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> **Currently pixelplanet is being developed in a another private repository. This development version diverted and is incompatible with the stable version here. Until it is ready, this public repository will be frozen.**
# PixelPlanet.fun
Official repository of [pixelplanet.fun](http://www.pixelplanet.fun).
> If you want to help us translate pixelplanet.fun, look into [i18n](./i18n)
To the 2nd anniversary of r/space, pixelplanet takes pixelgames to a new level. Place pixels, create pixelart and fight faction wars on pixelplanet.fun.
Pixelplanet is a 65k x 65k large canvas that is a map of the world and can also be seen as 3d globe, you can place pixels where ever you want, build an island, take over another country with a flag or just create pixelart.
30 well chosen colors (decided by polls within the community) are available and you can place a pixel every 3s on an empty space, and 5s on an already set pixel. But pixels can be stacked up to a minute, so you don't have to wait every time.
Pixelplanet receives regular updates and launches events, like a zero second cooldown day on r/place anniversary. We are driven by our community, because placing pixels is more fun together.
W, A, S, D, click and drag or pan: Move
Q, E or scroll or pinch: Zoom
Click or tab: Place Pixel
## Build
### Requirements
- [nodejs environment](https://nodejs.org/en/) (>=16)
### Building
Checkout repository
git clone https://git.pixelplanet.fun/ppfun/pixelplanet.git
cd pixelplanet
Install packages and build
npm install
npm run build
All needed files to run it got created in `./dist`. You can copy it to wherever you want to run pixelplanet.
- If you run into problems, make sure that you have rights to g++ (if not, run as root and then chown username:username -R . after build)
- If `npm install` fails with "unable to connect to github.com" set:
git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/
## Run
### Requirements
- [nodejs environment](https://nodejs.org/en/) (>=16)
- [redis](https://redis.io/) or [redis-for-windows](https://github.com/redis-windows/redis-windows) as database for storìng the canvas
- mysql or mariadb ([setup own user](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-new-user-and-grant-permissions-in-mysql) and [create database](https://www.w3schools.com/SQl/sql_create_db.asp) for pixelplanet) for storing additional data like IP blacklist
### Configuration
Configuration takes place in the environment variables that are defined in ecosystem.yml.
#### Neccessary Configuration
| Variable | Description | Example |
| PORT | Own Port | 8080 |
| HOST | Own Host | "localhost" |
| REDIS_URL | URL:PORT of redis server | "redis://localhost:6379"|
| MYSQL_HOST | MySql Host | "localhost" |
| MYSQL_USER | MySql User | "pixelplanet" |
| MYSQL_PW | MySql Password | "sqlpassword" |
| MYSQL_DATABASE | MySql Database | "pixelplanet" |
#### Optional Configuration
| Variable | Description | Example |
| USE_PROXYCHECK | Check users for Proxies | 0 |
| PROXYCHECK_KEY | Key for proxycheck.io | "asfas-xcsc-ewef-sdfsd" |
| APISOCKET_KEY | Key for API Socket for SpecialAccess™ | "SDfasife3" |
| ADMIN_IDS | Ids of users with Admin rights | "1,12,3" |
| CAPTCHA_TIME | time in minutes between captchas | 30 |
| | 0: always captcha -1: never captcha | |
| SESSION_SECRET | random sting for express sessions | "ayylmao" |
| LOG_MYSQL | if sql queries should get logged | 0 |
| USE_XREALIP | see ngins / CDN section | 1 |
| BACKUP_URL | url of backup server (see Backup) | "http://localhost" |
| BACKUP_DIR | mounted directory of backup server | "/mnt/backup/" |
| HOURLY_EVENT | run hourly void event on main canvas | 1 |
| USE_MAILER | enable to use mail sevicse | 0 |
| MAIL_ADDRESS | email address for sending mails | "noreply@pixelplanet.fun" |
#### Social Media Configuration
| Variable | Description |
| GUILDED_INVITE | Invite to guilded server |
| GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | values |
| VK_CLIENT_ID | with |
- HOST / PORT is the host on which the ppfun server is listening. In example: If you have a reverse proxy on the same machine, HOST should still be unset or localhost, because it's where the proxy forwards to.
- to be able to use USE_PROXYCHECK you have to have an account on proxycheck.io and set PROXYCHECK_KEY.
- Admins are users with 0cd and access to `Admintools`in their User Menu
- You can find out the id of a user by wiriting a message in chat and pinging
- pixelplanet uses the unix command sendmail for sending verification and password reset mails. If you don't want to set up your own mail server, look into [ssmtp](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SSMTP), which provides a sendmail interface that forwards to other providers like gmail.
- default configuartion values can be seen in `src/core/config.js`
- The HTML for SocialMedia logins is in src/componets/UserAreaModal.js , delete stuff from there if you don't need it. The HTML for the Help Screen is in src/components/HelpModal.js
Canvas specific configuartion like colors and cooldown is in `canvases.json` for all canvases. The titles and descriptions of the canvases are in `src/canvasesDesc.js` for translation reasons. Changing them requires a rebuild.
Meaning of some values:
#### Neccessary canvases Configuration
| Key | Description |
| ident | Unique character used in the url |
| size | canvas size, power of 2 and between 256 and 65536 |
| bcd | Base cooldown for unset pixels |
| cds | Stack time of Cooldown |
#### Optional canvases Configuration
| Key | Description |
| pcd | Cooldown for placing on set pixels (defaults to same as bcd) |
| cli | Number of leading colors on the palette to ignore (default: 0) |
| req | requieremt to place on the canvas (default: unset) |
| ranked | If pixels on canvas count on player statistic (default: false) |
| v | If 3D voxel canvas (boolean) (default: false) |
| hid | Hidden canvases, can be just seen by pressing P (default: false)|
| sd | Start-date of the canvas (for historical view) |
| ed | end date for historical view (canvas retired) |
- The canvas size limit can be surpassed by changing the websocket packages in src/socket/packages/ to send chunk coordinates in 16bit.
- If `req` is 0, the canvas is only available for registered Useers. If it is a number >0 it is the amount of total pixels placed before a player is allowed to play there. If it is `top`, then it is only accessible for the Top10 players of the previous day.
- The colors that are ignored via `cli` are used for making the canvas (blue ocean and white continents) and to know if the pixel is already set by a user or not.
- If you want to add a new canvas, be sure that you additionally create `public/loading${canvasId}.png`, `public/assets3d/normal${canvasId}.jpg`, `public/preview${canvasId}.png` and `public/assets3d/specular${canvasId}.jpg`, check out the existing ones to see what those files are for.
#### Styles
To add more css styles, create a new css file in `src/styles` based on `src/styles/default.css` with a filename beginning with "theme-" and rebuild`
### Preperation
Install required packages
npm install
and [pm2](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/quick-start/) is used as process manager to restart on error and provie logging:
npm install -g pm2
### Running
1. Make sure that mysql and redis are running
3. Start with
pm2 start ecosystem.yml
> NOTE: On Windows you might have to prepend `npx`, like: `npx pm2 start ecosystem.yml`
### Logging
General logs are in `~/pm2/log/`, you can view them with
pm2 log ppfun
you can flush the logs with
pm2 log flush
Pixel placing logs are in `./log/pixels.log`and proxycheck logs in `./log/proxies.log` in the directory where you start pixelplaent. They get rotated daily and deleted if >14d old.
### Stopping
pm2 stop ppfun
### If using reverse Proxy
If USE\_XREALIP is set, we take the IP from the X-Real-Ip header. Use this if you have pixelplanet running behind a reverse proxy like nginx (recommended). Use the nginx set\_realip module to give us the client ip on the X-Real-Ip header (and set it up so that just cloudflare are trusted proxy IPs, if you use them, or else players could fake their IP). And be sure to also set X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port and set X-Forwarded-Proto, because we use it for CORS and redirecion.
### Auto-Start
To have the canvas with all it's components autostart at systemstart,
enable mysql, redis (and probably nginx if you use it) according to your system (`systemctl enable ...`)
And then setup pm2 startup with:
pm2 startup
(execute as the user that is running pixelplanet)
And follow the printed steps if needed. This will generate a systemctl service file `/etc/systemd/system/pm2-pixelplanet.service` and enable it. You will have to run `pm2 save` while the canvas is running to let pm2 know what to start.
To make sure that mysql and redis are up when pixelplanet starts, edit this service file and modify the lines:
After=network.target mysql.service redis.service
## Hourly Event
Hourly event is an MMORPG style event that launches once in two hours where users have to fight against a growing void that starts at a random position at the main canvas. If they complete it successfully, the whole canvas will have half cooldown for a few minutes.
## Backups and Historical View
PixelPlanet includes a backup script that creates full canvas backups daily in the form of PNG tile files and incremential backups all 15min (or whatever you define) that saves PNG tiles with just the differences since the last full daily backup.
It requires a [second running redis instance](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/multiple-redis-instances-on-ubuntu-16-04).
The backup script gets built when building pixelplanet and also gets copied to `dist/` directory. You can run it with:
Make sure to get the order right, because the backup redis instance will be overwritten every day.
Interval is the time in minutes between incremential backups. If interval is undefined, it will just make one backup and then exit.
If command is defined, it will be executed after every backup (just one command, with no arguments, like "dosomething.sh"), this is useful for synchronisation with a storage server i.e.. Look into `utils/backupServer` for some scripts and info on how to run it.
You can run it with pm2, just like pixelplanet. An example ecosystem-backup.example.yml file will be located in the dist directory.
- You do not have to run backups or historical view, it's optional.
Pixelplanet is able to let the user browse through the past with those backups. For this you need to define `BACKUP_URL` and `BACKUP_DIR` in your ecosystem.yml for pixelplanet.
`BACKUP_URL` is the URL where the backup folder is available. You have to let another server serve those files or use nginx.
`BACKUP_DIR` is the full path of the local directory where the backup is located (whats set as `BACKUP_DIRECTORY` in the command of the backup.js).
## 3D canvas
If v is set and true for a canvas in the canvas.json, it will be a 3D voxel canvas.
3D Canvases can not be seen in Historical View.
## Development
Run `npm run lint:src` to check for code errors and warnings or `npm run lint -- ./your/file.js` to check a single file.
Compile with source-maps and debug options (but only english language) with
npm run build:dev
[ttag](https://github.com/ttag-org/ttag/) is used for handling translations. For server-side rendering the `Accept-Language` header gets checked and the first locale used and on-the-fly translated (`src/core/ttag.js` provides the functions for it). On the client-side a seperate bundle for every language gets provided.
The language definitions in `i18n/template.pot` and `i18n/template-ssr.pot` get updated when doing a full production build with all languages (`npm run build`)-
To build only specific languages, you can define them with the `--langs` flag:
npm run build -- --langs de,gr
You can use `npm run babel-node ./utils/script.js` to execute a script with local babel (path always relative to the root directory).