"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Ni jam sendis vin retpostmensaĝo kun instukcioj. Bonvolu atendi antaŭ la "
"proksiman peton por retpostmensaĝo."
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Ne trovis tion retpostmensaĝon en la datumbazon"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Forgesus vian pasvorton je PixelPlanet? Petu novan ĉi tien" msgstr "Forgesus vian pasvorton je PixelPlanet? Petu novan ĉi tien"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Saluton" msgstr "Saluton"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
@ -476,7 +193,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Vi petis novan pasvorton. Vi povus ŝanĝi la pasvorton dum la proksimaj 30 " "Vi petis novan pasvorton. Vi povus ŝanĝi la pasvorton dum la proksimaj 30 "
"minutoj jen: " "minutoj jen: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Renovigu Pasvorton"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -485,37 +207,212 @@ msgstr ""
"Se vi ne faris tiun ĉi retpostmensaĝon, bonvolu fiki vian patrinon (la IP " "Se vi ne faris tiun ĉi retpostmensaĝon, bonvolu fiki vian patrinon (la IP "
"kio petis ĝin estis ${ ip })." "kio petis ĝin estis ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgstr "" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Klaku ĉi tien"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "reiri al pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Saluton ${ name }, vi povas alsendi vian novan pasvorton ĉi tien:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nova Pasvorto"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Verigu Novan Pasvorton"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Alsendu"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Pasvorton Renovigu"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Renovigu pasvorton vian ĉi tien"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Retpostadreso ne povas malpleni."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' devus esti almenaŭ 5 karakterojn."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' ne povas esti >40 karakterojn."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' devus almenaŭ enhavi pukton"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝ' devus enhavi @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Nom' ne povas esti malplena."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "Nom' devus enhavi almenaŭ 4 karakterojn"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Nom' devus esti pli mallonga ol 26 karakterojn"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Nom' enhavas nevalidan karakterojn kiel @, /, \\, aŭ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Pasvorton ne donita."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Pasvorton devus enhavi almenaŭ 6 karakterojn."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Pasvorton devus esti pli mallonga ol 60 karakterojn."
#: src/utils/validation.js:74
msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :("
msgstr "Malligita al servilo, tentu poste ŭwŭ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:80
msgid "I think we experienced some error :("
msgstr "Ni eraron spertis ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Vi ne estas aŭtentigita."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Pasvorto erara!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Retpostmensaĝa verigo"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Vi estas nun virigita ŭwŭ"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ni jam sendis vin retpostmensaĝo kun instukcioj. Bonvolu atendi antaŭ la " "Vian retpostmensaĝan verigan kodeton nevalidas aŭ jam posttempa ŭwŭ, bonvolu "
"proksiman peton por retpostmensaĝo." "peti novan."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Ne trovis tion retpostmensaĝon en la datumbazon" msgstr "Retpostadreso jam uzata."
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
#~ msgstr "Ne povus sendi vian mensaĝon, elsalutu kaj reensalutu de nove." msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Uzantnomo jam uzata."
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
#~ msgstr "FEK! L' Spam protektul' decidis silenti vin" msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Malsukcesis krei novan uzanton ŭwŭ"
#~ msgid "" #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" msgstr "Malsukcesis krei novan ligon post reĝistro"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ĉi tiu renovigopasvortoligon estas erara aŭ jam tro da malnovec', petu "
#~ "novan (Rimarko: vi uzipovus tiujn nur unuan fojon)"
#~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :(" #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
#~ msgstr "Malligita al servilo, tentu poste ŭwŭ" msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Vin eĉ ne ensalutita."
#~ msgid "I think we experienced some error :(" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
#~ msgstr "Ni eraron spertis ŭwŭ" msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Aŭte redirektos vin post 15s"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Aŭ ${ clickHere } reeniri al pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Kontoj"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "L' Mond'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "L' Lun'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Kanvas'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Kronvirus'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PikselZono"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PikselKanvaso"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit'"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Nia ĉefa kanvaso, granda mapo de l' mond'. Metus en ajn lokon"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art)"
msgstr ""
"Luna kanvaso. Sekuran spacon por arto. Malpermesita estas flagoj aŭ granda "
"texta (krom se parto da arto)"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Metu Vokselojn je 3D canvas kun aliaj fekuloj"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Aparta kanvaso por disvastigi konecon de SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Ŝutspegulo de PixelZono"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Ŝutspegulo de PixelKanvaso"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Nigra-Blanka kanvaso"

View File

@ -12,450 +12,120 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "No se pueden enviar mensajes de chat con proxy" msgstr "No se pueden enviar mensajes de chat con proxy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, fuzzy msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Tu país está temporalmente silenciado en el chat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Estás silenciado permanentemente, únete a nuestro guilded para apelar"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "No estás autenticado."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"No se pudo enviar tu mensaje, por favor cierra y vuelve a iniciar la sesión."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:306
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Estás silenciado por ${ timeMin } minutos más"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Estás silenciado por ${ ttl } segundos más"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Estás enviando mensajes demasiado rápido, tienes que esperar ${ waitTime }s :" "Estás enviando mensajes demasiado rápido, tienes que esperar ${ waitTime }s :"
"(" "("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:310
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "No tienes acceso a este canal" msgstr "No tienes acceso a este canal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:326
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Tu correo tiene que ser verificado para poder chatear" msgstr "Tu correo tiene que ser verificado para poder chatear"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:331
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Estás silenciado permanentemente, únete a nuestro guilded para apelar"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:336
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Estás silenciado por ${ timeMin } minutos más"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:338
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Estás silenciado por ${ muted } segundos más"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:346
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "¡Oh no! La protección antispam ha decidido silenciarte"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:357
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "No se puede enviar un mensaje así de largo :(" msgstr "No se puede enviar un mensaje así de largo :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:361
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Por favor usa el chat 'int'" msgstr "Por favor usa el chat 'int'"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:365
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Tu país está temporalmente silenciado en el chat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:373
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Deja de hacer spam." msgstr "Deja de hacer spam."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Enviaste una contraseña vacía o datos inválidos :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Este enlace de reinicio de contraseña ya no es válido :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Tus contraseñas no coinciden :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "El usuario no existe en la base de datos :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Contraseña cambiada exitosamente."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Url inválida :( Por favor revisa tu correo nuevamente."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "Globo 3D de PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Un globo 3D para nuestro mapa completo"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Haz doble clic en el globo para regresar." msgstr "Haz doble clic en el globo para regresar."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Cargando..." msgstr "Cargando..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
#, fuzzy msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "Globo 3D de PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Un globo 3D para nuestro mapa completo"
#: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:73
msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:75
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Coloca píxeles de colores en un lienzo con otros jugadores en línea" msgstr "Coloca píxeles de colores en un lienzo con otros jugadores en línea"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:58
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "El campo de correo no puede estar vacío." msgstr "Enviaste una contraseña vacía o datos inválidos :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:70
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "El correo debe tener al menos 5 caracteres de largo." msgstr "Este enlace de reinicio de contraseña ya no es válido :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:81
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "El correo no puede tener más de 40 caracteres." msgstr "Tus contraseñas no coinciden :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:96
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "El correo debe contener al menos un punto" msgstr "El usuario no existe en la base de datos :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "El correo debe contener una @" msgstr "Contraseña cambiada exitosamente."
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:127
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "El campo de nombre no puede estar vacío." msgstr "Url inválida :( Por favor revisa tu correo nuevamente."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "El nombre debe tener al menos 4 caracteres de largo"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "El correo debe tener menos de 26 caracteres"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "El nombre contiene caracteres inválidos como @, /, \\ o #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "No se ingresó una contraseña."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "La contraseña debe tener al menos 6 caracteres de largo."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "La contraseña debe tener menos de 60 caracteres."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Reinicio de la Contraseña de"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Reinicia tu contraseña aquí"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Reiniciar Contraseña"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Haz clic aquí"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "para regresar a pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }, puedes establecer tu nueva contraseña aquí:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Contraseña Nueva"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirmar Contraseña Nueva"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Ni siquiera has iniciado sesión."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "No tienes acceso a este canal"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "No estás autenticado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "No se envió ningún texto para el captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "El correo electrónico ya se encuentra en uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario ya se encuentra en uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Te tardaste demasiado, inténtalo de nuevo."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Error de Captcha Desconocido"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "No se pudo crear el nuevo usuario :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "No se pudo establecer sesión después de registrar :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificación de correo"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Ahora estás verificado :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"a new one." "one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Tu código de verificación de correo es inválido o ya expiró :(, por favor " "Este enlace de reinicio de contraseña es incorrecto o ya expiró, por favor "
"solicita uno nuevo." "solicita uno nuevo (Nota: los enlaces se pueden utilizar solo una vez)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Ni siquiera has iniciado sesión."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Ocurrió un error al guardar"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "No estás autenticado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "¡Contraseña incorrecta!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Cuentas de"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Se te redirigirá automáticamente después de 15s"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "O ${ clickHere } oara volver a pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Tierra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Luna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Lienzo 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Nuestro lienzo principal, un enorme mapa del mundo. Coloca donde quieras"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Lienzo Lunar. Un espacio seguro para el arte. No se permiten banderas "
"gigantes (a menos que sean parte de un dibujo) o dibujos mayores a 1.5k x "
"1.5k píxeles."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Coloca vóxeles en un lienzo 3D junto a otros"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Lienzo especial para crear conciencia sobre el virus SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Espejo de PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Espejo de PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Lienzo en Blanco y Negro"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bienvenido a PixelPlanet ${ name }, por favor verifica tu correo"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"bienvenido a nuestra pequeña comunidad de colocadores de píxeles, para "
"utilizar tu cuenta necesitas verificar tu correo. Puedes hacerlo acá: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Haz clic para verificar"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "O copiando la siguiente url:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Diviértete y no dudes en contactarnos si encuentras algún problema :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Gracias"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -464,15 +134,61 @@ msgstr ""
"Ya te enviamos un correo de verificación, puedes solicitar otro en " "Ya te enviamos un correo de verificación, puedes solicitar otro en "
"${ minLeft } minutos." "${ minLeft } minutos."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bienvenido a PixelPlanet ${ name }, por favor verifica tu correo"
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"bienvenido a nuestra pequeña comunidad de colocadores de píxeles, para "
"utilizar tu cuenta necesitas verificar tu correo. Puedes hacerlo acá: "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Haz clic para verificar"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "O copiando la siguiente url:"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Diviértete y no dudes en contactarnos si encuentras algún problema :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Gracias"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Ya te enviaos un correo con instrucciones. Por favor espera antes de "
"solicitar otro correo."
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "No se pudo encontrar este correo en nuestra base de datos"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña para PixelPlanet? Consigue una nueva aquí" msgstr "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña para PixelPlanet? Consigue una nueva aquí"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hola" msgstr "Hola"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
@ -480,7 +196,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Has solicitado una nueva contraseña. Puedes cambiar tu contraseña dentro de " "Has solicitado una nueva contraseña. Puedes cambiar tu contraseña dentro de "
"los próximos 30 minutos aquí: " "los próximos 30 minutos aquí: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Reiniciar Contraseña"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -489,37 +210,230 @@ msgstr ""
"Si usted no solicitó este correo, por favor ignórelo (la ip que solicitó " "Si usted no solicitó este correo, por favor ignórelo (la ip que solicitó "
"este correo fue ${ ip })." "este correo fue ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Haz clic aquí"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "para regresar a pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Hola ${ name }, puedes establecer tu nueva contraseña aquí:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Contraseña Nueva"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirmar Contraseña Nueva"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Reinicio de la Contraseña de"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Reinicia tu contraseña aquí"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "El campo de correo no puede estar vacío."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "El correo debe tener al menos 5 caracteres de largo."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "El correo no puede tener más de 40 caracteres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "El correo debe contener al menos un punto"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "El correo debe contener una @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "El campo de nombre no puede estar vacío."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "El nombre debe tener al menos 4 caracteres de largo"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "El correo debe tener menos de 26 caracteres"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "El nombre contiene caracteres inválidos como @, /, \\ o #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "No se ingresó una contraseña."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "La contraseña debe tener al menos 6 caracteres de largo."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "La contraseña debe tener menos de 60 caracteres."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:22
msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "No se envió ningún texto para el captcha"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:36
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Te tardaste demasiado, inténtalo de nuevo."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:42
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/routes/api/captcha.js:48
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Error de Captcha Desconocido"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:55
msgid "Server error occured"
msgstr "Ocurrió un error al guardar"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "El correo electrónico ya se encuentra en uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario ya se encuentra en uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "No se pudo crear el nuevo usuario :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "No se pudo establecer sesión después de registrar :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificación de correo"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Ahora estás verificado :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ya te enviaos un correo con instrucciones. Por favor espera antes de " "Tu código de verificación de correo es inválido o ya expiró :(, por favor "
"solicitar otro correo." "solicita uno nuevo."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "No se pudo encontrar este correo en nuestra base de datos" msgstr "Ni siquiera has iniciado sesión."
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
#~ msgstr "" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#~ "No se pudo enviar tu mensaje, por favor cierra y vuelve a iniciar la " #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
#~ "sesión." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "No estás autenticado."
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#~ msgstr "¡Oh no! La protección antispam ha decidido silenciarte" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "¡Contraseña incorrecta!"
#~ msgid "" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" msgstr "Se te redirigirá automáticamente después de 15s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este enlace de reinicio de contraseña es incorrecto o ya expiró, por " #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#~ "favor solicita uno nuevo (Nota: los enlaces se pueden utilizar solo una " #, javascript-format
#~ "vez)" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "O ${ clickHere } oara volver a pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Cuentas de"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Tierra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Luna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Lienzo 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Nuestro lienzo principal, un enorme mapa del mundo. Coloca donde quieras"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Lienzo Lunar. Un espacio seguro para el arte. No se permiten banderas "
"gigantes (a menos que sean parte de un dibujo) o dibujos mayores a 1.5k x "
"1.5k píxeles."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Coloca vóxeles en un lienzo 3D junto a otros"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Lienzo especial para crear conciencia sobre el virus SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Espejo de PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Espejo de PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Lienzo en Blanco y Negro"
#~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :(" #~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :("
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "کشور شما موقتاً از این کانال چت بی‌صدا شده است" msgstr "کشور شما موقتاً از این کانال چت بی‌صدا شده است"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "شما برای همیشه بی‌صدا شده‌اید، به گیلدد ما بپیوندید تا نادیده گرفته شود" msgstr "شما برای همیشه بی‌صدا شده‌اید، به گیلدد ما بپیوندید تا نادیده گرفته شود"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "شما برای ${ timeMin } دقیقه بی صدا شدین" msgstr "شما برای ${ timeMin } دقیقه بی صدا شدین"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "شما برای ${ ttl } ثانیه بی صدا شدین" msgstr "شما برای ${ ttl } ثانیه بی صدا شدین"
@ -52,19 +50,19 @@ msgstr "خیلی داری تند تند پیام میفرستی. باید ${ wai
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "تو به این کانال دسترسی نداری" msgstr "تو به این کانال دسترسی نداری"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "برای چت کردن، ایمیل شما باید تأیید شود" msgstr "برای چت کردن، ایمیل شما باید تأیید شود"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "نمیشه اینقدر پیام بدی :(" msgstr "نمیشه اینقدر پیام بدی :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "لطفا از کانال int استفاده کنید" msgstr "لطفا از کانال int استفاده کنید"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "اینقدر پیام نفرست." msgstr "اینقدر پیام نفرست."
@ -85,43 +83,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "کاربر در پایگاه داده ما وجود ندارد :(" msgstr "کاربر در پایگاه داده ما وجود ندارد :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "رمز عبور با موفقیت تغییر کرد." msgstr "رمز عبور با موفقیت تغییر کرد."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "آدرس اینترنتی نامعتبر :( لطفا دوباره ایمیل خود را بررسی کنید." msgstr "آدرس اینترنتی نامعتبر :( لطفا دوباره ایمیل خود را بررسی کنید."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "یک کره سه بعدی از کل نقشه ما" msgstr "یک کره سه بعدی از کل نقشه ما"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "برای بازگشت بر روی globe دوبار کلیک کنید." msgstr "برای بازگشت بر روی globe دوبار کلیک کنید."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "بارگذاری..." msgstr "بارگذاری..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "پیکسل‌های رنگی را روی بوم طرح‌دار نقشه با دیگر بازیکنان آنلاین قرار دهید" msgstr "پیکسل‌های رنگی را روی بوم طرح‌دار نقشه با دیگر بازیکنان آنلاین قرار دهید"
@ -227,7 +224,31 @@ msgstr "فقط ادمین ها میتونن این کار رو بکنن"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "تو بن نشدی" msgstr "تو بن نشدی"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "تو حتی وارد هم نشدی."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "خطای سرور هنگام خروج از سیستم."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "تایید ایمیل"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "الان تایید شدی :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"کد تأیید ایمیل شما نامعتبر است یا قبلاً منقضی شده است :(، لطفاً یک کد جدید "
"درخواست کنید."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "این ارائه دهنده ایمیل مجاز نیست" msgstr "این ارائه دهنده ایمیل مجاز نیست"
@ -263,50 +284,18 @@ msgstr "کاربر جدید ایجاد نشد :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "تشکیل جلسه پس از ثبت نام انجام نشد :(" msgstr "تشکیل جلسه پس از ثبت نام انجام نشد :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "تایید ایمیل"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "الان تایید شدی :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"کد تأیید ایمیل شما نامعتبر است یا قبلاً منقضی شده است :(، لطفاً یک کد جدید "
"درخواست کنید."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "تو حتی وارد هم نشدی."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "خطای سرور هنگام خروج از سیستم."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "شما احراز هویت نشده اید." msgstr "شما احراز هویت نشده اید."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "رمزت رو غلط وارد کردی!" msgstr "رمزت رو غلط وارد کردی!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "حساب‌های" msgstr "حساب‌های"
@ -320,52 +309,44 @@ msgstr "پس از 15 ثانیه به طور خودکار هدایت می شوی
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "یا ${ clickHere } تا به پیکسل پلنت برگردی" msgstr "یا ${ clickHere } تا به پیکسل پلنت برگردی"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "زمین" msgstr "زمین"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "ماه" msgstr "ماه"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "بوم سه بعدی" msgstr "بوم سه بعدی"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "ویروس کرونا" msgstr "ویروس کرونا"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "منطقه پیکسل" msgstr "منطقه پیکسل"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "بوم پیکسل" msgstr "بوم پیکسل"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "یک بیت" msgstr "یک بیت"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "ده نفر برتر" msgstr "ده نفر برتر"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"بوم اصلی ما، نقشه عظیمی از جهان است. هر جایی که دوست دارید پیکسل قرار دهید" "بوم اصلی ما، نقشه عظیمی از جهان است. هر جایی که دوست دارید پیکسل قرار دهید"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -373,27 +354,27 @@ msgstr ""
"بوم ماه. فضای امن برای هنر بدون پرچم یا متن بزرگ (مگر اینکه بخشی از هنر) یا " "بوم ماه. فضای امن برای هنر بدون پرچم یا متن بزرگ (مگر اینکه بخشی از هنر) یا "
"هنری بزرگتر از 1.5k × 1.5k پیکسل باشد." "هنری بزرگتر از 1.5k × 1.5k پیکسل باشد."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Voxels را روی بوم سه بعدی با دیگران قرار دهید" msgstr "Voxels را روی بوم سه بعدی با دیگران قرار دهید"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "یک بوم مخصوص برای آگاهی رسانی درمورد ویروس کرونا" msgstr "یک بوم مخصوص برای آگاهی رسانی درمورد ویروس کرونا"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "آینه منطقه پیکسل" msgstr "آینه منطقه پیکسل"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "آینه بوم پیکسل" msgstr "آینه بوم پیکسل"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "بوم سیاه و سفید" msgstr "بوم سیاه و سفید"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -401,23 +382,12 @@ msgstr ""
"بوم برای فعال ترین بازیکنان روز قبل. به روز رسانی رتبه بندی روزانه در ساعت " "بوم برای فعال ترین بازیکنان روز قبل. به روز رسانی رتبه بندی روزانه در ساعت "
"00:00 UTC." "00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "خوش اومدی آقای ${ name } به پیکسل پلنت. بی زحمت ایمیلت رو تایید کن" msgstr "خوش اومدی آقای ${ name } به پیکسل پلنت. بی زحمت ایمیلت رو تایید کن"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "سلام ${ name }" msgstr "سلام ${ name }"
@ -438,9 +408,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "یا با کپی کردن آدرس زیر:" msgstr "یا با کپی کردن آدرس زیر:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "لذت ببرید و در صورت بروز هرگونه مشکل با ما در ارتباط باشید :)" msgstr "لذت ببرید و در صورت بروز هرگونه مشکل با ما در ارتباط باشید :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107

View File

@ -12,457 +12,124 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas écrire sur le chat via un proxy" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas écrire sur le chat via un proxy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, fuzzy msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer votre message, veuillez vous reconnecter."
msgstr "Votre pays est temporairement mis en sourdine"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:306
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr ""
"Vous êtes mis en sourdine pour toujours, rejoignez notre guilded pour faire "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Vous êtes mis en sourdine pour encore ${ timeMin } minutes"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Vous êtes mis en sourdine pour encore ${ ttl } secondes"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Vous envoyez des messages trop rapidement, vous devez attendre ${ waitTime }" "Vous envoyez des messages trop rapidement, vous devez attendre ${ waitTime }"
"s :(" "s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:310
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à ce salon" msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à ce salon"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:326
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Votre adresse de courriel doit être vérifiée pour chatter" msgstr "Votre adresse de courriel doit être vérifiée pour chatter"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:331
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr ""
"Vous êtes mis en sourdine pour toujours, rejoignez notre guilded pour faire "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:336
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Vous êtes mis en sourdine pour encore ${ timeMin } minutes"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:338
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Vous êtes mis en sourdine pour encore ${ muted } secondes"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:346
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "Oh non ! La protection anti-spam a décidé de vous mettre en sourdine"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:357
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer un message si long :(" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer un message si long :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:361
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Veuillez utiliser le salon international" msgstr "Veuillez utiliser le salon international"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:365
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Votre pays est temporairement mis en sourdine"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:373
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Arrêtez de flooder." msgstr "Arrêtez de flooder."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Vous avez envoyé un mot de passe vide ou des données invalides :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Ce lien de réintialisation du mot de passe n'est plus valide :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Vos mots de passe ne correspondent pas :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Cet utilisateur n'existe pas dans notre base de données :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Le mot de passe a été modifié avec succès."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "URL invalide :( Veuillez encore consulter votre courriel."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Un globe 3D de toute notre carte"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Double-cliquez sur le globe pour retourner." msgstr "Double-cliquez sur le globe pour retourner."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement..." msgstr "Chargement..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
#, fuzzy msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Un globe 3D de toute notre carte"
#: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:73
msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:75
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Placez des pixels colorés sur une carte du monde en ligne avec d'autres " "Placez des pixels colorés sur une carte du monde en ligne avec d'autres "
"joueurs." "joueurs."
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:58
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Le courriel ne peut pas être vide." msgstr "Vous avez envoyé un mot de passe vide ou des données invalides :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:70
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Le courriel doit avoir au moins 5 caractères." msgstr "Ce lien de réintialisation du mot de passe n'est plus valide :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:81
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Le courriel ne peut pas avoir plus de 40 caractères." msgstr "Vos mots de passe ne correspondent pas :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:96
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Le courriel doit avoir au moins un point" msgstr "Cet utilisateur n'existe pas dans notre base de données :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Le courriel doit contenir un @" msgstr "Le mot de passe a été modifié avec succès."
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:127
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Le nom ne peut pas être vide." msgstr "URL invalide :( Veuillez encore consulter votre courriel."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Le nom doit avoir au moins 4 caractères"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Le nom doit avoir moins de 26 caractères"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Le nom contient un caractère invalide comme @, /, \\ ou #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Aucun mot de passe indiqué."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit avoir au moins 6 caractères."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit avoir moins de 60 caractères."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe de"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Réinitialisez votre mot de passe ici"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Cliquez ici"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "pour retourner à PixelPlanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Bonjour ${ name }, vous pouvez définir votre nouveau mot de passe ici:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirmer nouveau mot de passe"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Soumettre"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes même pas connecté."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à ce salon"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Aucun texte de captcha donné"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Ce courriel est déjà utilisé."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Ce nom est déjà utilisé."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Vous avez mis trop de temps, veuillez réessayer."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Vous avez échoué votre captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Erreur de captcha inconnue"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Impossible de créer un nouveau compte :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Impossible d'établir une session après l'inscription :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Vérification du courriel"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Votre courriel est vérifié :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"a new one." "one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Votre code de vérification est invalide ou a déjà expiré :( Veuillez " "Ce lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe est incorrect ou a déjà expire, "
"demander un nouveau." "veuillez demander un nouveau (Attention: vous pouvez utiliser ces liens une "
"seule fois)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes même pas connecté."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Une erreur serveur est survenue"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe !"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Comptes"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Vous serez redirigé automatiquement après 15s"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ou ${ clickHere } pour retourner à PixelPlanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "La terre"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "La lune"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Toile 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Notre toile principale, une grande carte du monde. Placez où vous voulez"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"La toile de la lune. Un espace sûr pour l'art. Les drapeaux, gros caractères "
"(à moins qu'ils fassent partie d'une œuvre d'art) ainsi que les oeuvres de "
"1.5k x 1.5k pixels ne sont pas autorisés."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Placez des cubes sur une toile 3D avec d'autres joueurs"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Une toile spéciale pour sensibiliser la population au SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Miroir de PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Miroir de PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Une toile noire et blanche"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bienvenue ${ name } à PixelPlanet, veuillez vérifier votre courriel"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Bonjour ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"Bienvenue à notre petite communauté de placeurs de pixels, vous devez "
"verifier votre courriel afin d'utiliser votre compte. Vous pouvez le faire "
"ici: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Cliquez pour vérifier"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ou copiez l'adresse URL suivante :"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"S'amusez-vous bien et ne pas hésiter à nous contacter si vous rencontrez un "
"problème :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Merci"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -471,16 +138,65 @@ msgstr ""
"Nous avons déjà envoyé un courriel de verification, vous pouvez demander un " "Nous avons déjà envoyé un courriel de verification, vous pouvez demander un "
"autre en ${ minLeft } minutes." "autre en ${ minLeft } minutes."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bienvenue ${ name } à PixelPlanet, veuillez vérifier votre courriel"
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Bonjour ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"Bienvenue à notre petite communauté de placeurs de pixels, vous devez "
"verifier votre courriel afin d'utiliser votre compte. Vous pouvez le faire "
"ici: "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Cliquez pour vérifier"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ou copiez l'adresse URL suivante :"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"S'amusez-vous bien et ne pas hésiter à nous contacter si vous rencontrez un "
"problème :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Merci"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Nous vous avons déjà envoyé un courriel avec des instructions. Veuillez "
"patienter avant demander un autre courriel. "
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Ce courriel n'a pas trouvé dans notre base de données"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Avez-vous oublié votre mot de passe pour PixelPlanet? Obtenez un nouveau ici" "Avez-vous oublié votre mot de passe pour PixelPlanet? Obtenez un nouveau ici"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Bonjour" msgstr "Bonjour"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
@ -488,7 +204,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Vous avez demandé un nouveau mot de passe. Vous pouvez modifier votre mot de " "Vous avez demandé un nouveau mot de passe. Vous pouvez modifier votre mot de "
"passe dans les 30 min ici : " "passe dans les 30 min ici : "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -497,36 +218,230 @@ msgstr ""
"Si vous n'avez pas demandé ce courriel, merci de l'ignorer (l'addresse IP " "Si vous n'avez pas demandé ce courriel, merci de l'ignorer (l'addresse IP "
"qui a demandé ce courriel était ${ ip })." "qui a demandé ce courriel était ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgstr "" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Cliquez ici"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "pour retourner à PixelPlanet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Bonjour ${ name }, vous pouvez définir votre nouveau mot de passe ici:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirmer nouveau mot de passe"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Soumettre"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe de"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Réinitialisez votre mot de passe ici"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Le courriel ne peut pas être vide."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Le courriel doit avoir au moins 5 caractères."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "Le courriel ne peut pas avoir plus de 40 caractères."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Le courriel doit avoir au moins un point"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Le courriel doit contenir un @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Le nom ne peut pas être vide."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "Le nom doit avoir au moins 4 caractères"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Le nom doit avoir moins de 26 caractères"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Le nom contient un caractère invalide comme @, /, \\ ou #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Aucun mot de passe indiqué."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit avoir au moins 6 caractères."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit avoir moins de 60 caractères."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:22
msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "Aucun texte de captcha donné"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:36
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Vous avez mis trop de temps, veuillez réessayer."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:42
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Vous avez échoué votre captcha"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:48
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Erreur de captcha inconnue"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:55
msgid "Server error occured"
msgstr "Une erreur serveur est survenue"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Ce courriel est déjà utilisé."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Ce nom est déjà utilisé."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Impossible de créer un nouveau compte :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Impossible d'établir une session après l'inscription :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes même pas connecté."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Vérification du courriel"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Votre courriel est vérifié :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Nous vous avons déjà envoyé un courriel avec des instructions. Veuillez " "Votre code de vérification est invalide ou a déjà expiré :( Veuillez "
"patienter avant demander un autre courriel. " "demander un nouveau."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
msgstr "Ce courriel n'a pas trouvé dans notre base de données" #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé."
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#~ msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer votre message, veuillez vous reconnecter." #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe !"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
#~ msgstr "" msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
#~ "Oh non ! La protection anti-spam a décidé de vous mettre en sourdine" msgstr "Vous serez redirigé automatiquement après 15s"
#~ msgid "" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " #, javascript-format
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
#~ msgstr "" msgstr "Ou ${ clickHere } pour retourner à PixelPlanet"
#~ "Ce lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe est incorrect ou a déjà "
#~ "expire, veuillez demander un nouveau (Attention: vous pouvez utiliser ces " #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
#~ "liens une seule fois)" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Comptes"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "La terre"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "La lune"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Toile 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Notre toile principale, une grande carte du monde. Placez où vous voulez"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"La toile de la lune. Un espace sûr pour l'art. Les drapeaux, gros caractères "
"(à moins qu'ils fassent partie d'une œuvre d'art) ainsi que les oeuvres de "
"1.5k x 1.5k pixels ne sont pas autorisés."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Placez des cubes sur une toile 3D avec d'autres joueurs"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Une toile spéciale pour sensibiliser la population au SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Miroir de PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Miroir de PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Une toile noire et blanche"
#~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :(" #~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :("
#~ msgstr "" #~ msgstr ""

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.1\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "თქვენი ქვეყანა დამუდებული არის ამ ჩატიდან" msgstr "თქვენი ქვეყანა დამუდებული არის ამ ჩატიდან"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"თქვენ სამუდამოდ დადუმებული ხართ, შემოუერთდით ჩვენს გილდიას, რათა გაასაჩივროთ " "თქვენ სამუდამოდ დადუმებული ხართ, შემოუერთდით ჩვენს გილდიას, რათა გაასაჩივროთ "
"მუნჯი" "მუნჯი"
@ -38,10 +37,9 @@ msgstr "თქვენს ინტერნეტ პროვაიდერ
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes" msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "თქვენ დადუმებული ხართ კიდევ ${ timeMin } წუთით" msgstr "თქვენ დადუმებული ხართ კიდევ $ {timeMin } წუთით"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "თქვენ დადუმებული ხართ კიდევ ${ ttl } წამით" msgstr "თქვენ დადუმებული ხართ კიდევ ${ ttl } წამით"
@ -55,19 +53,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "თქვენ არ გაქვთ წვდომა ამ არხზე" msgstr "თქვენ არ გაქვთ წვდომა ამ არხზე"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "თქვენი ფოსტა უნდა დადასტურდეს ჩეთისთვის" msgstr "თქვენი ფოსტა უნდა დადასტურდეს ჩეთისთვის"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "ამდენ ხანს მესიჯს ვერ გაუგზავნი :(" msgstr "ამდენ ხანს მესიჯს ვერ გაუგზავნი :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "გთხოვთ გამოიყენოთ int არხი" msgstr "გთხოვთ გამოიყენოთ int არხი"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "შეაჩერე ჩატის გასპამვა." msgstr "შეაჩერე ჩატის გასპამვა."
@ -88,43 +86,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "მომხმარებელი არ არსებობს ჩვენს მონაცემთა ბაზაში :(" msgstr "მომხმარებელი არ არსებობს ჩვენს მონაცემთა ბაზაში :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "პაროლი წარმატებით შეიცვალა." msgstr "პაროლი წარმატებით შეიცვალა."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "არასწორი url :( გთხოვთ, ხელახლა შეამოწმოთ თქვენი ფოსტა." msgstr "არასწორი url :( გთხოვთ, ხელახლა შეამოწმოთ თქვენი ფოსტა."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "ჩვენი მთელი რუკის 3D გლობუსი" msgstr "ჩვენი მთელი რუკის 3D გლობუსი"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "ორჯერ დააწკაპუნეთ გლობუსზე უკან დასაბრუნებლად." msgstr "ორჯერ დააწკაპუნეთ გლობუსზე უკან დასაბრუნებლად."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Ჩატვირთვა..." msgstr "Ჩატვირთვა..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"განათავსეთ ფერადი პიქსელები რუკის კანვასზე ტილოზე სხვა მოთამაშეებთან ერთად " "განათავსეთ ფერადი პიქსელები რუკის კანვასზე ტილოზე სხვა მოთამაშეებთან ერთად "
@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ msgstr "ამის გაკეთება მხოლოდ ადმინ
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "არ ხარ აკრძალული" msgstr "არ ხარ აკრძალული"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "ელფოსტის ეს პროვაიდერი დაუშვებელია" msgstr "ელფოსტის ეს პროვაიდერი დაუშვებელია"
@ -268,6 +265,26 @@ msgstr "ახალი მომხმარებლის შექმნა
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "რეგისტრაციის შემდეგ სესიის დამყარება ვერ მოხერხდა :(" msgstr "რეგისტრაციის შემდეგ სესიის დამყარება ვერ მოხერხდა :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "თქვენ არც კი ხართ შესული."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "სერვერის შეცდომა გამოსვლისას."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "თქვენ არ ხართ დამოწმებული."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Არასწორი პაროლი!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "ფოსტის გადამოწმება" msgstr "ფოსტის გადამოწმება"
@ -284,34 +301,6 @@ msgstr ""
"თქვენი ფოსტის დამადასტურებელი კოდი არასწორია ან უკვე ვადაგასულია :(, გთხოვთ, " "თქვენი ფოსტის დამადასტურებელი კოდი არასწორია ან უკვე ვადაგასულია :(, გთხოვთ, "
"მოითხოვოთ ახალი." "მოითხოვოთ ახალი."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "თქვენ არც კი ხართ შესული."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "სერვერის შეცდომა გამოსვლისას."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "თქვენ არ ხართ დამოწმებული."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Არასწორი პაროლი!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " ანგარიშები" msgstr " ანგარიშები"
@ -325,53 +314,45 @@ msgstr "თქვენ ავტომატურად გადამის
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "ან ${ clickHere } pixelplanet-ზე დასაბრუნებლად" msgstr "ან ${ clickHere } pixelplanet-ზე დასაბრუნებლად"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "დედამიწა" msgstr "დედამიწა"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "მთვარე" msgstr "მთვარე"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3დ კანვასი" msgstr "3დ კანვასი"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "კორონავირუსი" msgstr "კორონავირუსი"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "პიქსელზონა" msgstr "პიქსელზონა"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1 ბიტი" msgstr "1 ბიტი"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "10 საუკეთესო" msgstr "10 საუკეთესო"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"ჩვენი მთავარი კანვასი, მსოფლიოს უზარმაზარი რუკა. განათავსეთ ყველგან, სადაც " "ჩვენი მთავარი კანვასი, მსოფლიოს უზარმაზარი რუკა. განათავსეთ ყველგან, სადაც "
"გსურთ" "გსურთ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -380,27 +361,27 @@ msgstr ""
"ტექსტი (თუ არ არის ხელოვნების ნაწილი) ან 1,5 კ x 1,5 კ პიქსელზე მეტი " "ტექსტი (თუ არ არის ხელოვნების ნაწილი) ან 1,5 კ x 1,5 კ პიქსელზე მეტი "
"ნამუშევარი." "ნამუშევარი."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "მოათავსეთ ვოქსელები 3D ტილოზე სხვებთან ერთად" msgstr "მოათავსეთ ვოქსელები 3D ტილოზე სხვებთან ერთად"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "სპეციალური ტილო SARS-CoV2-ის შესახებ ცნობადობის გასავრცელებლად" msgstr "სპეციალური ტილო SARS-CoV2-ის შესახებ ცნობადობის გასავრცელებლად"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone-ის სარკე" msgstr "PixelZone-ის სარკე"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas-ის სარკე" msgstr "PixelCanvas-ის სარკე"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "შავ-თეთრი ტილო" msgstr "შავ-თეთრი ტილო"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -408,24 +389,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ტილო წინა დღის ყველაზე აქტიური მოთამაშეებისთვის. ყოველდღიური რეიტინგის " "ტილო წინა დღის ყველაზე აქტიური მოთამაშეებისთვის. ყოველდღიური რეიტინგის "
"განახლებები 00:00 UTC." "განახლებები 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"მოგესალმებით ${ name } PixelPlanet-ში, გთხოვთ, გადაამოწმოთ თქვენი ფოსტა" "მოგესალმებით ${ name } PixelPlanet-ში, გთხოვთ, გადაამოწმოთ თქვენი ფოსტა"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "გამარჯობა ${ name }" msgstr "გამარჯობა ${ name }"
@ -436,7 +406,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება pixelplacers-ის ჩვენს პატარა საზოგადოებაში, " "კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება pixelplacers-ის ჩვენს პატარა საზოგადოებაში, "
"თქვენი ანგარიშის გამოსაყენებლად, თქვენ უნდა გადაამოწმოთ თქვენი ფოსტა. ამის " "თქვენი ანგარიშის გამოსაყენებლად, თქვენ უნდა გადაამოწმოთ თქვენი ფოსტა. ამის "
"გაკეთება შეგიძლიათ აქ: " "გაკეთება შეგიძლიათ აქ:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify" msgid "Click to Verify"
@ -447,9 +417,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "ან შემდეგი url-ის კოპირებით:" msgstr "ან შემდეგი url-ის კოპირებით:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"გაერთეთ და ნუ მოგერიდებათ დაგვიკავშირდეთ თუ რაიმე პრობლემა შეგექმნათ :)" "გაერთეთ და ნუ მოგერიდებათ დაგვიკავშირდეთ თუ რაიმე პრობლემა შეგექმნათ :)"
@ -480,7 +449,7 @@ msgid ""
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"თქვენ მოითხოვეთ ახალი პაროლის მიღება. თქვენ შეგიძლიათ შეცვალოთ თქვენი პაროლი " "თქვენ მოითხოვეთ ახალი პაროლის მიღება. თქვენ შეგიძლიათ შეცვალოთ თქვენი პაროლი "
"შემდეგი 30 წუთის განმავლობაში აქ: " "შემდეგი 30 წუთის განმავლობაში აქ:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Η χώρα σας έχει τεθεί προσωρινά σε σίγαση από αυτό το κανάλι συνομιλίας" "Η χώρα σας έχει τεθεί προσωρινά σε σίγαση από αυτό το κανάλι συνομιλίας"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Βρίσκεστε σε μόνιμη σίγαση, εγγραφείτε στο guilded μας για να υποβάλετε " "Βρίσκεστε σε μόνιμη σίγαση, εγγραφείτε στο guilded μας για να υποβάλετε "
"έκκληση για τη σίγαση" "έκκληση για τη σίγαση"
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Έχετε τεθεί σε σίγαση για άλλα ${ timeMin } λεπτά" msgstr "Έχετε τεθεί σε σίγαση για άλλα ${ timeMin } λεπτά"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Βρίσκεστε σε σίγαση για άλλα ${ ttl } δευτερόλεπτα" msgstr "Βρίσκεστε σε σίγαση για άλλα ${ ttl } δευτερόλεπτα"
@ -55,19 +53,19 @@ msgstr "Στέλνετε μηνύματα πολύ γρήγορα, πρέπει
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Δεν έχετε πρόσβαση σε αυτό το κανάλι" msgstr "Δεν έχετε πρόσβαση σε αυτό το κανάλι"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Το mail σας πρέπει να επαληθευτεί για να συνομιλήσετε" msgstr "Το mail σας πρέπει να επαληθευτεί για να συνομιλήσετε"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Δεν μπορείς να στείλεις τόσο μεγάλο μήνυμα :(" msgstr "Δεν μπορείς να στείλεις τόσο μεγάλο μήνυμα :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήστε το κανάλι int" msgstr "Χρησιμοποιήστε το κανάλι int"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Σταματήστε το σπαμ." msgstr "Σταματήστε το σπαμ."
@ -89,43 +87,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Ο χρήστης δεν υπάρχει στη βάση δεδομένων μας :(" msgstr "Ο χρήστης δεν υπάρχει στη βάση δεδομένων μας :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης άλλαξε με επιτυχία." msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης άλλαξε με επιτυχία."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση url :( Ελέγξτε ξανά το mail σας." msgstr "Μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση url :( Ελέγξτε ξανά το mail σας."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Μια τρισδιάστατη σφαίρα ολόκληρου του χάρτη μας" msgstr "Μια τρισδιάστατη σφαίρα ολόκληρου του χάρτη μας"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Κάντε διπλό κλικ στο globe για να επιστρέψετε." msgstr "Κάντε διπλό κλικ στο globe για να επιστρέψετε."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Φόρτωση.." msgstr "Φόρτωση.."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Τοποθετήστε έγχρωμα pixel σε έναν μεγάλο καμβά με άλλους παίκτες στο " "Τοποθετήστε έγχρωμα pixel σε έναν μεγάλο καμβά με άλλους παίκτες στο "
@ -234,7 +231,31 @@ msgstr "Μόνο οι διαχειριστές μπορούν να το κάνο
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Δεν είσαι απαγορευμένος" msgstr "Δεν είσαι απαγορευμένος"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Δεν είστε καν συνδεδεμένος."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Σφάλμα διακομιστή κατά την αποσύνδεση."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Επαλήθευση mail"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Είσαι πλέον επαληθευμένος :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Ο κωδικός επαλήθευσης της αλληλογραφίας σας δεν είναι έγκυρος ή έχει ήδη "
"λήξει :(, ζητήστε νέο."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Αυτός ο πάροχος email δεν επιτρέπεται" msgstr "Αυτός ο πάροχος email δεν επιτρέπεται"
@ -270,50 +291,18 @@ msgstr "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας νέου χρήστη :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Απέτυχε η δημιουργία συνεδρίας μετά την εγγραφή :(" msgstr "Απέτυχε η δημιουργία συνεδρίας μετά την εγγραφή :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Επαλήθευση mail"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Είσαι πλέον επαληθευμένος :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Ο κωδικός επαλήθευσης της αλληλογραφίας σας δεν είναι έγκυρος ή έχει ήδη "
"λήξει :(, ζητήστε νέο."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Δεν είστε καν συνδεδεμένος."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Σφάλμα διακομιστή κατά την αποσύνδεση."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Δεν έχετε πιστοποιηθεί." msgstr "Δεν έχετε πιστοποιηθεί."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Λάθος κωδικός!" msgstr "Λάθος κωδικός!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Λογαριασμοί" msgstr "Λογαριασμοί"
@ -327,53 +316,45 @@ msgstr "Θα ανακατευθυνθείτε αυτόματα μετά από 1
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ή ${ clickHere } για να επιστρέψετε στο pixelplanet" msgstr "Ή ${ clickHere } για να επιστρέψετε στο pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Gh" msgstr "Gh"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Φεγγάρι" msgstr "Φεγγάρι"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Canvas" msgstr "3D Canvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top 10" msgstr "Top 10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ο κύριος καμβάς μας, ένας τεράστιος χάρτης του κόσμου. Τοποθετήστε όπου " "Ο κύριος καμβάς μας, ένας τεράστιος χάρτης του κόσμου. Τοποθετήστε όπου "
"θέλετε" "θέλετε"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -381,27 +362,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Καμβάς φεγγαριού. Ασφαλής χώρος για τέχνη. Χωρίς σημαίες ή μεγάλο κείμενο " "Καμβάς φεγγαριού. Ασφαλής χώρος για τέχνη. Χωρίς σημαίες ή μεγάλο κείμενο "
"(εκτός αν είναι μέρος της τέχνης) ή τέχνη μεγαλύτερη από 1,5k x 1,5k pixel." "(εκτός αν είναι μέρος της τέχνης) ή τέχνη μεγαλύτερη από 1,5k x 1,5k pixel."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Τοποθετήστε Voxel σε έναν τρισδιάστατο καμβά μαζί με άλλους" msgstr "Τοποθετήστε Voxel σε έναν τρισδιάστατο καμβά μαζί με άλλους"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Ειδικός καμβάς για τη διάδοση της ευαισθητοποίησης του SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Ειδικός καμβάς για τη διάδοση της ευαισθητοποίησης του SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Καθρέφτης του PixelZone" msgstr "Καθρέφτης του PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Καθρέφτης του PixelCanvas" msgstr "Καθρέφτης του PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Ασπρόμαυρος καμβάς" msgstr "Ασπρόμαυρος καμβάς"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -409,23 +390,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ένας καμβάς για τους πιο δραστήριους παίκτες από την προηγούμενη μέρα. " "Ένας καμβάς για τους πιο δραστήριους παίκτες από την προηγούμενη μέρα. "
"Καθημερινές ενημερώσεις κατάταξης στις 00:00 UTC." "Καθημερινές ενημερώσεις κατάταξης στις 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "Καλώς ορίσατε το ${ name } στο PixelPlanet, επαληθεύστε τo mail σας" msgstr "Καλώς ορίσατε το ${ name } στο PixelPlanet, επαληθεύστε τo mail σας"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Γεια σας ${ name }" msgstr "Γεια σας ${ name }"
@ -447,9 +417,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ή αντιγράφοντας την παρακάτω διεύθυνση url:" msgstr "Ή αντιγράφοντας την παρακάτω διεύθυνση url:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Διασκεδάστε και μη διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας αν αντιμετωπίσετε " "Διασκεδάστε και μη διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας αν αντιμετωπίσετε "
"οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα :)" "οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα :)"

View File

@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n" "Last-Translator: Fontan 030 <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: hr\n" "Language: kk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
@ -19,17 +18,15 @@ msgstr "Ne možete slati chat poruke putem proxyja"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Vaša je zemlja privremeno isključena iz ovog kanala za chat" msgstr "Vaša zemlja je privremeno isključena iz ovog kanala za chat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute" msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr "Trajno ste utišani, pridružite se našem Guildedu kako biste apelirali žalbu na utišavanje"
"Trajno ste utišani, pridružite se našem Discordu kako biste uložili žalbu na "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned" msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Banani ste" msgstr "Zabranjeni ste"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned" msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
@ -38,37 +35,36 @@ msgstr "Vaš Internet Provider je zabranjen"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes" msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Utišani ste još ${ timeMin } minuta" msgstr "Isključen vam je chat još ${ timeMin } minuta"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Utišani ste još ${ ttl } sekundi" msgstr "Isključen vam je još ${ ttl } sekundi"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Šaljete poruke prebrzo, morate pričekati ${ waitTime }s :(" msgstr "Šaljete poruke prebrzo, morate čekati ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Nemate pristup ovom kanalu" msgstr "Nemate pristup ovom kanalu"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Vaša pošta mora biti potvrđena da biste mogli razgovarati" msgstr "Vaša pošta mora biti potvrđena da biste mogli razgovarati"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Ne možete poslati poruku ovoliko dugo :(" msgstr "Ne možete poslati poruku ovoliko dugu :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Molimo koristite int kanal" msgstr "Molimo koristite int kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Zaustavite pičkovac." msgstr "Zaustavite poplavu."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:39
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :(" msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
@ -92,60 +88,59 @@ msgstr "Lozinka uspješno promijenjena."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Nevažeći url :( Molimo ponovno provjerite svoju poštu." msgstr "Nevažeći url :( Provjerite svoju poštu ponovo."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D-globus"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D globus naše cijele karte" msgstr "3D globus naše cijele karte"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Dvaput kliknite na globus za povratak." msgstr "Dvaput kliknite na globus za povratak."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Učitavam..." msgstr "Učitavanje..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun pojava"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr "Postavite pixele u boji na platno u stilu karte s drugim igračima na mreži"
"Postavite piksele u boji na platno u stilu karte s drugim igračima na mreži"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Email ne može biti prazan." msgstr "E-pošta ne može biti prazna."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Email treba imati najmanje 5 znakova." msgstr "E-pošta treba imati najmanje 5 znakova."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "Email ne smije biti duži od 40 znakova." msgstr "E-pošta ne može biti duža od 40 znakova."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Email treba sadržavati barem točku" msgstr "E-pošta mora sadržavati barem točku"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Email treba sadržavati @" msgstr "E-pošta treba sadržavati @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Name can't be empty."
@ -181,12 +176,11 @@ msgstr " Ponovno postavljanje lozinke"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here" msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Ponovno postavite lozinku ovdje." msgstr "Кұпиясөзіңізді осында арылта аласыз"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password" msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Ponovno postavite lozinku." msgstr "Ponovno postavite lozinku ovdje"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here" msgid "Click here"
@ -194,7 +188,7 @@ msgstr "Kliknite ovdje"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "da se vratite na pixelplanet" msgstr "da biste se vratili na pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
@ -227,9 +221,9 @@ msgstr "To mogu samo administratori"
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32 #: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Niste banani." msgstr "Niste zabranjeni"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Ovaj pružatelj usluge e-pošte nije dopušten" msgstr "Ovaj pružatelj usluge e-pošte nije dopušten"
@ -239,7 +233,7 @@ msgstr "Nije data Captcha"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use." msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Email adresa je već u uporabi." msgstr "E-pošta je već u uporabi."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use." msgid "Username already in use."
@ -259,54 +253,41 @@ msgstr "Nepoznata Captcha pogreška"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :(" msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Nije uspjelo stvaranje novog korisnika :(" msgstr "Stvaranje novog korisnika nije uspjelo :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Nije uspjelo uspostavljanje sesije nakon registracije :(" msgstr "Nije uspjelo uspostavljanje sesije nakon registracije :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Niste čak ni prijavljeni."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Pogreška poslužitelja prilikom odjave."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43 src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Niste autentificirani."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52 src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Netočna lozinka!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Provjera pošte" msgstr "Provjera pošte"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)" msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Već ste potvrđeni :)" msgstr "Sada ste verificirani :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request a new one."
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " msgstr "Vaš kod za provjeru pošte je nevažeći ili je već istekao :(, zatražitenovi."
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Vaš kod za provjeru pošte je nevažeći ili je već istekao :(, zatražite novi."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Niste čak ni prijavljeni."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Pogreška poslužitelja prilikom odjave."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Niste autentificirani."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Netočna lozinka!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Isključeni korisnici ne mogu izbrisati svoj račun."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "Isključeni korisnici to ne mogu učiniti."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
@ -321,127 +302,102 @@ msgstr "Bit ćete automatski preusmjereni nakon 15 s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ili ${ clickHere } da se vratite na pixelplanet" msgstr "Ili ${ clickHere } da se vratite na pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Zemlja" msgstr "Zemlja"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Mjesec" msgstr "Mjesec"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D platno" msgstr "3D-platno"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirus" msgstr "Koronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "Pixelzone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top-10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Naše glavno platno, ogromna karta svijeta. Stavite gdje god želite" msgstr "Naše glavno platno, ogromna karta svijeta. Stavite gdje god želite"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) or art larger than 1.5k x "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "1.5k pixels."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Mjesečevo platno. Siguran prostor za umjetnost. Bez zastava ili velikog " "Mjesečevo platno. Siguran prostor za umjetnost. Bez zastava ili velikog teksta (osim ako je dio "
"teksta (osim ako je dio slike) ili slike veće od 1,5k x 1,5k piksela." "umjetnosti)ili slika veća od 1,5k x 1,5 pixela."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Postavite Voxele na 3D platno s drugima" msgstr "Postavite Voxele na 3D platno s drugima"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Posebno platno za širenje svijesti o SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Posebno platno za širenje svijesti o SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Ogledalo PixelZone-a" msgstr "Ogledalo PixelZone-a"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Ogledalo PixelCanvasa" msgstr "Ogledalo PixelCanvasa"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Crno-bijelo platno" msgstr "Crno-bijelo platno"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " msgstr "Platno za najaktivnije igrače prethodnog dana. Dnevno ažuriranja poretka u 00:00 UTC."
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
"Platno za najaktivnije igrače prethodnog dana. Dnevno ažuriranje poretka u "
"00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "Dobro došli ${ name } na PixelPlanet, potvrdite svoju poštu" msgstr "Dobro došli ${ name } na PixelPlanet, potvrdite svoju poštu"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Pozdrav ${ name }" msgstr "Pozdrav ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "" msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you " "welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you have to verify your mail. You "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: " "can do that here: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"dobrodošli u našu malu zajednicu postavljača pixela (pičkovca), da biste " "dobrodošli u našu malu zajednicu pixelplacera, da koristite svoj račun, vi morate potvrditi svoju poštu. "
"koristili svoj račun, morate potvrditi svoju poštu. To možete učiniti ovdje:" "To možete učiniti ovdje: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify" msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Kliknite za potvrdu" msgstr "Kliknite za verifikaciju"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:" msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ili kopiranjem sljedećeg url-a:" msgstr "Ili kopiranjem sljedećeg url-a:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid "" msgid "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" msgstr "Zabavite se i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako naiđete na probleme :)"
msgstr ""
"Zabavite se i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako naiđete na probleme :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks" msgid "Thanks"
@ -449,60 +405,35 @@ msgstr "Hvala"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in ${ minLeft } minutes."
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " msgstr "Već smo vam poslali e-poruku za potvrdu, možete zatražiti drugu u ${ minLeft } minuta."
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Već smo vam poslali e-poruku za potvrdu, možete zatražiti drugu za "
"${ minLeft } minuta."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:103
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Zaboravili ste lozinku za PixelPlanet? Nabavite novi ovdje" msgstr "Zaboravili ste lozinku za PixelPlanet? Nabavite novu ovdje"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:104
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Pozdrav" msgstr "Pozdrav"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "" msgid "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the next 30min here: "
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " msgstr "Zatražili ste novu lozinku. Možete promijeniti svoju lozinku unutar sljedećih 30 minuta ovdje: "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Zatražili ste novu lozinku. Svoju lozinku možete promijeniti u sljedećih 30 "
"minuta ovdje:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that requested this mail was ${ ip })."
"requested this mail was ${ ip })." msgstr "Ako niste zatražili ovu poruku, samo je zanemarite (ip kojizatražio je da ova poruka bude ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Ako niste zatražili ovu poruku e-pošte, jednostavno je zanemarite (IP koji "
"je zatražio ovu poruku e-pošte bio je ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "Mail nije konfiguriran na poslužitelju" msgstr "E-pošta nije konfigurirana na poslužitelju"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:122
msgid "" msgid "We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting another mail."
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " msgstr "Već smo vam poslali e-mail s uputama. Pričekajte prije zahtjeva druge poruke."
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Već smo vam poslali e-mail s uputama. Molimo pričekajte prije nego zatražite "
"drugu poštu."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Nismo mogli pronaći ovu poštu u našoj bazi podataka" msgstr "Nismo mogli pronaći ovu poštu u našoj bazi podataka"
#~ msgid "Thoia"
#~ msgstr "Thoia"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Thoia World Canvas. Advanced fictional worldbuilding and arts. Abandon "
#~ "the old world and all it entails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Thoia World Canvas. Napredna izmišljena izgradnja svijeta i umjetnost. "
#~ "Napustite stari svijet i sve što on podrazumijeva."

View File

@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: hu\n" "Language: hu_HU\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Proxyval nem küldhetsz üzenetet" msgstr "Proxy-val nem küldhetsz üzenetet"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ msgstr "Az országod ideiglenesen némítva van ezen a chaten"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute" msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Örökre némítva lettél, csatlakozz a Discord szerverünkhöz a fellebbezéshez" "Véglegesen némítva lettél, csatlakozz a Guilded szerverünkhöz a "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned" msgid "You are banned"
@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "${ timeMin } percig némítva vagy" msgstr "${ timeMin } percig némítva vagy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "${ ttl } másodpercig némítva vagy" msgstr "${ ttl } másodpercig némítva vagy"
@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Nincs hozzáférésed ehhez a csatornához" msgstr "Nincs hozzáférésed ehhez a csatornához"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Az e-mail címednek hitelesítettnek kell lennie ahhoz, hogy írhass a chatre" "Az e-mail címednek hitelesítettnek kell lennie ahhoz, hogy írhass a chatre"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Nem tudsz ilyen hosszú üzenetet küldeni :(" msgstr "Nem tudsz ilyen hosszú üzenetet küldeni :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Kérjük, használd a nemzetközi csatornát" msgstr "Kérjük, használd a nemzetközi csatornát"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Helyedre!" msgstr "Helyedre!"
@ -94,46 +94,46 @@ msgstr "Jelszó sikeresen megváltoztatva."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Érvénytelen link :( Kérjük, ellenőrizd újra a leveled." msgstr "Érvénytelen link :( Kérjük, ellenőrizd újra a leveled."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun felugró"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D földgömb" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D földgömb"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D-s földgömb az egész térképünkről" msgstr "3D-s földgömb az egész térképünkről"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Kattints duplán a földgömbre a visszatéréshez." msgstr "Kattints duplán a földgömbre a visszatéréshez."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Betöltés..." msgstr "Betöltés..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun felugró"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Helyezz el pixeleket egy hatalmas online vásznon más játékosokkal együtt" "Helyezz el pixeleket egy hatalmas online vásznon más játékosokkal együtt"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Az e-mail cím nem lehet üres." msgstr "Az e-mail nem lehet üres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Az e-mail címnek legalább 5 karakter hosszúnak kell lennie." msgstr "Az e-mailnek legalább 5 karakter hosszúnak kell lennie."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ msgstr "A név nem lehet hosszabb 26 karakternél"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38 #: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #" msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "A név érvénytelen karaktereket tartalmaz mint például: @, /, \\ vagy #" msgstr "A név érvénytelen karaktereket tartalmaz mint: @, /, \\ vagy #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53 #: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given." msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Nem adtál meg jelszót." msgstr "Nem lett jelszó megadva."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56 #: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long." msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ msgstr "Ezt csak az adminok tehetik meg"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Nem vagy kitiltva" msgstr "Nem vagy kitiltva"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Ez az e-mail szolgáltató nem engedélyezett" msgstr "Ez az e-mail szolgáltató nem engedélyezett"
@ -265,6 +265,26 @@ msgstr "Nem sikerült új felhasználót létrehozni :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni a munkamenetet a regisztráció után :(" msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni a munkamenetet a regisztráció után :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Még csak be sem vagy jelentkezve."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Szerverhiba a kijelentkezéskor."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Nem vagy hitelesítve."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Hibás jelszó!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "E-mail hitelesítés" msgstr "E-mail hitelesítés"
@ -280,34 +300,6 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"A leveled hitelesítő kódja érvénytelen vagy már lejárt :(, kérj egy újat." "A leveled hitelesítő kódja érvénytelen vagy már lejárt :(, kérj egy újat."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Még csak be sem vagy jelentkezve."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Szerverhiba a kijelentkezéskor."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Nem vagy hitelesítve."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Hibás jelszó!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "A némított felhasználók nem törölhetik fiókjukat."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "A némított felhasználók nem tehetik meg ezt."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " fiókok" msgstr " fiókok"
@ -321,51 +313,43 @@ msgstr "Automatikusan átirányítunk 15 másodperc múlva"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Vagy ${ clickHere } a pixelplanetre való visszatéréshez" msgstr "Vagy ${ clickHere } a pixelplanetre való visszatéréshez"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Föld" msgstr "Föld"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Hold" msgstr "Hold"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D vászon" msgstr "3D vászon"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavírus" msgstr "Koronavírus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "Pixelzóna" msgstr "Pixelzóna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Pixelvászon" msgstr "Pixelvászon"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr "2bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr "Kistérkép"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "A fő vásznunk egy hatalmas világtérkép. Azt rajzolsz rá, amit akarsz" msgstr "A fő vászonunk egy hatalmas világtérkép. Azt rajzolsz rá, amit akarsz"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -374,54 +358,41 @@ msgstr ""
"nagyméretű szöveg (kivéve, ha az az alkotás része) vagy 1,5k x 1,5k pixelnél " "nagyméretű szöveg (kivéve, ha az az alkotás része) vagy 1,5k x 1,5k pixelnél "
"nagyobb rajz." "nagyobb rajz."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Helyezz el voxeleket egy 3D-s vászonra, másokkal együtt" msgstr "Helyezz el voxeleket egy 3D-s vászonra, másokkal együtt"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Speciális vászon a SARS-CoV2 terjesztésére" msgstr "Speciális vászon a SARS-CoV2 terjesztésére"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "A Pixelzóna tükörképe" msgstr "A Pixelzóna tükörképe"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "A Pixelvászon tükörképe" msgstr "A Pixelvászon tükörképe"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Fekete-fehér vászon" msgstr "Fekete-fehér vászon"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Az előző nap legaktívabb játékosainak vászna. A napi rangsor UTC idő szerint " "Az előző nap legaktívabb játékosainak vászona. A napi rangsor UTC idő "
"00:00-kor frissül." "szerint 00:00-kor frissül."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr "Csak négy szín. Ugyanazok a szabályok, mint a holdnál."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
"Hódítsd meg a területet egy kisebb földön, védett óceánnal. Közös töltési "
"idővel rendelkezik a földvászonnal."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Üdvözöljük ${ name } a PixelPlaneten, kérjük, hitelesítsd az e-mail címedet" "Üdvözöljük ${ név } a PixelPlaneten, kérjük, hitelesítse az e-mail címét"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Szia ${ name }" msgstr "Szia ${ name }"
@ -435,7 +406,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify" msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Kattints ide a hitelesítéshez" msgstr "Kattints a hitelesítéshez"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:" msgid "Or by copying following url:"
@ -501,13 +472,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Az adatbázisunkban nem találtuk meg ezt az e-mailt" msgstr "Az adatbázisunkban nem találtuk meg ezt az e-mailt"
#~ msgid "Thoia"
#~ msgstr "Trója"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Thoia World Canvas. Advanced fictional worldbuilding and arts. Abandon "
#~ "the old world and all it entails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Trójai világvászon. Haladó fiktív világépítés és művészetek. Hagyd el a "
#~ "régi világot és minden velejáróját."

View File

@ -12,518 +12,407 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:243
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Դուք չեք կարող պռուկսիի միջոցով զրուցում հաղորդագրություն ուղարկել" msgstr "Դուք չեք կարող պռուկսիի միջոցով զրուցում հաղորդագրություն ուղարկել"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 # Թարքմանել է Նարեկ Ադամյանը ։)
#, fuzzy #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:248
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgstr "Ձեր երկիրը ժամանակավորապես անջատված է զրույցից" msgstr "Հնարավոր չէ ուղարկել ձեր հաղորդագրությունը, մուտք գործեք և նորից փորձեք:"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:262
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr ""
"Դուք շատ արագ հաղորդագրություններ եք ուղարկում, դուք պետք է սպասեք ${waitTime} s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:266
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Այս ալիքը ձեզ համար հասանելի չէ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:282
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Ձեր փոստը հաստատված պետք է լինի հաղորդագրություն ուղարկելու համար"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute" msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Դուք ընդմիշտ խլացված եք, միացեք մեր guilded բողոքարկելու համար" msgstr "Դուք ընդմիշտ խլացված եք, միացեք մեր guilded բողոքարկելու համար"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Դուք վավերացված չեք:"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes" msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Դուք խլացված եք ևս ${timeMin} ր" msgstr "Դուք խլացված եք ևս ${timeMin} ր"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:294
#, fuzzy, javascript-format msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgstr "Դուք խլացված եք ևս ${timeMin} վրկ"
msgstr "Դուք խլացված եք ևս ${ ttl } վրկ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:302
#, javascript-format msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgstr "Ո՛չ: Սպամից պաշտպանությունը որոշեց խլացնել ձեզ"
msgstr ""
"Դուք շատ արագ հաղորդագրություններ եք ուղարկում, դուք պետք է սպասեք "
"${waitTime} s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:313
msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Այս ալիքը ձեզ համար հասանելի չէ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Ձեր փոստը հաստատված պետք է լինի հաղորդագրություն ուղարկելու համար"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Դուք չեք կարող ուղարկել այսքան երկար հաղորդագրություն :(" msgstr "Դուք չեք կարող ուղարկել այսքան երկար հաղորդագրություն :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:317
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Խնդրում ենք օգտագործել int ալիքը" msgstr "Խնդրում ենք օգտագործել int ալիքը"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:321
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Ձեր երկիրը ժամանակավորապես անջատված է զրույցից"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:329
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Դադարեցրեք ֆլուդ(հաղորդագրությունը այլ թեմայով) անել:" msgstr "Դադարեցրեք ֆլուդ(հաղորդագրությունը այլ թեմայով) անել:"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:53
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :(" msgid ""
msgstr "Դուք ուղարկել եք դատարկ գաղտնաբառ կամ անվավեր տվյալներ :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Այս հղումն այլևս վավեր չէ :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Ձեր գաղտնաբառերը չեն համընկնում :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Օգտագործողը գոյություն չունի մեր տվյալների բազայում :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառը հաջողությամբ փոխվեծ է:"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Անվավեր url :( Խնդրում ենք կրկին ստուգել ձեր փոստը:"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:55
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D Գլոբուս"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Ամբողջ քարտեզի 3D գլոբուսը"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Կրկնակի կտտացրեք գլոբուսին ՝ վերադառնալու համար:"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Բեռնվում է..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Տեղադրեք գունավոր պիքսելներ քարտեզանման կտավի վրա այլ խաղացողների հետ" msgstr "Տեղադրեք գունավոր պիքսելներ քարտեզանման կտավի վրա այլ խաղացողների հետ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Փոստը չի կարող դատարկ լինել:" msgstr "Կրկնակի կտտացրեք գլոբուսին ՝ վերադառնալու համար:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Փոստը պետք է կազմի առնվազն 5 նիշ:" msgstr "Բեռնվում է..."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "Փոստը չի կարող 40 նիշից ավելի լինել:" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D Գլոբուս"
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Փոստը առնվազն կետ պետք է պարունակի" msgstr "Ամբողջ քարտեզի 3D գլոբուսը"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:65
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Փոստը պետք է պարունակի @" msgstr "Դուք ուղարկել եք դատարկ գաղտնաբառ կամ անվավեր տվյալներ :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Անունը չի կարող դատարկ լինել:" msgstr "Այս հղումն այլևս վավեր չէ :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:88
#, fuzzy msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long" msgstr "Ձեր գաղտնաբառերը չեն համընկնում :("
msgstr "Անունը պետք է կազմի առնվազն 4 նիշ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:103
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Անունը պետք է պակաս լինի 26 նիշից" msgstr "Օգտագործողը գոյություն չունի մեր տվյալների բազայում :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:38 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:115
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Անունը պարունակում է անվավեր նիշ, ինչպիսիք են @, /, \\ կամ #" msgstr "Գաղտնաբառը հաջողությամբ փոխվեծ է:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:134
msgid "No password given." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառ չի տրվել:" msgstr "Անվավեր url :( Խնդրում ենք կրկին ստուգել ձեր փոստը:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:56 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:147
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառը պետք է ունենա առնվազն 6 նիշ:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառը պետք է լինի 60 նիշից կարճ:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " գաղտնաբառի վերականգնում"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Վերականգնեք ձեր գաղտնաբառը այստեղ"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Վերականգնել գաղտնաբառը"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Սեղմեք այստեղ"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Վերադառնալ pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Ողջույն ${name}, այստեղ կարող եք գրել ձեր նոր գաղտնաբառը ՝"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Նոր ծածկագիր"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Հաստատեք նոր գաղտնաբառը"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Ներկայացնել"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Դուք նույնիսկ մուտք չեք գործել:"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Այս ալիքը ձեզ համար հասանելի չէ"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Դուք վավերացված չեք:"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառ չի տրվել:"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Այս փոստը արդեն օգտագործվում է."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Այս անունը արդեն զբաղված է."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Չհաջողվեց ստեղծել նոր օգտվող :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Գրանցվելուց հետո չհաջողվեց ստեղծել նստաշրջան :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Փոստի ստուգում"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Դուք այժմ ստուգված եք :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new one "
"a new one." "(Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ձեր փոստի հաստատման ծածկագիրն անվավեր է կամ արդեն լրացել է :(, խնդրում ենք " "Գաղտնաբառի վերակայման այս հղումը սխալ է կամ արդեն լրացել է, խնդրում ենք նորը "
"խնդրել նորը:" "պահանջել (նշում. Այդ հղումները կարող եք օգտագործել միայն մեկ անգամ)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Դուք նույնիսկ մուտք չեք գործել:"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Դուք վավերացված չեք:"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Սխալ գաղտնաբառ!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " հաշիվներ"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "15 վրկ հետո դուք ավտոմատ կերպով կուղղորդվեք"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Կամ ${clickHere} ՝ pixelplanet վերադառնալու համար"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Երկիր"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Լուսին"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D կտավ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Կորոնավիրուս"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԳոտի"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԿտավ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1Բիթ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Մեր գլխավոր կտավը ՝ աշխարհի հսկայական քարտեզն է: Տեղադրեք ամենուր, որտեղ ձեզ "
"դուր է գալիս"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Լուսնի կտավ: Արվեստի համար անվտանգ տարածք: Ոչ մի դրոշ կամ մեծ տեքստ "
"(բացառությամբ արվեստի մի մասի)"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Տեղադրեք ոկսելներն 3D կտավի վրա ուրիշների հետ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Հատուկ կտավ `SARS-CoV2- ի իրազեկությունը տարածելու համար"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԳոտիի հայելին"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԿտավի հայելին"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Սև և սպիտակ կտավ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Բարի գալուստ ${name} PixelPlanet, խնդրում ենք ստուգել ձեր փոստը"
# Թառքմանել է Նարեկ Ադամյանը ։)
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Ողջույն ${name}"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"Բարի գալուստ pixelplacers-ի մեր փոքրիկ համայնք, ձեր հաշիվն օգտագործելու "
"համար պետք է ստուգեք ձեր փոստը: Դա կարող եք անել այստեղ ՝"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Սեղմեք ՝ Ստուգելու համար"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Կամ պատճենելով հետևյալ url- ը ՝"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Զվարճացեք և մի ամոթ արեք կապնվել մեզ հետ, եթե խրախուսում եք որևէ խնդիր :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Շնորհակալություն"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes." "${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Մենք ձեզ արդեն ուղարկել ենք ստուգման նամակ, ${minLeft} րոպեից կարող եք " "Մենք ձեզ արդեն ուղարկել ենք ստուգման նամակ, ${minLeft} րոպեից կարող եք պահանջել "
"պահանջել մեկ այլ:" "մեկ այլ:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Մոռացե՞լ եք PixelPlanet- ի ձեր գաղտնաբառը: Ստացեք նորը այստեղ" msgstr "Բարի գալուստ ${name} PixelPlanet, խնդրում ենք ստուգել ձեր փոստը"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 # Թառքմանել է Նարեկ Ադամյանը ։)
msgid "Hello" #: src/core/mail.js:77
msgstr "Ողջույն"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Դուք խնդրել եք ձեռք բերել նոր գաղտնաբառ: Հաջորդ 30 րոպեի ընթացքում կարող եք "
"փոխել ձեր գաղտնաբառը ՝"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Ողջույն ${name}"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you have to "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })." "verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Եթե ​​դուք չեք խնդրել այս նամակը, պարզապես անտեսեք այն (ip- ը, որը պահանջել է " "Բարի գալուստ pixelplacers-ի մեր փոքրիկ համայնք, ձեր հաշիվն օգտագործելու համար պետք "
"այս նամակը, ${ip} էր):" "է ստուգեք ձեր փոստը: Դա կարող եք անել այստեղ ՝"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "" msgstr "Սեղմեք ՝ Ստուգելու համար"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Կամ պատճենելով հետևյալ url- ը ՝"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Զվարճացեք և մի ամոթ արեք կապնվել մեզ հետ, եթե խրախուսում եք որևէ խնդիր :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Շնորհակալություն"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail." "another mail."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Մենք ձեզ արդեն նամակ ենք ուղարկել ՝ հրահանգներով: Խնդրում ենք սպասել, նախքան " "Մենք ձեզ արդեն նամակ ենք ուղարկել ՝ հրահանգներով: Խնդրում ենք սպասել, նախքան մեկ "
"մեկ այլ նամակ խնդրեք:" "այլ նամակ խնդրեք:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Չհաջողվեց գտնել այս նամակը մեր տվյալների բազայում" msgstr "Չհաջողվեց գտնել այս նամակը մեր տվյալների բազայում"
# Թարքմանել է Նարեկ Ադամյանը ։) #: src/core/mail.js:125
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
#~ msgstr "" msgstr "Մոռացե՞լ եք PixelPlanet- ի ձեր գաղտնաբառը: Ստացեք նորը այստեղ"
#~ "Հնարավոր չէ ուղարկել ձեր հաղորդագրությունը, մուտք գործեք և նորից փորձեք:"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/core/mail.js:127
#~ msgstr "Ո՛չ: Սպամից պաշտպանությունը որոշեց խլացնել ձեզ" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Ողջույն"
#~ msgid "" #: src/core/mail.js:128
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " msgid ""
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the next "
#~ msgstr "" "30min here: "
#~ "Գաղտնաբառի վերակայման այս հղումը սխալ է կամ արդեն լրացել է, խնդրում ենք " msgstr ""
#~ "նորը պահանջել (նշում. Այդ հղումները կարող եք օգտագործել միայն մեկ անգամ)" "Դուք խնդրել եք ձեռք բերել նոր գաղտնաբառ: Հաջորդ 30 րոպեի ընթացքում կարող եք փոխել "
"ձեր գաղտնաբառը ՝"
#~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :(" #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#~ msgstr "Հնարավոր չէ միանալ սերվերին, փորձեք մի փոքր ուշ :(" #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Վերականգնել գաղտնաբառը"
#~ msgid "I think we experienced some error :(" #: src/core/mail.js:129
#~ msgstr "Կարծում եմ, որ մենք որոշ սխալ ենք ունեցել :(" #, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that requested "
"this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Եթե ​​դուք չեք խնդրել այս նամակը, պարզապես անտեսեք այն (ip- ը, որը պահանջել է այս "
"նամակը, ${ip} էր):"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Սեղմեք այստեղ"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Վերադառնալ pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Ողջույն ${name}, այստեղ կարող եք գրել ձեր նոր գաղտնաբառը ՝"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Նոր ծածկագիր"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Հաստատեք նոր գաղտնաբառը"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Ներկայացնել"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " գաղտնաբառի վերականգնում"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Վերականգնեք ձեր գաղտնաբառը այստեղ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Փոստը չի կարող դատարկ լինել:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Փոստը պետք է կազմի առնվազն 5 նիշ:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "Փոստը չի կարող 40 նիշից ավելի լինել:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Փոստը առնվազն կետ պետք է պարունակի"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Փոստը պետք է պարունակի @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Անունը չի կարող դատարկ լինել:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "Անունը պետք է կազմի առնվազն 4 նիշ"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Անունը պետք է պակաս լինի 26 նիշից"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Անունը պարունակում է անվավեր նիշ, ինչպիսիք են @, /, \\ կամ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառ չի տրվել:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառը պետք է ունենա առնվազն 6 նիշ:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Գաղտնաբառը պետք է լինի 60 նիշից կարճ:"
#: src/utils/validation.js:74
msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :("
msgstr "Հնարավոր չէ միանալ սերվերին, փորձեք մի փոքր ուշ :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:80
msgid "I think we experienced some error :("
msgstr "Կարծում եմ, որ մենք որոշ սխալ ենք ունեցել :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41 src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Դուք վավերացված չեք:"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50 src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Սխալ գաղտնաբառ!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Դուք նույնիսկ մուտք չեք գործել:"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Այս փոստը արդեն օգտագործվում է."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Այս անունը արդեն զբաղված է."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Չհաջողվեց ստեղծել նոր օգտվող :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Գրանցվելուց հետո չհաջողվեց ստեղծել նստաշրջան :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Փոստի ստուգում"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Դուք այժմ ստուգված եք :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request a new "
msgstr ""
"Ձեր փոստի հաստատման ծածկագիրն անվավեր է կամ արդեն լրացել է :(, խնդրում ենք խնդրել "
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "15 վրկ հետո դուք ավտոմատ կերպով կուղղորդվեք"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Կամ ${clickHere} ՝ pixelplanet վերադառնալու համար"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " հաշիվներ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Երկիր"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Լուսին"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D կտավ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Կորոնավիրուս"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԳոտի"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԿտավ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1Բիթ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Մեր գլխավոր կտավը ՝ աշխարհի հսկայական քարտեզն է: Տեղադրեք ամենուր, որտեղ ձեզ դուր "
"է գալիս"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art)"
msgstr ""
"Լուսնի կտավ: Արվեստի համար անվտանգ տարածք: Ոչ մի դրոշ կամ մեծ տեքստ (բացառությամբ "
"արվեստի մի մասի)"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Տեղադրեք ոկսելներն 3D կտավի վրա ուրիշների հետ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Հատուկ կտավ `SARS-CoV2- ի իրազեկությունը տարածելու համար"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԳոտիի հայելին"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "ՊիքսելԿտավի հայելին"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Սև և սպիտակ կտավ"

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Sei mutato ancora per ${ timeMin } minuti" msgstr "Sei mutato ancora per ${ timeMin } minuti"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Sei mutato ancora per ${ ttl } secondi" msgstr "Sei mutato ancora per ${ ttl } secondi"
@ -54,19 +53,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Non hai accesso a questa chat" msgstr "Non hai accesso a questa chat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Devi verificare la tua mail per chattare" msgstr "Devi verificare la tua mail per chattare"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Non puoi mandare un messaggio così lungo :(" msgstr "Non puoi mandare un messaggio così lungo :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Per favore usa il canale \"int\". Letteralmente 1984" msgstr "Per favore usa il canale \"int\". Letteralmente 1984"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Manda messaggi più lentamente, sarai mica un turco" msgstr "Manda messaggi più lentamente, sarai mica un turco"
@ -94,35 +93,35 @@ msgstr "Password cambiata con successo"
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Url invalido :( Per favore controlla nuovamente la tua mail" msgstr "Url invalido :( Per favore controlla nuovamente la tua mail"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Globo 3D" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Globo 3D"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Un Globo 3D di tutta la nostra mappa" msgstr "Un Globo 3D di tutta la nostra mappa"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Doppio click sul globo per andare indietro" msgstr "Doppio click sul globo per andare indietro"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Caricamento..." msgstr "Caricamento..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Piazza pixel colorati in un canvas con altri player online" msgstr "Piazza pixel colorati in un canvas con altri player online"
@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ msgstr "Solo gli admin possono farlo"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Non sei bannato (purtroppo)" msgstr "Non sei bannato (purtroppo)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Il tuo email provider non è permesso, 1984" msgstr "Il tuo email provider non è permesso, 1984"
@ -264,6 +263,26 @@ msgstr "Fallimento nel creare un nuovo user"
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Fallimento nel ristabilire una sessione dopo la registraione" msgstr "Fallimento nel ristabilire una sessione dopo la registraione"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Non hai nemmeno fatto l'accesso"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Errore del server durante il log out"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Non sei autentificato"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Password incorretta"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificazione mail" msgstr "Verificazione mail"
@ -280,34 +299,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Il tuo mail verification code è invalido o è già scaduto ;(, per farvore " "Il tuo mail verification code è invalido o è già scaduto ;(, per farvore "
"richiedine uno nuovo" "richiedine uno nuovo"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Non hai nemmeno fatto l'accesso"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Errore del server durante il log out"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Non sei autentificato"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Password incorretta"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Accounts" msgstr " Accounts"
@ -321,53 +312,45 @@ msgstr "Sarai rediretto automaticamente dopo 15s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "o ${ clickHere } per tornare su pixelplanet" msgstr "o ${ clickHere } per tornare su pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Terra" msgstr "Terra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Luna " msgstr "Luna "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Canvas" msgstr "3D Canvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Il nostro canvas principale, una enorme mappa del mondo. Piazza onunque to " "Il nostro canvas principale, una enorme mappa del mondo. Piazza onunque to "
"voglia" "voglia"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -375,27 +358,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Canvas luna. Spazio sicuro per le art. Nessuna bandiera o testo lago (a meno " "Canvas luna. Spazio sicuro per le art. Nessuna bandiera o testo lago (a meno "
"che sia parte di un'art) o art più grande di 1.5kx1.5k pixel" "che sia parte di un'art) o art più grande di 1.5kx1.5k pixel"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Piazza Voxels sul canvas 3D con altri" msgstr "Piazza Voxels sul canvas 3D con altri"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Canvas speciale per sensibilizzare sul SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Canvas speciale per sensibilizzare sul SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Mirror di PixelZone" msgstr "Mirror di PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Mirror di PixelCanvas" msgstr "Mirror di PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Canvas in bianco e nero" msgstr "Canvas in bianco e nero"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -403,23 +386,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Canvas per i player più attivi del giorno precedente (leggi autistici). Le " "Canvas per i player più attivi del giorno precedente (leggi autistici). Le "
"classifiche giornaliere riniziano a 00:00 UTC" "classifiche giornaliere riniziano a 00:00 UTC"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Benvenuto ${ name } su PixelPlanet, per favore verifica la tua mail" msgstr "Benvenuto ${ name } su PixelPlanet, per favore verifica la tua mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Ciao ${ name }" msgstr "Ciao ${ name }"

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Fontan 030 <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: kk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
"Last-Translator: Fontan 030 <>\n"
"Language: kk\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Жазу рұқсатыңыз тағы ${ timeMin } минутқа шектелген" msgstr "Жазу рұқсатыңыз тағы ${ timeMin } минутқа шектелген"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Жазу рұқсатыңыз тағы ${ ttl } секундқа шектелген" msgstr "Жазу рұқсатыңыз тағы ${ ttl } секундқа шектелген"
@ -54,19 +53,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Бұл арнаны көруге рұқсатыңыз жоқ" msgstr "Бұл арнаны көруге рұқсатыңыз жоқ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Чатта жазу үшін эл. поштаңызды растау қажет" msgstr "Чатта жазу үшін эл. поштаңызды растау қажет"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Сондай ұзын хат жібере алмайсыз :(" msgstr "Сондай ұзын хат жібере алмайсыз :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "int арнасында жазыңызшы" msgstr "int арнасында жазыңызшы"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Флудты доғарыңыз." msgstr "Флудты доғарыңыз."
@ -94,35 +93,35 @@ msgstr "Құпиясөз сәтті өзгертілді."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Жарамсыз URL :( Эл. поштаңызды қайта тексеріңіз." msgstr "Жарамсыз URL :( Эл. поштаңызды қайта тексеріңіз."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun қалқымалы терезесі"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D-глобусы" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D-глобусы"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Бүкіл картамыздың 3D-глобусы" msgstr "Бүкіл картамыздың 3D-глобусы"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Оралу үшін глобусқа екі рет басыңыз." msgstr "Оралу үшін глобусқа екі рет басыңыз."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Жүктелуде..." msgstr "Жүктелуде..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun қалқымалы терезесі"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Басқа желідегі ойыншылармен бірге түрлі-түсті пикселдерді карта стиліндегі " "Басқа желідегі ойыншылармен бірге түрлі-түсті пикселдерді карта стиліндегі "
@ -176,20 +175,24 @@ msgstr "Құпиясөз кемінде 6 таңбадан тұруы керек
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters." msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Құпиясөз 60 таңбадан аспауы керек." msgstr "Құпиясөз 60 таңбадан аспауы керек."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset" msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " құпиясөзін арылту" msgstr " құпиясөзін арылту"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here" msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Кұпиясөзіңізді осында арылта аласыз" msgstr "Кұпиясөзіңізді осында арылта аласыз"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password" msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Құпиясөзді арылту" msgstr "Құпиясөзді арылту"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12 #: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Осында басыңыз" msgstr "Осында басыңыз"
@ -230,7 +233,8 @@ msgstr "Мына әрекетті әкімшілер ғана жасай ала
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Сіз бұғаттауда емессіз" msgstr "Сіз бұғаттауда емессіз"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Осы эл. пошта сервисіне тыйым салынған" msgstr "Осы эл. пошта сервисіне тыйым салынған"
@ -266,7 +270,29 @@ msgstr "Жаңа тіркелгі жасау мүмкін емес :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Тіркелуден кейінгі сессияны орнату мүмкін емес :(" msgstr "Тіркелуден кейінгі сессияны орнату мүмкін емес :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Сіз тіпті жүйеге кірмедіңіз."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Жүйеден шыққанда сервер қатесі орын алды."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Аутентификациядан өтпедіңіз."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Құпиясөз дұрыс емес!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Эл. пошта растау" msgstr "Эл. пошта растау"
@ -282,34 +308,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Эл. пошта растау кодыңыз жарамсыз немесе оның мерзімі өтіп кетті :(, жаңа " "Эл. пошта растау кодыңыз жарамсыз немесе оның мерзімі өтіп кетті :(, жаңа "
"растау кодын сұратыңыз." "растау кодын сұратыңыз."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Сіз тіпті жүйеге кірмедіңіз."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Жүйеден шыққанда сервер қатесі орын алды."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Аутентификациядан өтпедіңіз."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Құпиясөз дұрыс емес!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " тіркелгілері" msgstr " тіркелгілері"
@ -323,51 +321,43 @@ msgstr "15 секундтан кейін сізді автоматты түрд
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Немесе pixelplanet-ке оралу үшін ${ clickHere }" msgstr "Немесе pixelplanet-ке оралу үшін ${ clickHere }"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Жер" msgstr "Жер"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Ай" msgstr "Ай"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D-кенеп" msgstr "3D-кенеп"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Коронавирус" msgstr "Коронавирус"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1 битті" msgstr "1 битті"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Топ-10" msgstr "Топ-10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Басты кенебіміз, үлкен әлем картасы. Кез келген жерде сурет салыңыз" msgstr "Басты кенебіміз, үлкен әлем картасы. Кез келген жерде сурет салыңыз"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -376,27 +366,27 @@ msgstr ""
"үлкен мәтін және өлшемі 1,5 мың x 1,5 мың пикселден асатын суреттерді салуға " "үлкен мәтін және өлшемі 1,5 мың x 1,5 мың пикселден асатын суреттерді салуға "
"болмайды." "болмайды."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Басқалармен бірге вокселдерді 3D-кенепке салыңыз" msgstr "Басқалармен бірге вокселдерді 3D-кенепке салыңыз"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "SARS-CoV2 туралы хабардарлықты арттыруға арналған арнайы кенеп" msgstr "SARS-CoV2 туралы хабардарлықты арттыруға арналған арнайы кенеп"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone айнасы" msgstr "PixelZone айнасы"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas айнасы" msgstr "PixelCanvas айнасы"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Ақ-қара кенеп" msgstr "Ақ-қара кенеп"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -404,23 +394,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Кеше ең белсенді болған ойыншыларға арналған кенеп. Күнделікті рейтиң UTC " "Кеше ең белсенді болған ойыншыларға арналған кенеп. Күнделікті рейтиң UTC "
"бойынша түн ортасында арылтады." "бойынша түн ортасында арылтады."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "${ name }, PixelPlanet-ке қош келдіңіз, эл. поштаңызды растаңыз" msgstr "${ name }, PixelPlanet-ке қош келдіңіз, эл. поштаңызды растаңыз"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Сәлем, ${ name }" msgstr "Сәлем, ${ name }"
@ -436,7 +415,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Click to Verify" msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Растау үшін басыңыз" msgstr "Растау үшін басыңыз"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:" msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Немесе осы сілтемені көшіріп алыңыз:" msgstr "Немесе осы сілтемені көшіріп алыңыз:"
@ -447,15 +427,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Уақытты жақсы өткізуіңізді тілейміз! Қандай да бір мәселелер болса, бізге " "Уақытты жақсы өткізуіңізді тілейміз! Қандай да бір мәселелер болса, бізге "
"қысылмай хабарласыңыз :)" "қысылмай хабарласыңыз :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:70
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks" msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Рахмет" msgstr "Рахмет"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in ${ "
"${ minLeft } minutes." "minLeft } minutes."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Біз сізге растау хатын жіберіп қойдық, жаңасын ${ minLeft } минуттан кейін " "Біз сізге растау хатын жіберіп қойдық, жаңасын ${ minLeft } минуттан кейін "
"сұрай аласыз." "сұрай аласыз."

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Je land is tijdelijk gedempt op dit chatkanaal" msgstr "Je land is tijdelijk gedempt op dit chatkanaal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Je bent permanent gedempt, sluit je aan bij onze gilde om in beroep te gaan " "Je bent permanent gedempt, sluit je aan bij onze gilde om in beroep te gaan "
"tegen de demper" "tegen de demper"
@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Je bent nog eens ${ timeMin } minuten gedempt" msgstr "Je bent nog eens ${ timeMin } minuten gedempt"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Je bent nog eens ${ ttl } seconden gedempt" msgstr "Je bent nog eens ${ ttl } seconden gedempt"
@ -54,19 +52,19 @@ msgstr "Je verzendt berichten te snel, je moet ${ waitTime }s wachten :("
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Je hebt geen toegang tot dit kanaal" msgstr "Je hebt geen toegang tot dit kanaal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Je e-mail moet worden geverifieerd om te kunnen chatten" msgstr "Je e-mail moet worden geverifieerd om te kunnen chatten"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Je kunt niet zo lang een bericht sturen :(" msgstr "Je kunt niet zo lang een bericht sturen :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Gebruik alstublieft het int-kanaal" msgstr "Gebruik alstublieft het int-kanaal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Stop met spammen." msgstr "Stop met spammen."
@ -89,43 +87,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Gebruiker bestaat niet in onze database :(" msgstr "Gebruiker bestaat niet in onze database :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Wachtwoord succesvol veranderd." msgstr "Wachtwoord succesvol veranderd."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Ongeldige url :( Controleer a.u.b. nogmaals uw mail." msgstr "Ongeldige url :( Controleer a.u.b. nogmaals uw mail."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun-pop-up"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Een 3D-wereldbol van onze hele kaart" msgstr "Een 3D-wereldbol van onze hele kaart"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Dubbelklik op wereldbol om terug te gaan." msgstr "Dubbelklik op wereldbol om terug te gaan."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Laden…" msgstr "Laden…"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun-pop-up"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Plaats kleurpixels op een canvas in kaartstijl samen met andere spelers " "Plaats kleurpixels op een canvas in kaartstijl samen met andere spelers "
@ -233,7 +230,30 @@ msgstr "Alleen beheerders kunnen dat doen"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Je bent niet gebanned" msgstr "Je bent niet gebanned"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Je bent niet eens ingelogd."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Serverfout bij uitloggen."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "E-mail verificatie"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Je bent nu geverifieerd :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Uw e-mailverificatiecode is ongeldig of al verlopen :(, vraag een nieuwe aan."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Deze e-mailprovider is niet toegestaan" msgstr "Deze e-mailprovider is niet toegestaan"
@ -269,49 +289,18 @@ msgstr "Kan nieuwe gebruiker niet aanmaken :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Kan sessie niet tot stand brengen na registratie :(" msgstr "Kan sessie niet tot stand brengen na registratie :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "E-mail verificatie"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Je bent nu geverifieerd :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Uw e-mailverificatiecode is ongeldig of al verlopen :(, vraag een nieuwe aan."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Je bent niet eens ingelogd."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Serverfout bij uitloggen."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "U bent niet geauthenticeerd." msgstr "U bent niet geauthenticeerd."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Onjuist wachtwoord!" msgstr "Onjuist wachtwoord!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -325,53 +314,45 @@ msgstr "Na 15 seconden wordt u automatisch doorgestuurd"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Of ${ clickHere } om terug te gaan naar pixelplanet" msgstr "Of ${ clickHere } om terug te gaan naar pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Aarde" msgstr "Aarde"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Maan" msgstr "Maan"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D-canvas" msgstr "3D-canvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ons belangrijkste canvas, een enorme kaart van de wereld. Plaats waar je " "Ons belangrijkste canvas, een enorme kaart van de wereld. Plaats waar je "
"maar wilt" "maar wilt"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -379,27 +360,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Maan canvas. Veilige plek voor kunst. Geen vlaggen of grote tekst (tenzij " "Maan canvas. Veilige plek voor kunst. Geen vlaggen of grote tekst (tenzij "
"onderdeel van kunst) of kunst groter dan 1,5k x 1,5k pixels." "onderdeel van kunst) of kunst groter dan 1,5k x 1,5k pixels."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Plaats Voxels samen met anderen op een 3D-canvas" msgstr "Plaats Voxels samen met anderen op een 3D-canvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Speciaal canvas om het bewustzijn van SARS-CoV2 te vergroten" msgstr "Speciaal canvas om het bewustzijn van SARS-CoV2 te vergroten"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Mirror van PixelZone" msgstr "Mirror van PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Mirror van PixelCanvas" msgstr "Mirror van PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Zwart-wit canvas" msgstr "Zwart-wit canvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -407,23 +388,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Een canvas voor de meest actieve spelers van de vorige dag. Dagelijkse " "Een canvas voor de meest actieve spelers van de vorige dag. Dagelijkse "
"ranking-updates om 00:00 UTC." "ranking-updates om 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "Welkom ${ name } bij PixelPlanet, verifieer a.u.b. uw e-mail" msgstr "Welkom ${ name } bij PixelPlanet, verifieer a.u.b. uw e-mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Hallo ${ name }" msgstr "Hallo ${ name }"
@ -444,9 +414,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Of door volgende url te kopiëren:" msgstr "Of door volgende url te kopiëren:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Veel plezier en aarzel niet om contact met ons op te nemen als u problemen " "Veel plezier en aarzel niet om contact met ons op te nemen als u problemen "
"ondervindt :)" "ondervindt :)"

View File

@ -1,457 +1,129 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: os\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.3\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.3\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: os\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Нæй гæнæн фыстæджы чат арвит пиксел фæрцы" msgstr "Нæй гæнæн фыстæджы чат арвит пиксел фæрцы"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, fuzzy msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel" msgstr "Фыстæджы арвит æнæ бантыс, табуафси системæй рахиз æмæ ноджы бацу."
msgstr "Дæ бæстæ рæстæгмæ чатæй рафтау"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:306
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Дæ Фæсмынæг, баиу махæн ырдæм цæмæй аппелиацийы хъалон"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Дæ аутентификацийы нæй."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Дæ зæл æгъгъæд рафтау ма ${timeMin} минуты"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Дæ зæл æгъгъæд рафтау ма ${ ttl } сикъунды"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ды арвит фыстæджытæ æгæр тагъд, хъæуы уын банхъæлмæ кæс ${ waitTime }s :(" "Ды арвит фыстæджытæ æгæр тагъд, хъæуы уын банхъæлмæ кæс ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:310
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Нæй гæнæн бацæуæн къаналмæ ай" msgstr "Нæй гæнæн бацæуæн къаналмæ ай"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:326
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Дæ пост æвæццæгæн басгæрст, цæмæй чаты æмхиц уын" msgstr "Дæ пост æвæццæгæн басгæрст, цæмæй чаты æмхиц уын"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:331
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Дæ Фæсмынæг, баиу махæн ырдæм цæмæй аппелиацийы хъалон"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:336
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Дæ зæл æгъгъæд рафтау ма ${timeMin} минуты"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:338
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Дæ зæл æгъгъæд рафтау ма ${muted} сикъунды"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:346
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "Уæу нæ! Спамæй хъахъхъæд аскъуыддзаг рафтау дæ"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:357
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Нæй гæнæ фыстæджы арвит афтæ бирæ рæстæг :(" msgstr "Нæй гæнæ фыстæджы арвит афтæ бирæ рæстæг :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:361
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Табуафси, спайда инт къанал" msgstr "Табуафси, спайда инт къанал"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:365
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Дæ бæстæ рæстæгмæ чатæй рафтау"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:373
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Флуды æруром." msgstr "Флуды æруром."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Арвит дæ афтид парол кæнæ æнæраст бæрæггæнæнтæ :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Дæнгæг ай паролы раппарæн уæлдай æнæтых :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Дæ паролтæ æнæ æмдзыд :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Пайдагæнæг æнæ фæлдис нæ бындуры бæрæггæнæнтæ :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Парол æнтыстджынæй ивыдзинад."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "URL æнæраст :( табуафси посты рабæлвырд иу хатт ма."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Æртæбаргæ глобус"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Æртæбаргæ глобус алцы нæ картæ"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Дыууæ хатты глобусы ныкъкъæрцц, цæмæй раздæх." msgstr "Дыууæ хатты глобусы ныкъкъæрцц, цæмæй раздæх."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Æрбавгæд..." msgstr "Æрбавгæд..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
#, fuzzy msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Æртæбаргæ глобус"
#: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Æртæбаргæ глобус алцы нæ картæ"
#: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:73
msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:75
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Бынæттæ хуызы пикселтæ четæны стил картæмæ иумæ иннæ хъазæгтæмæ онлайн" msgstr "Бынæттæ хуызы пикселтæ четæны стил картæмæ иумæ иннæ хъазæгтæмæ онлайн"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:58
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Електронон посты æнæ чи зоны афтид." msgstr "Арвит дæ афтид парол кæнæ æнæраст бæрæггæнæнтæ :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:70
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Електронон пост дары æнæ къаддæр у цæмæй 5 символæй." msgstr "Дæнгæг ай паролы раппарæн уæлдай æнæтых :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:81
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Електронон пост æнæ чи зоны даргъ 40 символы." msgstr "Дæ паролтæ æнæ æмдзыд :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:96
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Електронон пост дар хæссы кæд у тæпп" msgstr "Пайдагæнæг æнæ фæлдис нæ бындуры бæрæггæнæнтæ :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Електронон пост дар хæссы @" msgstr "Парол æнтыстджынæй ивыдзинад."
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:127
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Ном æнæ чи зоны афтид." msgstr "URL æнæраст :( табуафси посты рабæлвырд иу хатт ма."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Ном дары у æнæ къаддæр цæмæй 4 символæй"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Ном чи зоны цыбыр 26 символы"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Ном дары æнæруадзгæ символ, зæгъæм @, /, \\ кæнæ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Парол æнæ бацамон."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Парол хъаумæ у æнæ къаддæр цæмæй 6 символæй."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Парол хъаумæ у цыбыр 60 символы."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " паролы раппар"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Дæ паролы раппар ам"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Паролы раппар"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Ныкъкъæрцц ам"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "pixelplanet'æй фæстæмæ"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Байрай ${ name }. равæр дæ æмбæлы дæ ног парол ам:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Ног парол"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Ног Паролы Сфидар"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Сфидар кæн"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Æгæрыстæмæй дæ æнæ бацумæ."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Нæй гæнæн бацæуæн къаналмæ ай"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Дæ аутентификацийы нæй."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Captcha тексты æнæ бацамон"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Електронон адрис æрцахс нырид."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Пайдагæнæджы ном æрцахс нырид."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Бахардз дæ æгæр бирæ рæстæг, бафæлвар иу хатт ма."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Дæ Captcha фæкъуыхцы у"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Æнæзонгæ Captcha Рæдыд"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Ног пайдагæнæг сфæлдис æнæ бантыc :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Сеансы равæр регистраци стæй æнæ бантыс :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Посты басгæрст"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Ныр хъахъхъæн дæ :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"a new one." "one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "Дæ посты басгæрстон къод æнæтых :(, табуафси бафарст ноджы ма."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Æгæрыстæмæй дæ æнæ бацумæ."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Серверы рæдыд æрцыди"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Дæ аутентификацийы нæй."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Æнæраст парол!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Дæнцæг ай паролы раппарæн æнæраст кæнæ æмгъуыд уый архайд ивгъуыд нырид "
"(Фиппаинаг: æмбæлы спайда дæнцæгтæ ай æрмæст иу хатт ма)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Аккаунттæ"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Æгъгъæд дæ автоматы здæхтдзинад 15 сикъунды фæстæ"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Кæнæ ${ clickHere } pixelplanet'мæ раздæх"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Зæхх"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Мæй"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Къоронавирус"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "Пикселы Таг"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Пикселы Четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1бит"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Нæ сæйраг четæн, тынг стыр дунейы картæ. Бынат алкæм, кæм зæрдæдмæ цæуы дæ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Мæйы четæн. Æдас бынат аивадæн. Тырысæйы никæцы, тексты егъау (æддæмæ "
"иллиустраци) кæнæ иллиустрацийы бæрц 1,5 х 1,5 пикселы миндæр."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Вокселы æрбынат 3D четæны иумæ иннæмæ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Сæрмагонд четæн ахæлиуæн информацыл SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Айдæн пикселы таг"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Айдæн пикселы четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Сау æмæ Урс четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Æгас цу ${ name } PixelPlanet'мæ, табуафси сфидар дæ пост"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Байрай ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"æгас цу нæ къаннæг æмбалдмæ пикселы бакуыстгæнæг, цæмæй спайда дæ аккаунт, "
"Дары сфидар дæ пост. Гæнæн ис сараз ай ам: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Æлхъив цæмæй сфидар"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Кæнæ къопи ис ма фæдылдзог URL:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Ивхæрс æмæ æфсæрмы нæй баздæх махæн, ды савзæр куы рæдыдтæ :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Бузныг"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -460,21 +132,72 @@ msgstr ""
"Мах фыстæг арвит дæ нырид бæлвырдгæнæнимæ, æмбæлы æрфæрс ма иу ${ minLeft } " "Мах фыстæг арвит дæ нырид бæлвырдгæнæнимæ, æмбæлы æрфæрс ма иу ${ minLeft } "
"минуты фæстæ." "минуты фæстæ."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Æгас цу ${ name } PixelPlanet'мæ, табуафси сфидар дæ пост"
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Байрай ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"æгас цу нæ къаннæг æмбалдмæ пикселы бакуыстгæнæг, цæмæй спайда дæ аккаунт, "
"Дары сфидар дæ пост. Гæнæн ис сараз ай ам: "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Æлхъив цæмæй сфидар"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Кæнæ къопи ис ма фæдылдзог URL:"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Ивхæрс æмæ æфсæрмы нæй баздæх махæн, ды савзæр куы рæдыдтæ :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Бузныг"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Мах фыстæг арвит дæ нырид амындимæ. Табуафси банхъæлмæ раздæр цæмæй фæрсын "
"иннæ фыстæг."
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Æнæ бантыс ссары фыстæг ай нæ бындуры бæрæггæнæнтæмæ"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Паролы дæ ферох PixelPlanet'æй? Райс ног дзаума ам" msgstr "Паролы дæ ферох PixelPlanet'æй? Райс ног дзаума ам"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Байрай" msgstr "Байрай"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
msgstr "Æрфæрс дæ ног парол. Æмбæлы раив дæ парол цыдмæ иннæ 30 минуты ам: " msgstr "Æрфæрс дæ ног парол. Æмбæлы раив дæ парол цыдмæ иннæ 30 минуты ам: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Паролы раппар"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -483,31 +206,224 @@ msgstr ""
"Куы æнæ фæрсы дæ фыстæг ай, æнцонæй ницæмæ уый (IP-Адрис, кæцы æрфæрс фыстæг " "Куы æнæ фæрсы дæ фыстæг ай, æнцонæй ницæмæ уый (IP-Адрис, кæцы æрфæрс фыстæг "
"ай ${ip} у)." "ай ${ip} у)."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgstr "" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Ныкъкъæрцц ам"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "pixelplanet'æй фæстæмæ"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Байрай ${ name }. равæр дæ æмбæлы дæ ног парол ам:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Ног парол"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Ног Паролы Сфидар"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Сфидар кæн"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " паролы раппар"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Дæ паролы раппар ам"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "Електронон посты æнæ чи зоны афтид."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "Електронон пост дары æнæ къаддæр у цæмæй 5 символæй."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "Електронон пост æнæ чи зоны даргъ 40 символы."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "Електронон пост дар хæссы кæд у тæпп"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "Електронон пост дар хæссы @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Ном æнæ чи зоны афтид."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "Ном дары у æнæ къаддæр цæмæй 4 символæй"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Ном чи зоны цыбыр 26 символы"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Ном дары æнæруадзгæ символ, зæгъæм @, /, \\ кæнæ #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Парол æнæ бацамон."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Парол хъаумæ у æнæ къаддæр цæмæй 6 символæй."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Парол хъаумæ у цыбыр 60 символы."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:22
msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "Captcha тексты æнæ бацамон"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:36
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Бахардз дæ æгæр бирæ рæстæг, бафæлвар иу хатт ма."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:42
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Дæ Captcha фæкъуыхцы у"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:48
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Æнæзонгæ Captcha Рæдыд"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:55
msgid "Server error occured"
msgstr "Серверы рæдыд æрцыди"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "Електронон адрис æрцахс нырид."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Пайдагæнæджы ном æрцахс нырид."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Ног пайдагæнæг сфæлдис æнæ бантыc :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Сеансы равæр регистраци стæй æнæ бантыс :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Æгæрыстæмæй дæ æнæ бацумæ."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Посты басгæрст"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Ныр хъахъхъæн дæ :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "Дæ посты басгæрстон къод æнæтых :(, табуафси бафарст ноджы ма."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Дæ аутентификацийы нæй."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Æнæраст парол!"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Æгъгъæд дæ автоматы здæхтдзинад 15 сикъунды фæстæ"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Кæнæ ${ clickHere } pixelplanet'мæ раздæх"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Аккаунттæ"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Зæхх"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Мæй"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Къоронавирус"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "Пикселы Таг"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Пикселы Четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1бит"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Мах фыстæг арвит дæ нырид амындимæ. Табуафси банхъæлмæ раздæр цæмæй фæрсын " "Нæ сæйраг четæн, тынг стыр дунейы картæ. Бынат алкæм, кæм зæрдæдмæ цæуы дæ"
"иннæ фыстæг."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid ""
msgstr "Æнæ бантыс ссары фыстæг ай нæ бындуры бæрæггæнæнтæмæ" "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Мæйы четæн. Æдас бынат аивадæн. Тырысæйы никæцы, тексты егъау (æддæмæ "
"иллиустраци) кæнæ иллиустрацийы бæрц 1,5 х 1,5 пикселы миндæр."
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
#~ msgstr "Фыстæджы арвит æнæ бантыс, табуафси системæй рахиз æмæ ноджы бацу." msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Вокселы æрбынат 3D четæны иумæ иннæмæ"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
#~ msgstr "Уæу нæ! Спамæй хъахъхъæд аскъуыддзаг рафтау дæ" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Сæрмагонд четæн ахæлиуæн информацыл SARS-CoV2"
#~ msgid "" #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" msgstr "Айдæн пикселы таг"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Дæнцæг ай паролы раппарæн æнæраст кæнæ æмгъуыд уый архайд ивгъуыд нырид " #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
#~ "(Фиппаинаг: æмбæлы спайда дæнцæгтæ ай æрмæст иу хатт ма)" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Айдæн пикселы четæн"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Сау æмæ Урс четæн"

View File

@ -1,465 +1,135 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:243
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Você não pode enviar mensagens no bate-papo com um proxy" msgstr "Você não pode enviar mensagens no bate-papo com um proxy"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:248
#, fuzzy msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Seu país está silenciado temporariamente no bate-papo"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Você foi silenciado para sempre, entre no nosso Guilded para pedir um " "Não consegui enviar sua mensagem, pfv saia e entre na sua conta de novo."
"recurso sobre seu silenciamento"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:262
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Você não está autenticado."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Você está silenciado por mais ${ timeMin } minutos"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Você está silenciado por mais ${ ttl } segundos"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Você está mandando mensagens rapidamente, você tem que esperar ${ waitTime }" "Você está mandando mensagens rapidamente, você tem que esperar ${ waitTime }"
"s :(" "s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:266
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Você não tem acesso a esse canal" msgstr "Você não tem acesso a esse canal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:282
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Você precisa verificar seu e-mail para falar no bate-papo" msgstr "Você precisa verificar seu e-mail para falar no bate-papo"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr ""
"Você foi silenciado para sempre, entre no nosso Guilded para pedir um "
"recurso sobre seu silenciamento"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Você está silenciado por mais ${ timeMin } minutos"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:294
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Você está silenciado por mais ${ muted } segundos"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:302
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "Oloco! A proteção de spam decidiu te silenciar"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:313
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Você não pode mandar mensagens tão grandes :(" msgstr "Você não pode mandar mensagens tão grandes :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:317
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Por favor use o canal internacional" msgstr "Por favor use o canal internacional"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:321
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Seu país está silenciado temporariamente no bate-papo"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:329
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Pare de floodar." msgstr "Pare de floodar."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:53
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :(" msgid ""
msgstr "Você enviou uma senha vazia ou dados inválidos :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "O link para trocar a senha não é mais valido :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Suas senhas não são iguais :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Usuário não existe em nosso banco de dados :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Senha trocada com sucesso."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "URL inválido :( Por favor, olhe seu email de novo."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:55
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Globo3D"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Um globo 3D do nosso mapa"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Clique duas vezes no globo para voltar."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Carregando..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Coloque píxeis coloridos em um canvas com formato de mapa com outros " "Coloque píxeis coloridos em um canvas com formato de mapa com outros "
"jogadores online" "jogadores online"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "E-mail não pode ser vazio." msgstr "Clique duas vezes no globo para voltar."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "E-mail deve ter ao menos 5 caracteres." msgstr "Carregando..."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "E-mail não pode ser maior que 40 caracteres." msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun Globo3D"
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "E-mail deve conter pelo menos um ponto" msgstr "Um globo 3D do nosso mapa"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:65
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "E-mail deve conter um @" msgstr "Você enviou uma senha vazia ou dados inválidos :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Nome não pode ser vazio." msgstr "O link para trocar a senha não é mais valido :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:88
#, fuzzy msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long" msgstr "Suas senhas não são iguais :("
msgstr "Nome deve ter ao menos 4 caracteres"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:103
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Nome deve ser menor que 26 caracteres" msgstr "Usuário não existe em nosso banco de dados :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:38 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:115
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Nome contém caractere invalido como @, /, \\ ou #" msgstr "Senha trocada com sucesso."
#: src/utils/validation.js:53 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:134
msgid "No password given." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Nenhuma senha fornecida." msgstr "URL inválido :( Por favor, olhe seu email de novo."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:147
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Senha deve ter ao menos 6 caracteres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Senha deve ser menor que 60 caracteres."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Troca de Senha"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Troque sua senha aqui"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Trocar Senha"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Clique aqui"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "para voltar para o pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Olá ${ name }, você pode definir sua senha nova aqui:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nova senha"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirme a senha nova"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Envie"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Você não está logado."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Você não tem acesso a esse canal"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Você não está autenticado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Nenhuma senha fornecida."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-Mail já está em uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Nome de usuário já em uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Falhei ao criar novo usuário :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Falhei ao estabelecer sessão após registrar :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificação de e-mail"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Agora você é verificado :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"a new one." "one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Seu código de verificação é inválido ou já expirou :(, por favor peça um " "O link para trocar a senha está errado ou já expirou, por favor peça um novo "
"novo." "(Aviso: você só pode pedir o link apenas uma vez)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Você não está logado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Você não está autenticado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Senha errada!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Contas do"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Você vai ser redirecionado automaticamente em 15 segundos"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ou ${ clickHere } para voltar ao pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Terra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Lua"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Canvas 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Nosso canvas principal, um mapa gigante da Terra. Coloque píxeis onde você "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Canvas da Lua. Espaço seguro para artes. Sem bandeiras ou grandes textos (a "
"não ser que faça parte da arte)"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Coloque cubos em um canvas 3D com outras pessoas."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Canvas especial para conscientizar sobre o SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Espelho do PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Espelho do PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Canvas preto e branco"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bem-vindo ${ name } ao PixelPlanet, por favor verifique seu e-mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Olá ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"bem-vindo à nossa comunidade de colocadores de píxeis, para usar sua conta, "
"você deve verificar seu e-mail. Você pode fazer isso aqui: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Clique para verificar"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ou copiando o seguinte URL:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Se divirta e não hesite para nos contar se encontrar algum problema :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Obrigado"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -468,15 +138,61 @@ msgstr ""
"Nós já te enviamos um e-mail de verificação, você pode pedir outro em " "Nós já te enviamos um e-mail de verificação, você pode pedir outro em "
"${ minLeft } minutos." "${ minLeft } minutos."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "Bem-vindo ${ name } ao PixelPlanet, por favor verifique seu e-mail"
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Olá ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"bem-vindo à nossa comunidade de colocadores de píxeis, para usar sua conta, "
"você deve verificar seu e-mail. Você pode fazer isso aqui: "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Clique para verificar"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ou copiando o seguinte URL:"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr "Se divirta e não hesite para nos contar se encontrar algum problema :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Obrigado"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Nós já te enviamos um e-mail com as instruções. Por favor espere para pedir "
"um outro e-mail."
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Não conseguimos achar esse e-mail no nosso banco de dados"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Você esqueceu sua senha do PixelPlanet? Pegue uma nova aqui" msgstr "Você esqueceu sua senha do PixelPlanet? Pegue uma nova aqui"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Olá" msgstr "Olá"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
@ -484,7 +200,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Você pediu para pegar uma nova senha. Você pode trocar sua senha nos " "Você pediu para pegar uma nova senha. Você pode trocar sua senha nos "
"próximos 30 minutos aqui: " "próximos 30 minutos aqui: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Trocar Senha"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -493,38 +214,214 @@ msgstr ""
"Se você não pediu esse e-mail, por favor ignore-o (o IP que pediu esse e-" "Se você não pediu esse e-mail, por favor ignore-o (o IP que pediu esse e-"
"mail foi ${ ip })." "mail foi ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgstr "" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Clique aqui"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "para voltar para o pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Olá ${ name }, você pode definir sua senha nova aqui:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nova senha"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Confirme a senha nova"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Envie"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Troca de Senha"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Troque sua senha aqui"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "E-mail não pode ser vazio."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "E-mail deve ter ao menos 5 caracteres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "E-mail não pode ser maior que 40 caracteres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "E-mail deve conter pelo menos um ponto"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "E-mail deve conter um @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Nome não pode ser vazio."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "Nome deve ter ao menos 4 caracteres"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Nome deve ser menor que 26 caracteres"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Nome contém caractere invalido como @, /, \\ ou #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Nenhuma senha fornecida."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Senha deve ter ao menos 6 caracteres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Senha deve ser menor que 60 caracteres."
#: src/utils/validation.js:74
msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :("
msgstr "Não consegui conectar ao servidor, por favor tente mais tarde :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:80
msgid "I think we experienced some error :("
msgstr "Acho que experenciamos algum erro :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Você não está autenticado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Senha errada!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Você não está logado."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-Mail já está em uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Nome de usuário já em uso."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Falhei ao criar novo usuário :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Falhei ao estabelecer sessão após registrar :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verificação de e-mail"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Agora você é verificado :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Nós já te enviamos um e-mail com as instruções. Por favor espere para pedir " "Seu código de verificação é inválido ou já expirou :(, por favor peça um "
"um outro e-mail." "novo."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Não conseguimos achar esse e-mail no nosso banco de dados" msgstr "Você vai ser redirecionado automaticamente em 15 segundos"
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#~ msgstr "" #, javascript-format
#~ "Não consegui enviar sua mensagem, pfv saia e entre na sua conta de novo." msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ou ${ clickHere } para voltar ao pixelplanet"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
#~ msgstr "Oloco! A proteção de spam decidiu te silenciar" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Contas do"
#~ msgid "" #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " msgid "Earth"
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" msgstr "Terra"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "O link para trocar a senha está errado ou já expirou, por favor peça um "
#~ "novo (Aviso: você só pode pedir o link apenas uma vez)"
#~ msgid "Could not connect to server, please try again later :(" #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
#~ msgstr "Não consegui conectar ao servidor, por favor tente mais tarde :(" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Lua"
#~ msgid "I think we experienced some error :(" #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
#~ msgstr "Acho que experenciamos algum erro :(" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Canvas 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Nosso canvas principal, um mapa gigante da Terra. Coloque píxeis onde você "
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art)"
msgstr ""
"Canvas da Lua. Espaço seguro para artes. Sem bandeiras ou grandes textos (a "
"não ser que faça parte da arte)"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Coloque cubos em um canvas 3D com outras pessoas."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Canvas especial para conscientizar sobre o SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Espelho do PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Espelho do PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Canvas preto e branco"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,17 +2,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-09 11:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: sallbet <>\n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Russian <" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ru\n" "Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && "
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
@ -40,7 +39,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Вы в муте еще на ${ timeMin } минут" msgstr "Вы в муте еще на ${ timeMin } минут"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Вы в муте еще на ${ ttl } секунд" msgstr "Вы в муте еще на ${ ttl } секунд"
@ -48,26 +46,25 @@ msgstr "Вы в муте еще на ${ ttl } секунд"
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Вы отправляете сообщения слишком быстро, вам нужно подождать ${ waitTime }с :" "Вы отправляете сообщения слишком быстро, вам нужно подождать ${waitTime}с :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "У вас нет доступа к этому каналу" msgstr "У вас нет доступа к этому каналу"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Ваша почта должна быть подтверждена, чтобы общаться в чате" msgstr "Ваша почта должна быть подтверждена, чтобы общаться в чате"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Вы не можете отправить сообщение такой длины :(" msgstr "Вы не можете отправить сообщение такой длины :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, используйте канал int" msgstr "Пожалуйста, используйте канал int"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Перестаньте флудить." msgstr "Перестаньте флудить."
@ -95,35 +92,35 @@ msgstr "Пароль успешно изменен."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Неверный адрес :( Пожалуйста, проверьте свою почту еще раз." msgstr "Неверный адрес :( Пожалуйста, проверьте свою почту еще раз."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "Всплывающее окно PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D-глобус" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3D-глобус"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D-глобус всей нашей карты" msgstr "3D-глобус всей нашей карты"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Дважды щелкните по глобусу, чтобы вернуться." msgstr "Дважды щелкните по глобусу, чтобы вернуться."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Загрузка..." msgstr "Загрузка..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "Всплывающее окно PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "Ставьте цветные пиксели на огромном полотне с другими людьми по сети" msgstr "Ставьте цветные пиксели на огромном полотне с другими людьми по сети"
@ -230,7 +227,7 @@ msgstr "Это могут сделать только админы"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Вы не забанены" msgstr "Вы не забанены"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Этот провайдер электронной почты не разрешен" msgstr "Этот провайдер электронной почты не разрешен"
@ -252,7 +249,7 @@ msgstr "Слишком долго, попробуйте еще раз."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha" msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Вы неправильно решили капчу" msgstr "Вы неправильно ввели капчу"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error" msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
@ -266,6 +263,26 @@ msgstr "Не удалось создать нового пользователя
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Не удалось установить сеанс после регистрации :(" msgstr "Не удалось установить сеанс после регистрации :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Вы даже не вошли в систему."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Ошибка сервера при выходе из аккаунта."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Вы не авторизованы."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Неверный пароль!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Подтверждение почты" msgstr "Подтверждение почты"
@ -282,34 +299,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Ваш код проверки почты недействителен или срок его действия уже истек :(, " "Ваш код проверки почты недействителен или срок его действия уже истек :(, "
"запросите новый." "запросите новый."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Вы даже не вошли в систему."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Ошибка сервера при выходе из аккаунта."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Вы не авторизованы."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Неверный пароль!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Пользователи в муте не могут удалить свой аккаунт."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "Пользователи в муте не могут это сделать."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Аккаунты" msgstr "Аккаунты"
@ -323,53 +312,45 @@ msgstr "Вы будете автоматически перенаправлен
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Или ${clickHere}, чтобы вернуться на pixelplanet" msgstr "Или ${clickHere}, чтобы вернуться на pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Земля" msgstr "Земля"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Луна" msgstr "Луна"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D полотно" msgstr "3D полотно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Коронавирус" msgstr "Коронавирус"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1бит" msgstr "1бит"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Топ-10" msgstr "Топ-10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr "2бит"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr "Миникарта"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Наше главное полотно - огромная карта мира, вы можете ставить пиксели где " "Наше главное полотно - огромная карта мира, вы можете ставить пиксели где "
"хотите" "хотите"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -378,27 +359,27 @@ msgstr ""
"текста (если только это не часть рисунка) или изображений размером более 1,5 " "текста (если только это не часть рисунка) или изображений размером более 1,5 "
"х 1,5 тысячи пикселей." "х 1,5 тысячи пикселей."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Размещайте воксели на 3D полотне вместе с другими игроками" msgstr "Размещайте воксели на 3D полотне вместе с другими игроками"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Специальное полотно для распространения осведомленности о SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Специальное полотно для распространения осведомленности о SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Зеркало PixelZone" msgstr "Зеркало PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Зеркало PixelCanvas" msgstr "Зеркало PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Чёрно-белое полотно" msgstr "Чёрно-белое полотно"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -406,18 +387,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Полотно для самых активных игроков за предыдущий день. Ежедневное обновление " "Полотно для самых активных игроков за предыдущий день. Ежедневное обновление "
"рейтинга в 00:00 UTC." "рейтинга в 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr "Только четыре цвета. Правила такие же как и на луне."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
"Завоевывайте земли на меньшем полотне земли с океаном под защитой. Время "
"восстановления связано с земным полотном."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
@ -425,7 +394,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Добро пожаловать ${ name } на PixelPlanet, пожалуйста, подтвердите свою почту" "Добро пожаловать ${ name } на PixelPlanet, пожалуйста, подтвердите свою почту"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Привет, ${ name }" msgstr "Привет, ${ name }"
@ -489,7 +457,7 @@ msgid ""
"requested this mail was ${ ip })." "requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Если вы не запрашивали это письмо, просто проигнорируйте его (IP-адрес, " "Если вы не запрашивали это письмо, просто проигнорируйте его (IP-адрес, "
"который запрашивал это письмо: ${ ip })." "который запрашивал это письмо: ${ip})."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
@ -506,13 +474,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Не удалось найти эту почту в нашей базе данных" msgstr "Не удалось найти эту почту в нашей базе данных"
#~ msgid "Thoia"
#~ msgstr "Тойя"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Thoia World Canvas. Advanced fictional worldbuilding and arts. Abandon "
#~ "the old world and all it entails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Полотно мира Тойи. Стройте вымышленные миры и рисунки. Оставьте старый "
#~ "мир и все, что с ним связано."

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "U to paisi esti bannatu temporaniaminti ri stu canali" msgstr "U to paisi esti bannatu temporaniaminti ri stu canali"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Si bannatu pi ssempri, trasi nalu guilded pi appellari" msgstr "Si bannatu pi ssempri, trasi nalu guilded pi appellari"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Si mutatu pi n'avutri ${ timeMin } minuta" msgstr "Si mutatu pi n'avutri ${ timeMin } minuta"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Si mutatu pi n'avutri ${ ttl } sicunna" msgstr "Si mutatu pi n'avutri ${ ttl } sicunna"
@ -52,19 +50,19 @@ msgstr "Sta mannannu messaggia troppu veloci, asspittari ${ waitTime }s :("
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Unna a accessu a stu canali" msgstr "Unna a accessu a stu canali"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "A to email ava a essiri verificata pi parrari intra a chat" msgstr "A to email ava a essiri verificata pi parrari intra a chat"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Umpo mannari messaggia accussi longa" msgstr "Umpo mannari messaggia accussi longa"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Piffauri usa a chat int" msgstr "Piffauri usa a chat int"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Abbasta affunnari." msgstr "Abbasta affunnari."
@ -85,43 +83,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "St'utenti unnisisti nalu database" msgstr "St'utenti unnisisti nalu database"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Password canciata." msgstr "Password canciata."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Url mmaliru,piffauri talia l'email arre..." msgstr "Url mmaliru,piffauri talia l'email arre..."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PopUp ri PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "U globo 3d ri tutta a mappa" msgstr "U globo 3d ri tutta a mappa"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Ammacca rui voti nalu globo pi iri in arre." msgstr "Ammacca rui voti nalu globo pi iri in arre."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Caricannu..." msgstr "Caricannu..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PopUp ri PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Piazza pixel culurata intra na mappa a stili canvas cu avutri chistiana" "Piazza pixel culurata intra na mappa a stili canvas cu avutri chistiana"
@ -228,7 +225,31 @@ msgstr "Sulu li admin ponnu fari chistu"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Unsi bannatu" msgstr "Unsi bannatu"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Unsi mancu loggatu."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Erruri rilu server quannu loggasti fora."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verifica pi email"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Si verificatu"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"U To codici pi verificarti j'e mmalidu o scarutu ;(, piffauri richiedi "
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Stu provider rila email unne valiru" msgstr "Stu provider rila email unne valiru"
@ -264,50 +285,18 @@ msgstr "Falli a criari un novu utenti"
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Falli a fari na sissiuni ropu a registazioni :(" msgstr "Falli a fari na sissiuni ropu a registazioni :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verifica pi email"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Si verificatu"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"U To codici pi verificarti j'e mmalidu o scarutu ;(, piffauri richiedi "
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Unsi mancu loggatu."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Erruri rilu server quannu loggasti fora."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Unsi autenticatu." msgstr "Unsi autenticatu."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Password sbagliata!" msgstr "Password sbagliata!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Account ri" msgstr "Account ri"
@ -321,53 +310,45 @@ msgstr "Veni mannatu nala paggina automaticamente 'n 15s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "O ${ clickHere } Pi gghiri arre su pixelplanet" msgstr "O ${ clickHere } Pi gghiri arre su pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Terra" msgstr "Terra"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Luna" msgstr "Luna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "Canvas 3D" msgstr "Canvas 3D"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"U Canvas principali, na mappa ranni ri tuttu u munnu. Piazza unne ghie ca ti " "U Canvas principali, na mappa ranni ri tuttu u munnu. Piazza unne ghie ca ti "
"piaci" "piaci"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -376,50 +357,39 @@ msgstr ""
"(Aimmenu sa un fannu parti rilu disegnu) ne arti chiu ranni ri 1.5k x 1.5k " "(Aimmenu sa un fannu parti rilu disegnu) ne arti chiu ranni ri 1.5k x 1.5k "
"pixels." "pixels."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Piazza Voxels intra 'n canvas 3D cu l'avutri" msgstr "Piazza Voxels intra 'n canvas 3D cu l'avutri"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Canvas spiciali pi diffunniri a consapevolizza sulu SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Canvas spiciali pi diffunniri a consapevolizza sulu SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Specchiu ri PixelZone" msgstr "Specchiu ri PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Specchiu ri PixelCanvas" msgstr "Specchiu ri PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Canvas 'n viancu j'e' nivuru" msgstr "Canvas 'n viancu j'e' nivuru"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"U canvas sulu pili iucatura chiu attiva d'aeri. Aggiurnamenti a 00:00 UTC." "U canvas sulu pili iucatura chiu attiva d'aeri. Aggiurnamenti a 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "Binvinutu ${ name } na pixelplanet, piffauri verifica a to email" msgstr "Binvinutu ${ name } na pixelplanet, piffauri verifica a to email"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Salutamu ${ name }" msgstr "Salutamu ${ name }"
@ -440,9 +410,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "O copia stu url:" msgstr "O copia stu url:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "Addivertiti j'e' un esitari a contattarici si viri quacchi problema :)" msgstr "Addivertiti j'e' un esitari a contattarici si viri quacchi problema :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107

View File

@ -1,465 +1,134 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100>=3 && n"
"%100<=4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: sl_SI\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100>=3 && "
"n%100<=4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.2\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: sl_SI\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:287
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Ne morate pošiljati sporočil za proksiji" msgstr "Ne morate pošiljati sporočil za proksiji"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:292
#, fuzzy msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again."
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Vaša država je začasno utišana v klepetu"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Za vedno ste utišani, pridružite se guilded, da se pritožite na utišavo " "Nismo mogli poslati vašega sporočila, prosim izpišite se ter se vpišite "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:306
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Niste preverjeni."
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Utišani ste še ${ timeMin } minut"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Utišani ste še ${ ttl } sekund"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Sporočila pošiljate prehitro, počakati morate ${ waitTime }s :(" msgstr "Sporočila pošiljate prehitro, počakati morate ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:310
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Nimate dostopa do tega kanala" msgstr "Nimate dostopa do tega kanala"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:326
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Vaš E-naslov mora biti preverjen zato, da lahko klepetate" msgstr "Vaš E-naslov mora biti preverjen zato, da lahko klepetate"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:331
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr ""
"Za vedno ste utišani, pridružite se guilded, da se pritožite na utišavo "
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:336
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Utišani ste še ${ timeMin } minut"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:338
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Utišani ste še ${ muted } sekund"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:346
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "Oh ne! Obramba proti spamu vas je utišala"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:357
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Ne morate poslati tako dolgega sporočila :(" msgstr "Ne morate poslati tako dolgega sporočila :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:361
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Prosim uporabite int kanal" msgstr "Prosim uporabite int kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:365
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from chat"
msgstr "Vaša država je začasno utišana v klepetu"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:373
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Nehajte poplavljati." msgstr "Nehajte poplavljati."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:44
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Poslali ste prazno geslo ali pa nepravilne podatke :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Ta povezava za ponastavitev gesla ni več veljavna :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62
msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Vaši gesli se ne ujemata :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Uporabnik ne obstaja v naši podatkovni bazi :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Geslo je bilo uspešno spremenjeno."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Neveljavna povezava :( Prosim ponovno preverite vaš E-naslov."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D globus našega celega zemljevida"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Kliknite dvakrat na planet, da se vrnete" msgstr "Kliknite dvakrat na planet, da se vrnete"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:45
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Nalaganje..." msgstr "Nalaganje..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:51
#, fuzzy msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus"
#: src/ssr-components/Globe.jsx:52
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D globus našega celega zemljevida"
#: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:73
msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr-components/Main.jsx:75
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Postavite barvne piksle na kanvas v obliki zemljevida z drugimi igralci na " "Postavite barvne piksle na kanvas v obliki zemljevida z drugimi igralci na "
"spletu" "spletu"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:58
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "E-naslov ne sme biti prazen." msgstr "Poslali ste prazno geslo ali pa nepravilne podatke :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:70
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "E-naslov mora vsebovati vsaj 5 znakov." msgstr "Ta povezava za ponastavitev gesla ni več veljavna :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:81
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "E-naslov ne sme biti daljši od 40 znakov." msgstr "Vaši gesli se ne ujemata :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:96
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "E-naslov mora vsebovati vsaj eno piko" msgstr "Uporabnik ne obstaja v naši podatkovni bazi :("
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "E-naslov mora vsebovati @" msgstr "Geslo je bilo uspešno spremenjeno."
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:127
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Ime ne sme biti prazno." msgstr "Neveljavna povezava :( Prosim ponovno preverite vaš E-naslov."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Ime mora biti vsaj 4 znake dolgo"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Ime mora biti krajše od 26 znakov"
#: src/utils/validation.js:38
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Ime ne sme vsebovati znake kot so @, /, \\ ali #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:53
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Geslo ni podano."
#: src/utils/validation.js:56
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Geslo mora vsebovati vsaj 6 znakov."
#: src/utils/validation.js:59
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Geslo mora biti krajše od 60 znakov."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Ponastavitev Gesla"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Resetirajte vaše geslo tukaj"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Resetirajte Geslo"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Kliknite tukaj,"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "da se vrnete na pixel planet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Pozdravljeni ${ name }, vaše novo geslo lahko vpišite tukaj:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Novo Geslo"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Potrdite Novo Geslo"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Oddajte"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not logged in"
msgstr "Niste vpisani."
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not allowed to access this page"
msgstr "Nimate dostopa do tega kanala"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:207
msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Niste preverjeni."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Niste vnesli besedila za captcho"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-Naslov je že v uporabi."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Uporabniško ime je že v uporabi"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Potrebovali ste preveč časa poizkušajte ponovno."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Ni vam uspelo narediti captcho"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Neznana Napaka Captche"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Ni nam uspelo ustvariti novega uporabnika :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Ni nam uspelo ustvariti seje po registraciji :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Potrjevanje E-naslova"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Potrjeni ste :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"a new one." "one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Vaša koda za preverjanje E-naslova je neveljavna ali pa je že potekla :(, " "Ta povezava za ponastavitev gesla je napačna ali pa je že pretečena, prosim "
"prosim povprašajte za novo." "povprašajte za novo (Komentar: te povezave lahko uporabite le enkrat)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11 #: src/core/mail.js:65
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Niste vpisani."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Zgodila se je napaka v strežniku"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36
msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Niste preverjeni."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Nepravilno geslo!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Profili"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:29
msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
msgstr "Po 15s boste samodejno preusmerjeni"
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:30
#, javascript-format
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ali ${ clickHere }, da se vrnete na pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Zemlja"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Luna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelCona"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelKanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "Top10"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Naš glavni kanvas, ogromen zemljevid sveta. Postavljajte kjer koli hočete"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Luna kanvas. Varen kraj za slike. Brez zastav ali velikih besedil (razen če "
"so del umetnin) ali slik večjih od 1.5k x 1.5k pikslov."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Postavljajte kvadratke na 3D kanvasu z drugimi"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Poseben kanvas za širjenje zavedanja za SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Zrcalo PixelCone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Zrcalo PixelKanvasa"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Črn in Bel kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39
msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "${ name } dobrodošel na PixelPlanetu, prosim potrdite vaš E-naslov"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Pozdravljen ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"dobrodošli v naši majhni skupnosti postavljavcev pixlov, da lahko "
"uporabljate vaš profil, morate preveriti vaš E-naslov. To lahko storite "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Kliknite, da Preverite"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ali pa tako, da kopirate naslednji naslov:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Imejte se lepo in ne bojte se nas kontaktirati če pridete, do kakšnih "
"težav :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Hvala"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in " "We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
@ -468,15 +137,64 @@ msgstr ""
"Že smo vam poslali potrditveno E-poštno sporočilo, ponovno ga lahko naročite " "Že smo vam poslali potrditveno E-poštno sporočilo, ponovno ga lahko naročite "
"čez ${ minLeft } minut." "čez ${ minLeft } minut."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103 #: src/core/mail.js:75
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "${ name } dobrodošel na PixelPlanetu, prosim potrdite vaš E-naslov"
#: src/core/mail.js:77
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Pozdravljen ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"dobrodošli v naši majhni skupnosti postavljavcev pixlov, da lahko "
"uporabljate vaš profil, morate preveriti vaš E-naslov. To lahko storite "
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Kliknite, da Preverite"
#: src/core/mail.js:78 src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ali pa tako, da kopirate naslednji naslov:"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Imejte se lepo in ne bojte se nas kontaktirati če pridete, do kakšnih "
"težav :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:130
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Hvala"
#: src/core/mail.js:98
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Že smo vam poslali E-pošto z navodili. Prosim počakajte preden povprašate za "
"novo sporočilo."
#: src/core/mail.js:106
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Nismo mogli najti e-naslova v naši podatkovni bazi"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here" msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Ste pozabili geslo za PixelPlanet? Pridobite novega tukaj" msgstr "Ste pozabili geslo za PixelPlanet? Pridobite novega tukaj"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104 #: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Hello" msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Pozdravljeni" msgstr "Pozdravljeni"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 #: src/core/mail.js:128
msgid "" msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the " "You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: " "next 30min here: "
@ -484,7 +202,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Povprašali ste za novo geslo. Geslo lahko spremenite tukaj v naslednjih 30-" "Povprašali ste za novo geslo. Geslo lahko spremenite tukaj v naslednjih 30-"
"tih minutah:" "tih minutah:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106 #: src/core/mail.js:128 src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:19
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:28
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Resetirajte Geslo"
#: src/core/mail.js:129
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "" msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that " "If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
@ -493,34 +216,226 @@ msgstr ""
"Če niste povprašali za to sporočilo, jo prosim ignorirajte (ip naslov, ki je " "Če niste povprašali za to sporočilo, jo prosim ignorirajte (ip naslov, ki je "
"povprašal za to sporočilo je ${ ip })." "povprašal za to sporočilo je ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:21
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:15
msgstr "" msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Kliknite tukaj,"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122 #: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:22
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "da se vrnete na pixel planet"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:29
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Pozdravljeni ${ name }, vaše novo geslo lahko vpišite tukaj:"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:33
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Novo Geslo"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Potrdite Novo Geslo"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:47
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Oddajte"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:52
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr " Ponastavitev Gesla"
#: src/ssr-components/PasswordReset.jsx:53
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Resetirajte vaše geslo tukaj"
#: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "E-naslov ne sme biti prazen."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "E-naslov mora vsebovati vsaj 5 znakov."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "E-naslov ne sme biti daljši od 40 znakov."
#: src/utils/validation.js:21
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "E-naslov mora vsebovati vsaj eno piko"
#: src/utils/validation.js:23
msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "E-naslov mora vsebovati @"
#: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name can't be empty."
msgstr "Ime ne sme biti prazno."
#: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be at least 4 characters long"
msgstr "Ime mora biti vsaj 4 znake dolgo"
#: src/utils/validation.js:32
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
msgstr "Ime mora biti krajše od 26 znakov"
#: src/utils/validation.js:39
msgid "Name contains invalid character like @, /, \\ or #"
msgstr "Ime ne sme vsebovati znake kot so @, /, \\ ali #"
#: src/utils/validation.js:54
msgid "No password given."
msgstr "Geslo ni podano."
#: src/utils/validation.js:57
msgid "Password must be at least 6 characters long."
msgstr "Geslo mora vsebovati vsaj 6 znakov."
#: src/utils/validation.js:60
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Geslo mora biti krajše od 60 znakov."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:22
msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "Niste vnesli besedila za captcho"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:36
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Potrebovali ste preveč časa poizkušajte ponovno."
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:42
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Ni vam uspelo narediti captcho"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:48
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Neznana Napaka Captche"
#: src/routes/api/captcha.js:55
msgid "Server error occured"
msgstr "Zgodila se je napaka v strežniku"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-Naslov je že v uporabi."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:33
msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Uporabniško ime je že v uporabi"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:61
msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Ni nam uspelo ustvariti novega uporabnika :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:77
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Ni nam uspelo ustvariti seje po registraciji :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:25 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Potrjevanje E-naslova"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Potrjeni ste :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:32
msgid "" msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"another mail." "a new one."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Že smo vam poslali E-pošto z navodili. Prosim počakajte preden povprašate za " "Vaša koda za preverjanje E-naslova je neveljavna ali pa je že potekla :(, "
"novo sporočilo." "prosim povprašajte za novo."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:13
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Nismo mogli najti e-naslova v naši podatkovni bazi" msgstr "Niste vpisani."
#~ msgid "Couldn't send your message, pls log out and back in again." #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:41
#~ msgstr "" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:37
#~ "Nismo mogli poslati vašega sporočila, prosim izpišite se ter se vpišite " #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:38
#~ "nazaj." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Niste preverjeni."
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:50
#~ msgstr "Oh ne! Obramba proti spamu vas je utišala" #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:46
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:48
msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Nepravilno geslo!"
#~ msgid "" #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:20
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a " msgid "You will be automatically redirected after 15s"
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)" msgstr "Po 15s boste samodejno preusmerjeni"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ta povezava za ponastavitev gesla je napačna ali pa je že pretečena, " #: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:21
#~ "prosim povprašajte za novo (Komentar: te povezave lahko uporabite le " #, javascript-format
#~ "enkrat)" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ali ${ clickHere }, da se vrnete na pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr-components/RedirectionPage.jsx:25
msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Profili"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Zemlja"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Luna"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelCona"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelKanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr ""
"Naš glavni kanvas, ogromen zemljevid sveta. Postavljajte kjer koli hočete"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr ""
"Luna kanvas. Varen kraj za slike. Brez zastav ali velikih besedil (razen če "
"so del umetnin) ali slik večjih od 1.5k x 1.5k pikslov."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Postavljajte kvadratke na 3D kanvasu z drugimi"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Poseben kanvas za širjenje zavedanja za SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Zrcalo PixelCone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Zrcalo PixelKanvasa"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Črn in Bel kanvas"

View File

@ -9,124 +9,255 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n" "%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.1.1\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.1.1\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:390
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
msgstr "Nemožete poslati poruke sa proksijem" msgstr "Nemožete poslati poruke sa proksijem"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:436 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:392
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Vaša država je privremeno nemo od ovog kanala"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Vi ste zauvek nemo, dođite u naš guilded da bi ste napravili zahtev"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:441
msgid "You are banned" msgid "You are banned"
msgstr "Banovani ste" msgstr "Banovani ste"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:394
msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned" msgid "Your Internet Provider is banned"
msgstr "Tvoj internet provajder je banovan" msgstr "Tvoj internet provajder je banovan"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:448 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:396
#, javascript-format msgid "You are not allowed to use chat"
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes" msgstr "Ne smete da koristite čet"
msgstr "Nemo ste za ${ timeMin } minuta"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:411
#, fuzzy, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "Nemo ste za ${ ttl } sekundi"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :(" msgid "You are sending messages too fast, you have to wait ${ waitTime }s :("
msgstr "Prebrzo šaljate poruke, morate sačekati ${ waitTime }s :(" msgstr "Prebrzo šaljate poruke, morate sačekati ${ waitTime }s :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:471 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:415
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Nemate pristup za ovaj kanal" msgstr "Nemate pristup za ovaj kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:433
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Tvoj e-mail treba da bude verifikovan da bi se četovalo" msgstr "Tvoj e-mail treba da bude verifikovan da bi se četovalo"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:438
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "Vi ste zauvek nemo, dođite u naš guilded da bi ste napravili zahtev"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:443
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "Nemo ste za ${ timeMin } minuta"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:445
msgid "You are muted for another ${ muted } seconds"
msgstr "Nemo ste za ${ muted } sekundi"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:453
msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
msgstr "A joj! Zaštiti protiv spama vas je napravila nemo"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:464
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Nemožete poslati ovoliku poruku :(" msgstr "Nemožete poslati ovoliku poruku :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:468
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Molimo vas da koristite int kanal" msgstr "Molimo vas da koristite int kanal"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:475
msgid "Your country is temporary muted from this chat channel"
msgstr "Vaša država je privremeno nemo od ovog kanala"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:483
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Nemoj praviti poplave u četu." msgstr "Nemoj praviti poplave u četu."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:39 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:37
msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :(" msgid "You sent an empty password or invalid data :("
msgstr "Poslali ste praznu lozinku ili nevažeće podatke :(" msgstr "Poslali ste praznu lozinku ili nevažeće podatke :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:51 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:49
msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :(" msgid "This password-reset link isn't valid anymore :("
msgstr "Ovaj link za resetovanje lozinke ne radi više :(" msgstr "Ovaj link za resetovanje lozinke ne radi više :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:62 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:60
msgid "Your passwords do not match :(" msgid "Your passwords do not match :("
msgstr "Lozinke se ne spajaju :(" msgstr "Lozinke se ne spajaju :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:77 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:75
msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :(" msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "Nalog ne postoji u našim podacima :(" msgstr "Nalog ne postoji u našim podacima :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:87
msgid "Password successfully changed." msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Lozinka uspešno promenjena" msgstr "Lozinka uspešno promenjena"
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:106
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Nevažeći url :( Molimo vas da proverite e-mail opet." msgstr "Nevažeći url :( Molimo vas da proverite e-mail opet."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:119
msgid "ppfun" msgid ""
"This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a new "
"one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ovaj link za resetovanje lozinke je pogrešan ili već istekao, molimo vas da "
"zahtevate novi link (Samo možete koristiti te linkove jednom)"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:34
#, fuzzy
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobus"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:35
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "3D Globus od naše cele mape" msgstr "3D Globus od naše cele mape"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:48
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Kliknite dva puta na globus da bi ste se vratili" msgstr "Kliknite dva puta na globus da bi ste se vratili"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:49
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Učitavanje" msgstr "Učitavanje"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:58
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:59
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Postavite bojne piksele na kanvasu koji liči na mapu sa drugim igračima " "Postavite bojne piksele na kanvasu koji liči na mapu sa drugim igračima "
"onlajn" "onlajn"
#: src/core/mail.js:71
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Već smo vam poslali e-mail za verifikaciju, možete zahtevati novi za "
"${ minLeft } minuta"
#: src/core/mail.js:78
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Zdravo ${ name }! Dobrodošli u PixelPlanet, molimo vas verifikujte vaš e-mail"
#: src/core/mail.js:79
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Zdravo ${ name }"
#: src/core/mail.js:80
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"Dobrodošli u našu malu publiku od piksel postavljača, verifikujte vaš e-"
"mail. Možete to uraditi ovde: "
#: src/core/mail.js:80
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Kliknite da bi ste se verifikovali"
#: src/core/mail.js:80 src/core/mail.js:127
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ili kopirati ovaj url:"
#: src/core/mail.js:81
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Zabavite se i nemojte zaboraviti da nas možete kontaktirati ako vidite "
"ikakve probleme :)"
#: src/core/mail.js:82 src/core/mail.js:129
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Hvala"
#: src/core/mail.js:92
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "E-mail nije verifikovan na serveru"
#: src/core/mail.js:101
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Već smo vam poslali e-mail sa instrukcijama. Molimo vas da sačekate pre "
"traženja novog e-mail-a."
#: src/core/mail.js:109
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Nije se mogao naći ovaj e-mail u našim podacima"
#: src/core/mail.js:125
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Zaboravili ste lozinku? Dobijte novu ovde"
#: src/core/mail.js:126
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Zdravo"
#: src/core/mail.js:127
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Pitali ste da dobijete novu lozinku. Možete promeniti lozinku u sklopu od 30 "
"minuta ovde: "
#: src/core/mail.js:127 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr "Resetuj lozinku"
#: src/core/mail.js:128
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Ako niste zahtevali ovaj e-mail, ignorišite ga. (ip koji je pitao za ovaj "
"email je ${ ip })."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40
msgid " Password Reset"
msgstr "Resetujte lozinku"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41
msgid "Reset your password here"
msgstr "Ovde možete da resetujete lozinku"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Kliknite ovde"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "da bi se vratili u pixelplanet"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:"
msgstr "Zdravo ${ name },možete postaviti novu lozinku ovde:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nova lozinka"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Potvrdi novu lozinku"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:64
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Pošalji"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "E-mail ne sme biti prazan." msgstr "E-mail ne sme biti prazan."
@ -175,43 +306,29 @@ msgstr "Lozinka treba biti barem 6 karaktera."
msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters." msgid "Password must be shorter than 60 characters."
msgstr "Lozinka treba biti manja od 60 karaktera." msgstr "Lozinka treba biti manja od 60 karaktera."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:20 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:40 #: src/routes/api/captcha.js:20
msgid " Password Reset" msgid "No captcha text given"
msgstr "Resetujte lozinku" msgstr "Tekst za verifikaciju nije dat."
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:21 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:41 #: src/routes/api/captcha.js:25
msgid "Reset your password here" msgid "No captcha id given"
msgstr "Ovde možete da resetujete lozinku" msgstr "Id za verifikaciju nije dat."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105 src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:28 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:54 src/routes/api/captcha.js:44
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:49 msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgid "Reset Password" msgstr "Previše dugo vam je trebalo, pokušajte opet."
msgstr "Resetuj lozinku"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:12 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:57 src/routes/api/captcha.js:50
msgid "Click here" msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Kliknite ovde" msgstr "Niste uspeli da uradite verifikaciju"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:30 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:60 src/routes/api/captcha.js:56
msgid "to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "da bi se vratili u pixelplanet" msgstr "Nepoznata greška sa verifikacijom"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:50 #: src/routes/api/captcha.js:63
#, javascript-format msgid "Server error occured"
msgid "Hello ${ name }, you can set your new password here:" msgstr "Greška sa serverom se dogodila"
msgstr "Zdravo ${ name },možete postaviti novu lozinku ovde:"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:54
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Nova lozinka"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:60
msgid "Confirm New Password"
msgstr "Potvrdi novu lozinku"
#: src/ssr/PasswordReset.jsx:65
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Pošalji"
#: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53 #: src/routes/api/modtools.js:53
msgid "You are not logged in" msgid "You are not logged in"
@ -225,55 +342,39 @@ msgstr "Nemate pristup da vidite ovu stranicu"
msgid "Just admins can do that" msgid "Just admins can do that"
msgstr "Samo admini mogu to da rade" msgstr "Samo admini mogu to da rade"
#: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:32 #: src/routes/api/baninfo.js:24
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Niste banovani" msgstr "Niste banovani"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:26
msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "No Captcha given" msgid "No Captcha given"
msgstr "Verifikacija nije data" msgstr "Verifikacija nije data"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:29
msgid "E-Mail already in use." msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-mail je već u koristi." msgstr "E-mail je već u koristi."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:31
msgid "Username already in use." msgid "Username already in use."
msgstr "Ime je već u koristi." msgstr "Ime je već u koristi."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:59 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:84
msgid "You took too long, try again."
msgstr "Previše dugo vam je trebalo, pokušajte opet."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:62
msgid "You failed your captcha"
msgstr "Niste uspeli da uradite verifikaciju"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:65
msgid "Unknown Captcha Error"
msgstr "Nepoznata greška sa verifikacijom"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:89
msgid "Failed to create new user :(" msgid "Failed to create new user :("
msgstr "Nije se mogao napraviti nov nalog :(" msgstr "Nije se mogao napraviti nov nalog :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:105 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:100
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Nije se uspelo da se napravi sednica posle registrovanja :(" msgstr "Nije se uspelo da se napravi sednica posle registrovanja :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:29
msgid "Mail verification" msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Verifikacija mail-a" msgstr "Verifikacija mail-a"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:23
msgid "You are now verified :)" msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Sada ste verifikovani :)" msgstr "Sada ste verifikovani :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:29
msgid "" msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request " "Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one." "a new one."
@ -285,30 +386,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You are not even logged in." msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Niste ni ulogovani." msgstr "Niste ni ulogovani."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:54 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out." msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Greška sa serverom kad ste probali da se odjavite." msgstr "Greška sa serverom kad ste probali da se odjavite."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:38
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:34
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Niste overeni." msgstr "Niste overeni."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:47
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:44
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Neispravna lozinka!" msgstr "Neispravna lozinka!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Nalozi za" msgstr "Nalozi za"
@ -322,51 +415,43 @@ msgstr "Bićete automatično vraćeni posle 15 sekundi"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Ili ${ clickHere } da bi ste se vratili na pixelplanet" msgstr "Ili ${ clickHere } da bi ste se vratili na pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:18
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Zemlja" msgstr "Zemlja"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Mesec" msgstr "Mesec"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Canvas" msgstr "3D Canvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirus" msgstr "Koronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Naš glavni kanvas, ogromna mapa sveta. Postavi piksele gde god hoćeš" msgstr "Naš glavni kanvas, ogromna mapa sveta. Postavi piksele gde god hoćeš"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -374,149 +459,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Kanvas Meseca. Dobro mesto za crteže. Nema zastava ili velikog teksta (osim " "Kanvas Meseca. Dobro mesto za crteže. Nema zastava ili velikog teksta (osim "
"ako deo crteža) ili crteže veće od 1.5k x 1.5k piksela." "ako deo crteža) ili crteže veće od 1.5k x 1.5k piksela."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Postavljaj voksele na 3D kanvasu sa drugima" msgstr "Postavljaj voksele na 3D kanvasu sa drugima"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Specijalni kanvas za širenje informacija o SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Specijalni kanvas za širenje informacija o SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Ogledalo PixelZone-a" msgstr "Ogledalo PixelZone-a"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Ogledalo PixelCanvas-a" msgstr "Ogledalo PixelCanvas-a"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Crno-beli kanvas" msgstr "Crno-beli kanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kanvas za najaktivnije igrače od juče. Dnevni rang se ažurira u 00:00 UTC." "Kanvas za najaktivnije igrače od juče. Dnevni rang se ažurira u 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr ""
"Zdravo ${ name }! Dobrodošli u PixelPlanet, molimo vas verifikujte vaš e-mail"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Zdravo ${ name }"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr ""
"Dobrodošli u našu malu publiku od piksel postavljača, verifikujte vaš e-"
"mail. Možete to uraditi ovde: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify"
msgstr "Kliknite da bi ste se verifikovali"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Ili kopirati ovaj url:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)"
msgstr ""
"Zabavite se i nemojte zaboraviti da nas možete kontaktirati ako vidite "
"ikakve probleme :)"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:70 src/core/MailProvider.js:107
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Hvala"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:87
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"We already sent you a verification mail, you can request another one in "
"${ minLeft } minutes."
msgstr ""
"Već smo vam poslali e-mail za verifikaciju, možete zahtevati novi za "
"${ minLeft } minuta"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:103
msgid "You forgot your password for PixelPlanet? Get a new one here"
msgstr "Zaboravili ste lozinku? Dobijte novu ovde"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:104
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Zdravo"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:105
msgid ""
"You requested to get a new password. You can change your password within the "
"next 30min here: "
msgstr ""
"Pitali ste da dobijete novu lozinku. Možete promeniti lozinku u sklopu od 30 "
"minuta ovde: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:106
#, javascript-format
msgid ""
"If you did not request this mail, please just ignore it (the ip that "
"requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr ""
"Ako niste zahtevali ovaj e-mail, ignorišite ga. (ip koji je pitao za ovaj "
"email je ${ ip })."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
msgstr "E-mail nije verifikovan na serveru"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:122
msgid ""
"We already sent you a mail with instructions. Please wait before requesting "
"another mail."
msgstr ""
"Već smo vam poslali e-mail sa instrukcijama. Molimo vas da sačekate pre "
"traženja novog e-mail-a."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Nije se mogao naći ovaj e-mail u našim podacima"
#~ msgid "You are not allowed to use chat"
#~ msgstr "Ne smete da koristite čet"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
#~ msgstr "A joj! Zaštiti protiv spama vas je napravila nemo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This passwort reset link is wrong or already expired, please request a "
#~ "new one (Note: you can use those links just once)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ovaj link za resetovanje lozinke je pogrešan ili već istekao, molimo vas "
#~ "da zahtevate novi link (Samo možete koristiti te linkove jednom)"
#~ msgid "No captcha text given"
#~ msgstr "Tekst za verifikaciju nije dat."
#~ msgid "No captcha id given"
#~ msgstr "Id za verifikaciju nije dat."
#~ msgid "Server error occured"
#~ msgstr "Greška sa serverom se dogodila"

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ʻOku ʻikai ke ʻi ai ha meʻa fakataimi ʻi ho fonua mei he senolo ko ʻeni" "ʻOku ʻikai ke ʻi ai ha meʻa fakataimi ʻi ho fonua mei he senolo ko ʻeni"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:439
#, fuzzy msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to apppeal the mute"
msgid "You are permanently muted, join our guilded to appeal the mute"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"ʻOku ʻikai ke ke fuʻu tokanga koe ki ai, kau ki heʻetau guilded ke apppeal " "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke fuʻu tokanga koe ki ai, kau ki heʻetau guilded ke apppeal "
"ʻa e fakalongo" "ʻa e fakalongo"
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke toe ʻi ha miniti ʻe ${ timeMin }" msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke toe ʻi ha miniti ʻe ${ timeMin }"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke toe ʻi ai ha sekoni ʻe ${ ttl }" msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke toe ʻi ai ha sekoni ʻe ${ ttl }"
@ -57,19 +55,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke lava ʻo hu ki he senolo ko ʻeni" msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke lava ʻo hu ki he senolo ko ʻeni"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Kuo pau ke fakapapauʻi hoʻo meili kae lava ke talanoa" msgstr "Kuo pau ke fakapapauʻi hoʻo meili kae lava ke talanoa"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "He ʻikai lava ke ke ʻave ha popoaki fuoloa peheni :(" msgstr "He ʻikai lava ke ke ʻave ha popoaki fuoloa peheni :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Kātaki ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e int channel" msgstr "Kātaki ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e int channel"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Taʻofi e tafea." msgstr "Taʻofi e tafea."
@ -92,43 +90,42 @@ msgid "User doesn't exist in our database :("
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai maʻu ʻa e tokotaha ngaue ʻi heʻetau faile fakakomipiuta :(" msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai maʻu ʻa e tokotaha ngaue ʻi heʻetau faile fakakomipiuta :("
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:89 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:89
#, fuzzy msgid "Passowrd successfully changed."
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "Naʻe lava lelei ʻo liliu ʻa e Passowrd." msgstr "Naʻe lava lelei ʻo liliu ʻa e Passowrd."
#: src/routes/reset_password.js:108 #: src/routes/reset_password.js:108
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "ʻIkai tonu e :( URL Kātaki ʻo toe vakaiʻi hoʻo meilí." msgstr "ʻIkai tonu e :( URL Kātaki ʻo toe vakaiʻi hoʻo meilí."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Ko ha kolope 3D ʻo ʻetau mape kotoa" msgstr "Ko ha kolope 3D ʻo ʻetau mape kotoa"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Lomiʻi tuʻo ua ʻi he mamani ke toe foki." msgstr "Lomiʻi tuʻo ua ʻi he mamani ke toe foki."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Load..." msgstr "Load..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Fokotuʻu ʻa e lanu ʻo e lanu ʻi ha mape styled fakatataa mo e kau vaʻinga " "Fokotuʻu ʻa e lanu ʻo e lanu ʻi ha mape styled fakatataa mo e kau vaʻinga "
@ -238,7 +235,31 @@ msgstr "ʻE lava ʻe he miniti pe ʻe taha ʻo fai ia"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke banned" msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke banned"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke hu ki he polokalama."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Fehalaaki ʻa e server ʻi he taimi ʻoku loka ai."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Fakapapauʻi ʻo e meilí"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Kuo fakapapauʻi he taimí ni :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"ʻOku ʻikai tonu hoʻo kouti fakapapauʻi ʻo e meilí pe kuo ʻosi e taimi "
"ngāueʻaki :(, kātaki ʻo kole ha fika foʻou."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai fakangofua ʻa e kautaha ʻimeili ko ʻeni" msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai fakangofua ʻa e kautaha ʻimeili ko ʻeni"
@ -274,50 +295,18 @@ msgstr "ʻIkai lava ʻo faʻu ha foʻou ki he polokalamá :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "ʻIkai lava ke fokotuʻu ha fakataha hili e lesisita :(" msgstr "ʻIkai lava ke fokotuʻu ha fakataha hili e lesisita :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Fakapapauʻi ʻo e meilí"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Kuo fakapapauʻi he taimí ni :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"ʻOku ʻikai tonu hoʻo kouti fakapapauʻi ʻo e meilí pe kuo ʻosi e taimi "
"ngāueʻaki :(, kātaki ʻo kole ha fika foʻou."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke hu ki he polokalama."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Fehalaaki ʻa e server ʻi he taimi ʻoku loka ai."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke authenticated." msgstr "ʻOku ʻikai ke ke authenticated."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "ʻIkai tonu e lea fufuú!" msgstr "ʻIkai tonu e lea fufuú!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr ""
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr "Ngaahi ʻAkauni" msgstr "Ngaahi ʻAkauni"
@ -331,53 +320,45 @@ msgstr "ʻE toe fakafoki fakahangatonu atu koe hili 15s"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Pe ${ clickHere } ke foki ki pixelplanet" msgstr "Pe ${ clickHere } ke foki ki pixelplanet"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Mamani" msgstr "Mamani"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Mahina" msgstr "Mahina"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3D Fakatataa" msgstr "3D Fakatataa"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Coronavirus" msgstr "Coronavirus"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ko ʻetau tefitoʻi fakatataa, ko ha mape lahi ʻo e mamani. Tuku ʻi he feituʻu " "Ko ʻetau tefitoʻi fakatataa, ko ha mape lahi ʻo e mamani. Tuku ʻi he feituʻu "
"kotoa pe ʻoku ke saiʻia ai" "kotoa pe ʻoku ke saiʻia ai"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -386,27 +367,27 @@ msgstr ""
"lahi (tuku kehe kapau ko ha konga ʻo e ʻati) pe ʻaati lahi ange ʻi he 1.5 k " "lahi (tuku kehe kapau ko ha konga ʻo e ʻati) pe ʻaati lahi ange ʻi he 1.5 k "
"x 1.5 k." "x 1.5 k."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "Fokotuʻu Voxels ʻi ha fakatataa 3D mo e niʻihi kehe" msgstr "Fokotuʻu Voxels ʻi ha fakatataa 3D mo e niʻihi kehe"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Fakatataa makehe ke fakamafola hono ʻiloʻi ʻo e SARS-CoV2" msgstr "Fakatataa makehe ke fakamafola hono ʻiloʻi ʻo e SARS-CoV2"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "Sioʻata ʻo e PixelZone" msgstr "Sioʻata ʻo e PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "Sioʻata ʻo e PixelCanvas" msgstr "Sioʻata ʻo e PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Fakatataa ʻuliʻuli mo hinehina" msgstr "Fakatataa ʻuliʻuli mo hinehina"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -414,24 +395,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Ko ha fakatataa maʻa e kau vaʻinga malohi taha mei he ʻaho kimuʻa. Ngaahi " "Ko ha fakatataa maʻa e kau vaʻinga malohi taha mei he ʻaho kimuʻa. Ngaahi "
"fakamatala fakamuimuitaha ʻi he 00:00 UTC." "fakamatala fakamuimuitaha ʻi he 00:00 UTC."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, fuzzy, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, plese verify your mail"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Talitali lelei ʻa e ${ name } ki he PixelPlanet, plese fakapapauʻi hoʻo meili" "Talitali lelei ʻa e ${ name } ki he PixelPlanet, plese fakapapauʻi hoʻo meili"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Malo e lelei ${ name }" msgstr "Malo e lelei ${ name }"
@ -452,9 +422,8 @@ msgid "Or by copying following url:"
msgstr "Pe hiki tatau ʻa e URL ko ʻeni:" msgstr "Pe hiki tatau ʻa e URL ko ʻeni:"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:69 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems :)" "Have fun and don't hesitate to contact us if you encouter any problems :)"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Fiefia pea ʻoua naʻa ke momou ke fetuʻutaki mai kiate kimautolu kapau te ke " "Fiefia pea ʻoua naʻa ke momou ke fetuʻutaki mai kiate kimautolu kapau te ke "
"e encouter ha faʻahinga palopalema :)" "e encouter ha faʻahinga palopalema :)"

View File

@ -2,16 +2,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-09 11:55+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Oğuz Ersen <>\n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: tr\n" "Language: tr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.5-dev\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:434
msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy" msgid "You can not send chat messages with proxy"
@ -39,9 +38,8 @@ msgid "You are muted for another ${ timeMin } minutes"
msgstr "${ timeMin } dakikalığına susturuldun" msgstr "${ timeMin } dakikalığına susturuldun"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:450
#, javascript-format
msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds" msgid "You are muted for another ${ ttl } seconds"
msgstr "${ ttl } saniyeliğine susturuldun" msgstr "${ muted } saniyeliğine susturuldun"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:467
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
@ -52,19 +50,19 @@ msgstr "Çok hızlı mesaj gönderiyorsun, ${ waitTime } saniye beklemen gerekiy
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "Bu kanala erişimin yok" msgstr "Bu kanala erişimin yok"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "Onaylı bir E-Posta adresin olmadan sohbete katılamazsın" msgstr "Onaylı bir E-Posta adresin olmadan sohbete katılamazsın"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "Bu kadar uzun bir mesaj gönderemezsin :(" msgstr "Bu kadar uzun bir mesaj gönderemezsin :("
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "Lütfen int sohbet kanalını kullanın" msgstr "Lütfen int sohbet kanalını kullanın"
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "Flood yapmayı bırak." msgstr "Flood yapmayı bırak."
@ -92,58 +90,58 @@ msgstr "Parolanız başarılı bir şekilde değiştirildi."
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "Geçersiz bağlantı :( Lütfen postanızı tekrar kontrol ediniz." msgstr "Geçersiz bağlantı :( Lütfen postanızı tekrar kontrol ediniz."
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:32
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr " PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3BKüresel" msgstr "PixelPlanet.Fun 3BKüresel"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:38 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:33
msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map" msgid "A 3D globe of our whole map"
msgstr "Tüm haritamızın 3 boyutlu küreseli" msgstr "Tüm haritamızın 3 boyutlu küreseli"
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:51 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:46
msgid "Double click on globe to go back." msgid "Double click on globe to go back."
msgstr "Küreye çift tıklayarak geri dön." msgstr "Küreye çift tıklayarak geri dön."
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:52 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:47
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Yükleniyor..." msgstr "Yükleniyor..."
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:58
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr "ppfun"
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:59
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr " PopUp"
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:67
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:68
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Diğer oyuncularla beraber harita tarzı tuvallerde renkli pikseller atın" "Diğer oyuncularla beraber harita tarzı tuvallerde renkli pikseller atın"
#: src/utils/validation.js:17 #: src/utils/validation.js:17
msgid "Email can't be empty." msgid "Email can't be empty."
msgstr "E-posta adresi boş olamaz." msgstr "Mail adresi boş bırakılamaz."
#: src/utils/validation.js:18 #: src/utils/validation.js:18
msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long." msgid "Email should be at least 5 characters long."
msgstr "E-Posta en az 5 karakterden oluşmalıdır." msgstr "Mail adresi en az 5 karakterden oluşmalıdır."
#: src/utils/validation.js:19 #: src/utils/validation.js:19
msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters." msgid "Email can't be longer than 40 characters."
msgstr "E-Posta 40 karakterden uzun olamaz." msgstr "Mail adresi 40 karakterden fazla olamaz."
#: src/utils/validation.js:20 #: src/utils/validation.js:20
msgid "Email should at least contain a dot" msgid "Email should at least contain a dot"
msgstr "E-posta adresi içerisinde en az bir nokta bulundurmalıdır" msgstr "Mail adresi içerisinde nokta bulundurmalıdır"
#: src/utils/validation.js:22 #: src/utils/validation.js:22
msgid "Email should contain a @" msgid "Email should contain a @"
msgstr "E-posta adresi içerisinde @ bulundurmalıdır" msgstr "Mail adresi içerisinde @ bulundurmalıdır"
#: src/utils/validation.js:29 #: src/utils/validation.js:29
msgid "Name can't be empty." msgid "Name can't be empty."
@ -151,7 +149,7 @@ msgstr "Kullanıcı adı boş bırakılamaz."
#: src/utils/validation.js:30 #: src/utils/validation.js:30
msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long" msgid "Name must be at least 2 characters long"
msgstr "Kullanıcı adı en az 2 karakterden olmalıdır" msgstr "Kullanıcı adı 2 karakterden fazla olmalıdır"
#: src/utils/validation.js:31 #: src/utils/validation.js:31
msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters" msgid "Name must be shorter than 26 characters"
@ -227,7 +225,30 @@ msgstr "Sadece adminler bunu yapabilir"
msgid "You are not banned" msgid "You are not banned"
msgstr "Banlanmadın" msgstr "Banlanmadın"
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:22 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24 #: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Henüz oturum açmadın."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Oturum kapatılırken sunucu hatası oluştu."
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "Mail adresi doğrulaması"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Artık hesabın doğrulandı :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Doğrulama kodun geçersiz veya süresi doldu :(, lütfen yeni bir talepte bulun."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:21 src/routes/api/auth/register.js:24
msgid "This email provider is not allowed" msgid "This email provider is not allowed"
msgstr "Bu e-posta sağlayıcısına izin verilmiyor" msgstr "Bu e-posta sağlayıcısına izin verilmiyor"
@ -237,7 +258,7 @@ msgstr "Captcha girilmedi"
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:34
msgid "E-Mail already in use." msgid "E-Mail already in use."
msgstr "E-posta adresi kullanımda." msgstr "Mail adresi kullanımda."
#: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/register.js:36
msgid "Username already in use." msgid "Username already in use."
@ -263,49 +284,18 @@ msgstr "Yeni hesap oluşturulamadı :("
msgid "Failed to establish session after register :(" msgid "Failed to establish session after register :("
msgstr "Hesap oluştururken bir hata meydana geldi :(" msgstr "Hesap oluştururken bir hata meydana geldi :("
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:26 src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:43
msgid "Mail verification"
msgstr "E-posta adresi doğrulaması"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:27
msgid "You are now verified :)"
msgstr "Artık hesabın doğrulandı :)"
#: src/routes/api/auth/verify.js:35
msgid ""
"Your mail verification code is invalid or already expired :(, please request "
"a new one."
msgstr ""
"Doğrulama kodun geçersiz veya süresi doldu :(, lütfen yeni bir talepte bulun."
#: src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:11
msgid "You are not even logged in."
msgstr "Henüz oturum açmadın."
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:65 src/routes/api/auth/logout.js:20
msgid "Server error when logging out."
msgstr "Oturum kapatılırken sunucu hatası oluştu."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:44
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:34
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:36 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:35
msgid "You are not authenticated." msgid "You are not authenticated."
msgstr "Kimliğiniz doğrulanamadı." msgstr "Kimliğiniz doğrulanamadı."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:53 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:52
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43 #: src/routes/api/auth/change_passwd.js:43
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:55 #: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:45
msgid "Incorrect password!" msgid "Incorrect password!"
msgstr "Yanlış parola!" msgstr "Yanlış parola!"
#: src/routes/api/auth/delete_account.js:46
msgid "Muted users can not delete their account."
msgstr "Susturulan kullanıcılar hesaplarını silemez."
#: src/routes/api/auth/change_mail.js:62
msgid "Muted users can not do this."
msgstr "Susturulan kullanıcılar bunu yapamaz."
#: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19 #: src/ssr/RedirectionPage.jsx:19
msgid " Accounts" msgid " Accounts"
msgstr " Hesapları" msgstr " Hesapları"
@ -319,51 +309,43 @@ msgstr "15 saniye içerisinde otomatik olarak yönlendirileceksin"
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "Veya ${ clickHere } pixelplanet'e dönebilirsin" msgstr "Veya ${ clickHere } pixelplanet'e dönebilirsin"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Dünya" msgstr "Dünya"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "Ay" msgstr "Ay"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "3B Tuval" msgstr "3B Tuval"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "Koronavirüs" msgstr "Koronavirüs"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone" msgstr "PixelZone"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas" msgstr "PixelCanvas"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "1bit" msgstr "1bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "Top10" msgstr "Top10"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28
msgid "2bit"
msgstr "2bit"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:29
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr "Küçük harita"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "Ana tuvalimiz devasa dünya haritası. İstediğin yere piksel atabilirsin" msgstr "Ana tuvalimiz devasa dünya haritası. İstediğin yere piksel atabilirsin"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of art) "
"or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
@ -371,27 +353,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Ay tuvali. Eserler için güvenilir bir yer. Bayraklar veya büyük yazılar " "Ay tuvali. Eserler için güvenilir bir yer. Bayraklar veya büyük yazılar "
"(eserin parçası değilse) veya 1.5k x 1.5k pikselden oluşan eserler yasaktır." "(eserin parçası değilse) veya 1.5k x 1.5k pikselden oluşan eserler yasaktır."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "3B tuvalde diğer oyuncularla birlikte küp pikseller at" msgstr "3B tuvalde diğer oyuncularla birlikte küp pikseller at"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "Koronavirüs farkındalığını yaymak için özel olarak yapılan tuval" msgstr "Koronavirüs farkındalığını yaymak için özel olarak yapılan tuval"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "PixelZone'un aynası" msgstr "PixelZone'un aynası"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "PixelCanvas'ın aynası" msgstr "PixelCanvas'ın aynası"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "Siyah-beyaz tuval" msgstr "Siyah-beyaz tuval"
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
@ -399,25 +381,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Geçen günün en aktif oyuncuları için yapılmış tuval. Sıralama her gün 00:00 " "Geçen günün en aktif oyuncuları için yapılmış tuval. Sıralama her gün 00:00 "
"UTC'da güncellenir." "UTC'da güncellenir."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr "Yalnızca dört renk. Ay ile aynı kurallar."
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with "
"earth canvas."
msgstr ""
"Korumalı okyanus ile daha küçük bir dünya üzerinde toprak fethedin. Toprak "
"tuvali ile bekleme süresini paylaşır."
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66
#, javascript-format #, javascript-format
msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail" msgid "Welcome ${ name } to PixelPlanet, please verify your mail"
msgstr "PixelPlanet'e hoş geldin ${ name }, lütfen e-posta adresini doğrula" msgstr "PixelPlanet'e hoş geldin ${ name }, lütfen mail adresini doğrula"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:67 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:67
#, javascript-format
msgid "Hello ${ name }" msgid "Hello ${ name }"
msgstr "Merhaba ${ name }" msgstr "Merhaba ${ name }"
@ -426,8 +395,8 @@ msgid ""
"welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you " "welcome to our little community of pixelplacers, to use your account, you "
"have to verify your mail. You can do that here: " "have to verify your mail. You can do that here: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"piksel atanlardan oluşan topluluğumuza hoş geldin, hesabını kullanmak için e-" "piksel atanlardan oluşan topluluğumuza hoş geldin, hesabını kullanmak için "
"posta adresini doğrula. Buradan yapabilirsin: " "mail adresini doğrula. Buradan yapabilirsin: "
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:68 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:68
msgid "Click to Verify" msgid "Click to Verify"
@ -478,7 +447,7 @@ msgid ""
"requested this mail was ${ ip })." "requested this mail was ${ ip })."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Eğer bu postayı talep etmediysen lütfen görmezden gel (bu postayı talep eden " "Eğer bu postayı talep etmediysen lütfen görmezden gel (bu postayı talep eden "
"ip: ${ ip })." "ip: ${ ip })"
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:114 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:114
msgid "Mail is not configured on the server" msgid "Mail is not configured on the server"
@ -494,7 +463,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:130 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:130
msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database" msgid "Couldn't find this mail in our database"
msgstr "Bu e-posta adresini veri tabanımızda bulamadık" msgstr "Bu mail adresini veri tabanımızda bulamadık"
#~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you" #~ msgid "Ow no! Spam protection decided to mute you"
#~ msgstr "Olamaz! Spam koruması seni susturdu" #~ msgstr "Olamaz! Spam koruması seni susturdu"

View File

@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You don't have access to this channel" msgid "You don't have access to this channel"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:490 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:488
msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat" msgid "Your mail has to be verified in order to chat"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:500 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:498
msgid "You can't send a message this long :(" msgid "You can't send a message this long :("
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:504 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:502
msgid "Please use int channel" msgid "Please use int channel"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/core/ChatProvider.js:512 #: src/core/ChatProvider.js:510
msgid "Stop flooding." msgid "Stop flooding."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -82,14 +82,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again." msgid "Invalid url :( Please check your mail again."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:47
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:48
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37 #: src/ssr/Globe.jsx:37
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun 3DGlobe"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -106,11 +98,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading..." msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65 #: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:55
msgid "ppfun"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/PopUp.jsx:56
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun PopUp"
msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:64
msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun" msgid "PixelPlanet.Fun"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ssr/Main.jsx:66 #: src/ssr/Main.jsx:65
msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online" msgid "Place color pixels on an map styled canvas with other players online"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -314,90 +314,82 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet" msgid "Or ${ clickHere } to go back to pixelplanet"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:20 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:19
msgid "Earth" msgid "Earth"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:21 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:20
msgid "Moon" msgid "Moon"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:22 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:21
msgid "3D Canvas" msgid "3D Canvas"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:23 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:22
msgid "Coronavirus" msgid "Coronavirus"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:24 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:23
msgid "PixelZone" msgid "PixelZone"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:25 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:24
msgid "PixelCanvas" msgid "PixelCanvas"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:26 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:25
msgid "1bit" msgid "1bit"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:27 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:26
msgid "Top10" msgid "Top10"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:28 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:27
msgid "2bit" msgid "Thoia"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:29 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:30
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like" msgid "Our main canvas, a huge map of the world. Place everywhere you like"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:33 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:31
msgid "" msgid ""
"Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of " "Moon canvas. Safe space for art. No flags or large text (unless part of "
"art) or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels." "art) or art larger than 1.5k x 1.5k pixels."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:34 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:32
msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others" msgid "Place Voxels on a 3D canvas with others"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:35 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:33
msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2" msgid "Special canvas to spread awareness of SARS-CoV2"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:36 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:34
msgid "Mirror of PixelZone" msgid "Mirror of PixelZone"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:37 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:35
msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas" msgid "Mirror of PixelCanvas"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:38 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:36
msgid "Black and White canvas" msgid "Black and White canvas"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:39 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:37
msgid "" msgid ""
"A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily " "A canvas for the most active players from the the previous day. Daily "
"ranking updates at 00:00 UTC." "ranking updates at 00:00 UTC."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:40 #: src/canvasesDesc.js:38
msgid "Only four colors. Same rules as moon."
msgstr ""
#: src/canvasesDesc.js:41
msgid "" msgid ""
"Conquer land on a smaller earth with protected ocean. Shares cooldown with " "Thoia World Canvas. Advanced fictional worldbuilding and arts. Abandon the "
"earth canvas." "old world and all it entails."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/core/MailProvider.js:66 #: src/core/MailProvider.js:66

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